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Created June 24, 2021 09:39
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Get-AWSSAMLAssertion -rolescope All
foreach ($stsrole in $global:stsroles)
Set-AWSCredentials -AccessKey $stsrole.credentials.AccessKeyId -SecretKey $stsrole.credentials.SecretAccessKey -SessionToken $stsrole.credentials.SessionToken
$checks = Get-ASATrustedAdvisorChecks -Language en
$i = 0
$account = Get-IAMAccountAlias
if ($stsrole.credentials.Expiration -gt (Get-Date))
$ASADetails = @()
$ASADetailsCSV = @()
foreach ($item in $checks)
Write-Verbose -Message "Getting results for $($item.Name) - Number $($i) out of $($checks.Count) for $($account)"
$results = Get-ASATrustedAdvisorCheckResult -CheckId $item.Id
$ASADetailsCSV += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
Account = $account
Check = $item.Name
Description = $item.Description
Category = $item.Category
Status = $results.Status
NumOfFlaggedResources = ($results.FlaggedResources).Count
$ASADetails += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
Check = $item.Name
Description = $item.Description
Category = $item.Category
Status = $results.Status
NumOfFlaggedResources = ($results.FlaggedResources).Count
$ASADetails |
Select-Object -Property Status, NumOfFlaggedResources, Category, Check, Description |
Export-Excel -Path C:\Temp\ASA.xlsx -WorkSheetname $account -AutoSize -AutoFilter -ConditionalText $(
New-ConditionalText -Text error -ConditionalTextColor black -BackgroundColor red
New-ConditionalText -Text ok -ConditionalTextColor black -BackgroundColor green
New-ConditionalText -Text warning -ConditionalTextColor black -BackgroundColor yellow
$ASADetailsCSV |
Select-Object -Property Account, Status, NumOfFlaggedResources, Category, Check, Description |
Export-Csv -NTI -Path C:\Temp\ASA.csv -Append
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