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Last active January 18, 2022 10:41
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  • Save theonlyway/ce65c1b86813e7a0fbd20ddd450fb02e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save theonlyway/ce65c1b86813e7a0fbd20ddd450fb02e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Loop through list of password protected excel files and save them as a csv with new name
# path to the files with a wildcard at the end
$sourcePath = "C:\Repos\excelpassword\*"
# place to save the files
$destPath = "C:\Repos\excelpassword"
# gets a list of all the files but only includes files with the .xlsx extension
$items = Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcePath -Include *.xlsx
# password for the file(s)
$password = 'T&4gh!$Tnw'
# Creates the excel object
$excel = New-Object -comobject Excel.Application
# hides the excel window
$excel.visible = $false
# specifies the suffix to apply
$suffix = "somesuffix"
# specifies the prefix to apply
$prefix = "someprefix"
# loops through all the files found one at a time
$i = 1
foreach ($item in $items)
Write-Host "Opening $($item.fullname) - $i out of $($items.count)"
# opens the workbook with the password
$workbook = $$item.fullname, 0, 0, 5, $password)
# replaces any dashes with underscores in the base name of the file
$baseNameReplaceDashes = ($item.basename).replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '_')
# builds the path and name of the new file based on the original files name and path which means it will save it along side the original but as a csv with the prefix and suffix
$newFileName = $destPath + '\' + $prefix + '_' + $baseNameReplaceDashes + '_' + $suffix + '.csv'
$activesheet = $workbook.ActiveSheet
$worksheet = $workbook.Worksheets.Item($
# Named range called _custom
$datarange = $worksheet.Range("_custom")
# Copies the range to clipboard
# Creates a new workbook in memory
$destworkbook = $excel.Workbooks.Add()
$destsheet = $destworkbook.Worksheets.Item(1)
# Pastes the range to the A1 cell
$excel.DisplayAlerts = 'False'
# saves it as a csv based on
Write-Host "Saving $newFileName"
# Writes out the workbook in memory to file instead of the original $workbook
$destworkbook.SaveAs($newFileName, 6)
# closes the file
# closes excel
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