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Last active April 3, 2018 02:16
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Learning sagas by building pong!
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga';
import { put, take, select } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import './index.css';
const initialGameState = {
// meta
game_on: false,
screen_h: 480,
screen_w: 640,
// player 1 stuffs
p1_x: 0,
p1_y: 190, // (screen_h / 2) - (p1_h / 2)
p1_h: 100,
p1_w: 30,
p1_c: 'blue',
p1_input_up: false,
p1_input_down: false,
p1_score: 0,
// player 2 stuffs
// Optimize: use player1 stats
p2_x: 610, // screen_w - p2_w
p2_y: 190, // (screen_h / 2) - (p2_h / 2)
p2_h: 100,
p2_w: 30,
p2_c: 'red',
p2_input_up: false,
p2_input_down: false,
p2_score: 0,
// pong
pong_y: 232, // (screen_h / 2) - (pong_h / 2)
pong_x: 312, // (screen_w / 2) - (pong_w / 2)
pong_h: 15,
pong_w: 15,
pong_default_h: 15,
pong_default_w: 15,
pong_vx: 5,
pong_vy: 5,
pong_c: 'black',
// Optimize: remove reducer concept and set properties on object
function game(state = initialGameState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'PLAYER_1_INPUT_UP': {
return {
p1_input_up: action.isPressed,
return {
p1_input_down: action.isPressed,
case 'PLAYER_1_MOVE': {
return {
p1_y: action.y,
case 'PLAYER_1_SCORE': {
return {
p1_score: action.score,
case 'PLAYER_2_INPUT_UP': {
return {
p2_input_up: action.isPressed,
return {
p2_input_down: action.isPressed,
case 'PLAYER_2_MOVE': {
return {
p2_y: action.y,
case 'PLAYER_2_SCORE': {
return {
p2_score: action.score,
case 'PONG_UPDATE': {
return {
pong_x: action.x,
pong_y: action.y,
pong_vx: action.vx,
pong_vy: action.vy,
case 'PONG_SHRINK': {
return {
pong_h: action.h,
pong_w: action.w,
case 'STOP': {
return {
game_on: false,
case 'RESTART': {
return {
game_on: true,
p1_score: 0,
p2_score: 0,
pong_x: state.screen_w / 2 - (state.pong_w / 2),
pong_y: state.screen_h / 2 - (state.pong_h / 2),
return state;
// create closure to keep reusable objects for dispatch.
// don't have to keep making new objects.
const actions = (() => {
// p1
const p1_move_action = { type: 'PLAYER_1_MOVE', y: 0 };
const p1_input_up = { type: 'PLAYER_1_INPUT_UP', isPressed: false };
const p1_input_down = { type: 'PLAYER_1_INPUT_DOWN', isPressed: false };
const p1_score = { type: 'PLAYER_1_SCORE', score: 0 };
// p2
const p2_move_action = { type: 'PLAYER_2_MOVE', y: 0 };
const p2_input_up = { type: 'PLAYER_2_INPUT_UP', isPressed: false };
const p2_input_down = { type: 'PLAYER_2_INPUT_DOWN', isPressed: false };
const p2_score = { type: 'PLAYER_2_SCORE', score: 0 };
// pong
const pong_update_action = { type: 'PONG_UPDATE', x: 0, y: 0, vx: 0, vy: 0 };
const pong_shrink_action = { type: 'PONG_SHRINK', h: 0, w: 0 };
// meta actions to get into saga land...
const tick_action = { type: 'TICK' };
const stop_action = { type: 'STOP' };
const restart_action = { type: 'RESTART' };
return {
// player 1 actions
movePlayer1: y => {
p1_move_action.y = y;
return p1_move_action;
p1InputUp: isPressed => {
p1_input_up.isPressed = isPressed;
return p1_input_up;
p1InputDown: isPressed => {
p1_input_down.isPressed = isPressed;
return p1_input_down;
p1Score: score => {
p1_score.score = score;
return p1_score;
p2InputUp: isPressed => {
p2_input_up.isPressed = isPressed;
return p2_input_up;
p2InputDown: isPressed => {
p2_input_down.isPressed = isPressed;
return p2_input_down;
// player 2 actions
movePlayer2: y => {
p2_move_action.y = y;
return p2_move_action;
p2Score: score => {
p2_score.score = score;
return p2_score;
// pong actions
pongUpdate: (x, y, vx, vy) => {
pong_update_action.x = x;
pong_update_action.y = y;
pong_update_action.vx = vx;
pong_update_action.vy = vy;
return pong_update_action;
pongShrink: (h, w) => {
pong_shrink_action.h = h;
pong_shrink_action.w = w;
return pong_shrink_action;
// meta actions
tick: () => tick_action,
stop: () => stop_action,
restart: () => restart_action,
const selectors = ({
state: state => state,
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware();
const store = createStore(game, applyMiddleware(sagaMiddleware));
const cvs = document.querySelector('#cvs');
const ctx = cvs.getContext('2d');
function* gameSaga() {
console.log('game physics boot up');
while (true) {
// wait for the tick action
yield take('TICK');
const {
screen_w, screen_h,
p1_input_up, p1_input_down,
p1_x, p1_y,
p1_w, p1_h,
p2_input_up, p2_input_down,
p2_x, p2_y,
pong_x, pong_y, pong_vx, pong_vy,
pong_w, pong_h,
pong_default_w, pong_default_h,
} = yield select(selectors.state);
// Optimize: put input updates in separate saga
if (p1_input_up) {
const new_y = p1_y - 10 < 0 ? 0 : p1_y - 10;
yield put(actions.movePlayer1(new_y));
} else if (p1_input_down) {
const new_y = (p1_y + 10 + p1_h) < screen_h ? p1_y + 10 : screen_h - p1_h;
yield put(actions.movePlayer1(new_y));
if (p2_input_up) {
const new_y = p2_y - 10 < 0 ? 0 : p2_y - 10;
yield put(actions.movePlayer2(new_y));
} else if (p2_input_down) {
const new_y = (p2_y + 10 + p2_h) < screen_h ? p2_y + 10 : screen_h - p2_h;
yield put(actions.movePlayer2(new_y));
// Optimize: put collision logic into separate saga
// calculate temp new positions before bounds checking
let new_x = pong_x + pong_vx;
let new_y = pong_y + pong_vy;
let new_vx = pong_vx;
let new_vy = pong_vy;
// bounds checking moving right/left
if (pong_vx >= 0) {
// check for collision with p2
const pong_right = pong_x + pong_w;
const p2_bottom = p2_y + p2_h;
const isCollidingP2 = (pong_right > p2_x && pong_y >= p2_y && pong_y + pong_h <= p2_bottom);
// bounce away
if (isCollidingP2) {
new_x = p2_x - pong_w - 1; // -1 so it isn't always colliding
new_vx = new_vx * -1;
yield put(actions.pongShrink(pong_w - 1, pong_h - 1));
} else {
const isCollidingScreen = (pong_right >= screen_w);
if (isCollidingScreen) {
// score p1
yield put(actions.p1Score(p1_score + 1));
yield put(actions.pongShrink(pong_default_h, pong_default_w));
// reset pong
new_x = (screen_w / 2) - (pong_default_w / 2);
new_y = (screen_h / 2) - (pong_default_h / 2);
} else {
// check for collision with p1
const p1_right = p1_x + p1_w
const p1_bottom = p1_y + p1_h;
const isCollidingP1 = (pong_x < p1_right && pong_y >= p1_y && pong_y + pong_h <= p1_bottom);
// bounce away
if (isCollidingP1) {
new_x = p1_right + 1;
new_vx = new_vx * -1;
yield put(actions.pongShrink(pong_w - 1, pong_h - 1));
} else {
const isCollidingScreen = (pong_x <= 0);
if (isCollidingScreen) {
// score p2
yield put(actions.p2Score(p2_score + 1));
yield put(actions.pongShrink(pong_default_h, pong_default_w));
// reset pong
new_x = (screen_w / 2) - (pong_default_w / 2);
new_y = (screen_h / 2) - (pong_default_h / 2);
// bounds checking moving down/up
if (pong_vy >= 0) {
// check for collision with bottom
const isCollidingBottom = pong_y + pong_h > screen_h;
if (isCollidingBottom) {
new_y = screen_h - pong_h;
new_vy = new_vy * -1;
} else {
// check for collision with top
const isCollidingTop = pong_y < 0;
if (isCollidingTop) {
new_y = 0;
new_vy = new_vy * -1;
// update pong position
yield put(actions.pongUpdate(new_x, new_y, new_vx, new_vy));
// unreachable...
let prafId = null;
function update() {
prafId = window.requestAnimationFrame(update);
if (store.getState().game_on) {
let rafId = null;
function render() {
rafId = window.requestAnimationFrame(render);
const {
screen_w, screen_h,
p1_x, p1_y,
p1_w, p1_h,
p1_score, p1_c,
p2_x, p2_y,
p2_w, p2_h,
p2_score, p2_c,
pong_x, pong_y,
pong_w, pong_h,
} = store.getState();
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, screen_w, screen_h);
// draw p1
ctx.fillStyle = p1_c;
ctx.fillRect(p1_x, p1_y, p1_w, p1_h);
// draw p2
ctx.fillStyle = p2_c;
ctx.fillRect(p2_x, p2_y, p2_w, p2_h);
// draw pong
ctx.fillStyle = pong_c;
ctx.fillRect(pong_x, pong_y, pong_w, pong_h);
// draw p1 score
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
ctx.fillText(p1_score, screen_w / 2 - 50, 10);
// draw p2 score
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
ctx.fillText(p2_score, screen_w / 2 + 50, 10);
// player inputs
window.addEventListener('keydown', ev => {
const { p1_input_up, p1_input_down, p2_input_up, p2_input_down } = store.getState();
switch (ev.keyCode) {
// player 1 up/down
// f/v for p1 up/down
case 70:
return !p1_input_up && store.dispatch(actions.p1InputUp(true));
case 86:
return !p1_input_down && store.dispatch(actions.p1InputDown(true));
// player 2 up/down
// j/n for p2 up/down
case 74:
return !p2_input_up && store.dispatch(actions.p2InputUp(true));
case 78:
return !p2_input_down && store.dispatch(actions.p2InputDown(true));
// debug -- kill
case 27: {
console.log('HALT IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE!');
// cancel the physics saga and tick
// cancel the rendering loop
// release inputs
window.addEventListener('keyup', ev => {
const { p1_input_up, p1_input_down, p2_input_up, p2_input_down } = store.getState();
switch (ev.keyCode) {
// f/v for p1 up/down
case 70:
return p1_input_up && store.dispatch(actions.p1InputUp(false));
case 86:
return p1_input_down && store.dispatch(actions.p1InputDown(false));
// j/n for p2 up/down
case 74:
return p2_input_up && store.dispatch(actions.p2InputUp(false));
case 78:
return p2_input_down && store.dispatch(actions.p2InputDown(false));
// my super awesome UI Framework: innerHTML!
const instructions = document.createElement('div');
instructions.innerHTML = `
<h4>Classic Pong with a twist: The ball shrinks as it is bounced back!</h4>
<p>Player 1: F / V to move UP / DOWN</p>
<p>Player 2: J / N to move UP / DOWN</p>
<p>ESC key to kill the game/rendering loop</p>
const [startBtn, stopBtn] = document.querySelectorAll('button');
startBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
stopBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
// run the loops n stuff;
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