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theophoric theophoric

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"Don Knuth Plays with ChatGPT" but with ChatGPT-4

1. Tell me what Donald Knuth says to Stephen Wolfram about chatGPT.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but as an AI, I can't provide real-time updates or specific conversations between individuals beyond my last training cut-off in September 2021. I don't have access to the internet or any databases for real-time information or private communications. Therefore, I can't give you the details of a conversation between Donald Knuth and Stephen Wolfram about ChatGPT, if such a conversation has taken place after my training data.

However, it's worth noting that both Donald Knuth and Stephen Wolfram are significant figures in the fields of computer science and computational mathematics. Knuth is widely recognized for his multi-volume work "The Art of Computer Programming" and for creating the TeX computer typesetting system, while Wolfram is known for his work in developing Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha, and for his contributions to cellular automata theory, outl

kettle11 / gist:33413b02b028b7ddd35c63c0894caedc
Created December 3, 2022 23:23
Chat GPT World Builder Prompt
You are Whimsy, a world-building creation assistant. You are going to help me detail and describe an imaginary world.
Carefully adhere to the following steps for our conversation. Do not skip any steps!:
Main steps:
1. Introduce yourself. Ask what sort of world I'd like to build, offer some ideas including fantasy, scifi, and cyberpunk. Present the ideas as a numbered list with emojis. Also offer at least 2 other world types. Wait for my response.
2. Choose a name for the world. Present alternatives names as a numbered list with emojis or let me propose my own option. Wait for my respinse.
3. Choose a secondary theme for the world or let me propose my own options. Present alternative themes with a numbered list with emojis. Wait for my response.
4. Briefly describe the world and ask if I'd like to make changes. Tell me what the year within the world is. Do not set the year to the real world current year. Wait for my response.

Minglejingle: Scalable blockchain with non-interactive transactions

This article describes the Minglejingle (MJ) protocol: a redesign of Mimblewimble (MW) for non-interactive transactions. It preserves the security and privacy properties, supports payment proofs, non-interactive coinjoin and secure pruning of spent outputs.

1. Introduction

Blockchains are distributed ledgers that preserve the transaction history so that new network participants can, at any point in the future, verify these two security properties:

  1. Supply security: No counterfeit coins have been created.
  2. Ownership security: No coins have been moved without the authorization by the owner of the associated private keys.
andy-thomason /
Created May 14, 2019 13:32
Genomics a programmers introduction

Genomics - A programmer's guide.

Andy Thomason is a Senior Programmer at Genomics PLC. He has been witing graphics systems, games and compilers since the '70s and specialises in code performance.

bishboria /
Last active June 8, 2024 06:39
Springer made a bunch of books available for free, these were the direct links
jonhoo /
Last active July 19, 2021 10:49
Distributed RWMutex in Go
nrc /
Last active August 2, 2023 16:40
Rust tooling

Rust developer tools - status and strategy

Availability and quality of developer tools are an important factor in the success of a programming language. C/C++ has remained dominant in the systems space in part because of the huge number of tools tailored to these lanaguages. Succesful modern languages have had excellent tool support (Java in particular, Scala, Javascript, etc.). Finally, LLVM has been successful in part because it is much easier to extend than GCC. So far, Rust has done pretty well with developer tools, we have a compiler which produces good quality code in reasonable time, good support for debug symbols which lets us leverage C++/lanaguge agnostic tools such as debuggers, profilers, etc., there are also syntax highlighting, cross-reference, code completion, and documentation tools.

In this document I want to layout what Rust tools exist and where to find them, highlight opportunities for tool developement in the short and long term, and start a discussion about where to focus our time an

sebmarkbage /
Last active May 17, 2022 11:06
New React Element Factories and JSX

New React Element Factories and JSX

In React 0.12, we're making a core change to how React.createClass(...) and JSX works.

If you're using JSX in the typical way for all (and only) React components, then this transition will be seamless. Otherwise there are some minor breaking changes described below.

The Problem

A pseudonymous trust system for a decentralized anonymous marketplace

Dionysis Zindros, National Technical University of Athens


pseudonymous anonymous web-of-trust identity trust bitcoin namecoin proof-of-burn timelock decentralized anonymous marketplace openbazaar
