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Last active July 11, 2021 22:05
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- name: Deploy VM based on Requested Size
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
- vars/sizes-vars.yaml
- name: strname
prompt: "\nPlease enter the VM name"
private: no
- name: vm_size
prompt: |
Enter the size number to select the requested size.
1 - Small (2cpus 4g mem)
2 - Medium (2cpus 8g mem)
3 - Large (4cpus 12g mem)
private: no
- set_fact:
size: "small"
when: vm_size == '1'
- set_fact:
size: "medium"
when: vm_size == '2'
- set_fact:
size: "large"
when: vm_size == '3'
- name: Debug the variable for CPU
msg: >-
Creating VM {{ strname|lower }}
with {{ vm_cpu_size[size] }} vCPUs
and {{ vm_mem_size[size] }}MB of RAM
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