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Last active November 28, 2016 14:05
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  • Save theor/0f3cbae332da0a6cdf47 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save theor/0f3cbae332da0a6cdf47 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Redux.Net counter sample in f#, with a couple of helper types
// needs the nuget package
#r "PresentationCore.dll"
#r "PresentationFramework.dll"
#r "../packages/Redux.NET.0.2.0/lib/portable-net45+netcore45/Redux.dll"
#r "System.Core.dll"
#r "System.dll"
#r "../packages/Rx-Core.2.2.5/lib/net45/System.Reactive.Core.dll"
#r "../packages/Rx-Interfaces.2.2.5/lib/net45/System.Reactive.Interfaces.dll"
#r "../packages/Rx-Linq.2.2.5/lib/net45/System.Reactive.Linq.dll"
#r "../packages/Rx-PlatformServices.2.2.5/lib/net45/System.Reactive.PlatformServices.dll"
#r "System.Xaml.dll"
#r "UIAutomationTypes.dll"
#r "WindowsBase.dll"
// F# boilerplate
/// A Redux IAction containing a value - intended for discriminated unions
type FAction<'a>(value) =
member val Value: 'a = value
interface Redux.IAction
/// Takes a F# function and return a wrapped Func applying this function to the FAction Value
let reducerBoilerplate (reducer:'a->'b->'a) : System.Func<'a,#Redux.IAction,'a> =
let inner state (action:Redux.IAction) =
match action with
| :? FAction<_> as faction -> reducer state faction.Value
| _ -> state
// View (could use FsXaml instead, done by hand for brevity)
open System
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Controls
type CounterWindow() as this =
inherit Window()
let tb = TextBlock()
let badd = Button()
let bsub = Button()
let sp = StackPanel()
this.Content <- sp
sp.Children.Add tb |> ignore
badd.Content <- "+"
sp.Children.Add badd |> ignore
bsub.Content <- "-"
sp.Children.Add bsub |> ignore
member this.CounterRun:TextBlock = tb
member this.AddButton:Button = badd
member this.SubButton:Button = bsub
// Action and reducer
type CounterAction = Inc | Dec
let reducer state value =
match value with
| Inc -> state + 1
| Dec -> state - 1
let main argv =
let store = Redux.Store(0, reducerBoilerplate reducer)
let w = CounterWindow()
// View-action wiring
store.Add(fun i -> w.CounterRun.Text <- i.ToString())
w.AddButton.Click.Add (fun _ -> FAction Inc |> store.Dispatch)
w.SubButton.Click.Add (fun _ -> FAction Dec |> store.Dispatch)
let app = new Application()
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