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Created March 5, 2019 18:30
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// Auto Docking
// Author: Spug
// Please leave credit if the ship is
// used on the workshop.
// Changeable variables:
double maxSpeed = 8; //Limits the speed while moving to the connector to roughly this value.
double acceleration = 4; // Acceleration of the approach to the connector. (Meters per second)
double decceleration = 6; // Opposite to above, increase this if overshooting. (overshooting is caused by too much mass for the thruster power) (Meters per second)
double verticalAcceleration = 1; // Acceleration downwards towards the docking port
double verticalDecceleration = 1.2; // Deceleration when moving towards the docking port
double verticalApproachSpeed = 1; // The relative speed at which the ship will attempt to approach at (no particular unit)
double connectorClearance = 5; // The height the ship will rise to above the connector (Eg if there are trees of height 10, it could rise above them) (Minimum of 1m)
double hangarHeight = 9999; // MUST BE at least 2m larger than connectorClearance. This is the height the ship will make sure it's below.
double hangarCorrectionSpeed = 6; // Speed at which it rises or lowers to get into the hangar.
bool spinsWhenConnected = true; // If true, the ship will rotate to match the connector's direction once it has docked.
bool spinsBeforeConnecting = true; // If true, the ship will rotate to match the connector's direction when it's moving down to dock in true Star Wars fashion.
bool largeShipsSpinToo = false; // If false, large ships won't spin no matter what the settings are above.
bool onlySpinsClockwise = false; // If true, while docked, the ship will only rotate clockwise instead of taking the shortest rotation adding extra coolness.
double spinSpeedOnConnector = 2; // Maximum speed the ship will rotate at on the connector.
double maximumSuccessAngle = 0.025; // The angle in radians at which the program determines it's successfully docked.
double spinStartDistance = 4; // Distance away the ship will be when it begins to spin around.
double runwaySuccessDistance = 4; // The distance away the ship will be from the runway marker (excluding vertical distance) when it then goes to the next one.
double maxRunwaySpeed = 7; // Rough value, might be slightly faster than this.
string connectorTag = "[Dock]"; // The tag on the name of the connector - must be unique for that ship. - can't be the same as the tag on the optional script.
string antennaTag = "[Dock]"; // (Optional script) The tag on the name of the antenna - only relevent for using with the optional script. - can't be the same as the tag on the optional script.
string timerblockTag = "[Dock]"; // Completely optional. A timer with this tag gets activated once docking is complete.
string cockpitblockTag = "[Dock]"; // Completely optional. A cockpit/remote/flight seat with this tag gets prioritised as your main one if you're using a mod.
string runwayArgumentTag = "Runway"; // Tag required in the argument for the ship to use the runway
//////TECHNICAL Changeable variables:
double spinAngle = 0.1; //Don't change unless you don't want your ship to spin round. Can cause issues.
double maxConnectorDistanceX = 2; // Maximum distance from the home connector the ship will be before it docks. (Measured by how lined up it is, eg 0.01 is almost perfectly in line)
double gravityMultiplier = 1.05; // Gravity is artificially increased by this multiplier to make atmospheric landings more energetic and less like I'm hauling the ship up by it's toes.
double retryDistance = 3; // If the ship is further from this distance it'll fly above connectorClearence and have another go.
bool gridCheck = true; //Set to false if you want this to operate with multiple grids.
float gyroSpeed = 10;
bool multiplayerFix = false; // If your ship is bobbing above the connector and not lowering, set this to true.
double multiplayerFixPower = 0.1; // How strong the fix is applied. (The maximum angle at which it deems it's at a correct angle)
bool overrideAtmosphericSpinning = false; //The script automatically turns off spinning before connector if the script detects it could be dangerous for the ship to spin. This overrides that.
Vector3D homePos = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
Vector3D homeDirection = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
Vector3D homeUp = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
List<Vector3D> homePositions = new List<Vector3D>();
List<Vector3D> homeDirections = new List<Vector3D>();
List<Vector3D> homeUps = new List<Vector3D>();
List<string> homeNames = new List<string>();
List<string> connectorNames = new List<string>();
List<Vector3D> runwayPositions = new List<Vector3D>();
List<Vector3D> runwayDirections = new List<Vector3D>();
List<Vector3D> runwayForwards = new List<Vector3D>();
string runwayHome = "";
int currentRunwayMarker = 0;
string homeConnectorName = "";
string currentArg = "";
IMyShipConnector myConnector;
List<IMyShipConnector> myConnectors = new List<IMyShipConnector>();
List<IMyThrust> thrusters = new List<IMyThrust>();
List<IMyGyro> gyros = new List<IMyGyro>();
Vector3 velocityVector = new Vector3();
Vector3 lastPosition = new Vector3();
Vector3 lastHomePosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
Vector3 additionalVelocityVector = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
DateTime lastCheck = DateTime.MinValue;
DateTime lastCheckHome = DateTime.MinValue;
IMyShipController cockpit = null;
IMyRadioAntenna antenna = null;
IMyTimerBlock timer = null;
bool isLargeShip = false;
double maxRotation = 0;
bool docking = false;
DateTime lastAntennaArg = DateTime.MinValue;
public Program()
Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Once;
maxRotation = 0;
maxSpeed = maxSpeed * 0.77;
maxRunwaySpeed = maxRunwaySpeed * 0.77;
void instVariables()
bool error = false;
List<IMyTerminalBlock> blocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
String Definition = Me.BlockDefinition.ToString();
String[] DefinitionFragments = Definition.Split('/');
//String BlockType = DefinitionFragments[0].Substring(DefinitionFragments[0].IndexOf("_") + 1);
int BlockStrPos = DefinitionFragments[1].IndexOf("Block");
String BlockSize = DefinitionFragments[1].Substring(0, BlockStrPos);
if (BlockSize.Contains("Large"))
isLargeShip = true;
foreach (var block in blocks)
if (block is IMyShipConnector)
if (block.CustomName.ToLower().Contains(connectorTag.ToLower()) && (Me.CubeGrid.CustomName == block.CubeGrid.CustomName || gridCheck == false))
myConnector = (IMyShipConnector)block;
if (gridCheck == false)
if (myConnector.Status == MyShipConnectorStatus.Connected)
Echo("GridCheck is off and you are connected to home, please disconnect and recompile\n");
myConnector = null;
if (myConnector != null)
IMyShipConnector tempblock = (IMyShipConnector)block;
else if (block is IMyRadioAntenna)
if (block.CustomName.ToLower().Contains(antennaTag.ToLower()) && (Me.CubeGrid.CustomName == block.CubeGrid.CustomName || gridCheck == false))
antenna = (IMyRadioAntenna)block;
if (myConnector == null)
throw new Exception("\nNo connector found with\n" + connectorTag + " in the name.");
if (antenna != null)
Echo("Found antenna with tag " + antennaTag);
bool hasFoundCockpit = false;
foreach (var block in blocks)
if (block is IMyShipController)
if ((block.CubeGrid.ToString() == myConnector.CubeGrid.ToString() || gridCheck == false) && hasFoundCockpit == false)
cockpit = (IMyShipController)block;
if (block.CustomName.ToLower().Contains(cockpitblockTag.ToLower()))
hasFoundCockpit = true;
Echo("Found controller/remote with tag " + cockpitblockTag);
if (block is IMyTimerBlock)
if ((block.CubeGrid.ToString() == Me.CubeGrid.ToString() || gridCheck == false) && block.CustomName.ToLower().Contains(timerblockTag.ToLower()))
timer = (IMyTimerBlock)block;
Echo("Found " + timer.CustomName + ".");
if (cockpit == null)
Echo("No cockpit/remote found on board, could cause weight issues.");
runwayPositions = new List<Vector3D>();
runwayDirections = new List<Vector3D>();
runwayForwards = new List<Vector3D>();
runwayHome = "";
if (error == false)
if (Storage.Length > 1)
int runwayCount = 0;
char mainDelimiter = '!';
string[] allMemories = Storage.Split(mainDelimiter);
foreach (var memory in allMemories)
char delimiter = ',';
string[] partsToMemory = memory.Split(delimiter);
if (partsToMemory[0] == "Runway" || partsToMemory[0] == "RunwayHome")
if (partsToMemory[0] == "Runway")
runwayCount += 1;
Vector3D runPos = new Vector3D();
Vector3D.TryParse(partsToMemory[1], out runPos);
Vector3D runDi = new Vector3D();
Vector3D.TryParse(partsToMemory[2], out runDi);
Vector3D runFor = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
if (partsToMemory.Length >= 4)
Vector3D.TryParse(partsToMemory[3], out runFor);
runwayHome = partsToMemory[1];
if (partsToMemory.Length == 4 | partsToMemory.Length == 5)
homePos = new Vector3D();
Vector3D.TryParse(partsToMemory[0], out homePos);
homeDirection = new Vector3D();
Vector3D.TryParse(partsToMemory[1], out homeDirection);
homeUp = new Vector3D();
Vector3D.TryParse(partsToMemory[2], out homeUp);
homeConnectorName = partsToMemory[3];
if (partsToMemory.Length == 4)
Echo("\nAssociated: '" + homeConnectorName + "' with no argument");
if (partsToMemory[4] == "")
partsToMemory[4] = "NOARG";
if (partsToMemory[4] == "NOARG")
Echo("\nAssociated: '" + homeConnectorName + "' with no argument");
Echo("\nAssociated: '" + homeConnectorName + "' with argument: " + partsToMemory[4]);
Echo("Corrupted memory, maybe a comma used in a name");
homePos = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
homeDirection = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
homeUp = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
error = true;
if (error == false)
foreach (var thruster in thrusters)
if ((thruster.CubeGrid.CustomName == Me.CubeGrid.CustomName || gridCheck == false))
thruster.SetValueFloat("Override", 0f);
if (runwayCount > 0)
Echo("\nFound " + runwayCount + " runway markers.");
Echo("\nReady to dock.");
Echo("[WARNING] No Home Found.\nDock with a connector then run script");
public void reset()
homePos = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
homeDirection = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
homeUp = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
homeConnectorName = "";
runwayHome = "";
maxRotation = 0;
docking = false;
Echo("Reset to have no home");
Storage = "";
Vector3D GetConnectorApproach(IMyShipConnector connector, int distanceBlocks)
Vector3D coord = connector.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(connector.Position +
Base6Directions.GetIntVector(connector.Orientation.Forward) * distanceBlocks);
return coord;
Vector3D GetConnectorDirection(IMyShipConnector connector)
Vector3D v_con = connector.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(connector.Position);
Vector3D v_app = GetConnectorApproach(connector, 1);
Vector3D v_offset = v_app - v_con;
Vector3D v_normalized = v_offset / Math.Sqrt(v_offset.X * v_offset.X + v_offset.Y * v_offset.Y + v_offset.Z * v_offset.Z);
return v_normalized;
Vector3D GetConnectorApproach(IMyShipConnector connector, float distanceMeters)
Vector3D v_con = connector.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(connector.Position);
Vector3D v_app = GetConnectorApproach(connector, 1);
Vector3D v_offset = v_app - v_con;
Vector3D v_normalized = v_offset / Math.Sqrt(v_offset.X * v_offset.X + v_offset.Y * v_offset.Y + v_offset.Z * v_offset.Z);
Vector3D coord = v_con + v_normalized;
return coord;
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource)
if (updateSource == UpdateType.Update10)
if (docking == false)
Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.None;
Echo("Stopped Docking.\n\nAwaiting orders.");
maxRotation = 0;
if (myConnector.Status == MyShipConnectorStatus.Connectable && (homePos - myConnector.GetPosition()).Length() < 5)
if (timer != null)
if (myConnector.Status == MyShipConnectorStatus.Connected)
if (timer != null)
else if (updateSource == UpdateType.Trigger | updateSource == UpdateType.Terminal | updateSource == UpdateType.Antenna | updateSource == UpdateType.Script)
if ((argument == "reset" | argument == "Reset") && updateSource != UpdateType.Antenna)
if (docking == true)
if (updateSource != UpdateType.Antenna)
docking = false;
else if (argument != "reset" && argument != "Reset")
if (myConnector.Status == MyShipConnectorStatus.Connected)
if (argument.ToLower() == "nearest")
Echo("WARNING:\nThe argument nearest\nis used to dock to the\nnearest connector, please\nuse a different home name.");
if (argument == "")
else// if (tooSoonCatch == false)
// Start Dock Sequence
int indexOfIntendedDock = -1;
bool errored = false;
if (homePositions.Count > 0)
if (argument.ToLower() == "nearest")
Vector3 myPos = myConnector.GetPosition();
double closestDist = 9999999999;
for (int i = 0; i < homePositions.Count; i++)
double dist = Vector3D.Distance(homePositions[i], myPos);
if (dist < closestDist)
indexOfIntendedDock = i;
closestDist = dist;
if (indexOfIntendedDock == -1)
Echo("WARNING:\nFinding nearest connector\nfailed.");
Echo("Docking to nearest connector.");
for (int i = 0; i < homePositions.Count; i++)
if (homeNames[i] == argument || (argument == "" && homeNames[i] == "") || (argument == "" && homeNames[i] == "NOARG"))
if (homePositions[i] != new Vector3D(0, 0, 0) && homeDirections[i] != new Vector3D(0, 0, 0) && homeUps[i] != new Vector3D(0, 0, 0))
if (indexOfIntendedDock != -1)
Echo("Multiple docks found for that argument.\nPicking the latest one.");
indexOfIntendedDock = i;
errored = true;
Echo("[WARNING] No Home Found\nDock with a connector then run script");
if (indexOfIntendedDock != -1)
Echo("Docking to connector: '" + connectorNames[indexOfIntendedDock] + "'");
homePos = homePositions[indexOfIntendedDock];
homeDirection = homeDirections[indexOfIntendedDock];
homeConnectorName = connectorNames[indexOfIntendedDock];
homeUp = homeUps[indexOfIntendedDock];
currentRunwayMarker = 0;
currentArg = homeNames[indexOfIntendedDock];
docking = true;
lastHomePosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update10;
maxRotation = 0;
if (errored == false)
Echo("[WARNING] No Home Found Associated with that argument.\nDock with a connector then run script");
if (argument.Contains("Pos,"))
Char delimiter = ',';
String[] argArr = argument.Split(delimiter);
if (argArr.Length == 5 && argArr[1] == Me.CubeGrid.CustomName + currentArg)
Vector3D.TryParse(argArr[2], out homePos);
Vector3D.TryParse(argArr[3], out homeDirection);
Vector3D.TryParse(argArr[4], out homeUp);
var stamp2 = DateTime.Now;
if (lastHomePosition != new Vector3(0, 0, 0) && (lastCheckHome != DateTime.MinValue) && (stamp2 - lastCheckHome).TotalMilliseconds > 50)
var elapsedTime = (stamp2 - lastCheckHome).TotalMilliseconds;
additionalVelocityVector = (homePos - lastHomePosition) / (float)elapsedTime;
lastHomePosition = homePos;
lastHomePosition = homePos;
lastCheckHome = stamp2;
else if (argArr.Length != 5)
Echo("Warning, couldn't find home, ensure both scripts are up to date");
else if (argument == "Connector not found")
Echo("WARNING,\n the home connector hasn't been found,\n check to make sure it's name hasn't\n been changed or the whole thing removed");
public void sendMessage(string message)
if (antenna != null)
string oString = message + "," + homeConnectorName + "," + Me.CubeGrid.CustomName + "," + currentArg;
public void requestDockPosition()
string oString = "DockRequest," + homeConnectorName + "," + Me.CubeGrid.CustomName + currentArg;
antenna.TransmitMessage(oString, MyTransmitTarget.Everyone);
public void findAndSetConnector(string arg)
List<IMyShipConnector> Connectors = new List<IMyShipConnector>();
double closestDist = 999999;
IMyShipConnector closestConnector = null;
foreach (var connector in Connectors)
if (myConnector.CubeGrid.ToString() != connector.CubeGrid.ToString())
Vector3 myConnectorPos = myConnector.GetPosition();
Vector3 otherConnectorPos = connector.GetPosition();
double dist = Vector3.Distance(myConnectorPos, otherConnectorPos);
if (dist < closestDist)
closestDist = dist;
closestConnector = connector;
if (closestConnector == null)
throw new Exception("\nSomething went wrong when finding the connector.\nReconnect and try again.\n(Check you've attatched with the " + connectorTag + " connector)");
if (arg == "")
arg = "NOARG";
if (arg.ToLower().Contains(runwayArgumentTag.ToLower()))
homePos = closestConnector.GetPosition();
homeDirection = GetConnectorDirection(closestConnector);
homeConnectorName = closestConnector.CustomName;
homeUp = closestConnector.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(closestConnector.Position + Base6Directions.GetIntVector(closestConnector.Orientation.Up));
homeUp = connectorDirectionOut(homeDirection, homeUp, homePos, homeConnectorName);
// fwd = 0 + directional
// up = pos + directional
// pos = pos
// OUTPUT = pos + directional
if (homeNames.Count > 0)
bool updated = false;
for (int i = 0; i < homeNames.Count; i++)
if (homeNames[i] == arg)
homePositions[i] = homePos;
homeDirections[i] = homeDirection;
homeUps[i] = homeUp;
homeNames[i] = arg;
connectorNames[i] = homeConnectorName;
Echo("Updated existing association.\n");
updated = true;
if (updated == false)
//List<Vector3D> homeDirections = new List<Vector3D>();
//List<Vector3D> homeUps = new List<Vector3D>();
//List<string> homeNames = new List<string>();
//List<string> connectorNames = new List<string>();
if (arg == "" || arg == "NOARG")
Echo("Associated connector\n'" + closestConnector.CustomName + "'\nwith no argument.");
Echo("Associated connector\n'" + closestConnector.CustomName + "'\nwith the argument:\n" + arg);
//if (homePositions.Count == 0)
// Storage = homePos.ToString() + "," + homeDirection.ToString() + "," + homeUp.ToString() + "," + homeConnectorName + "," + arg;
string currentString = "";
for (int i = 0; i < homeNames.Count; i++)
if (i > 0)
currentString = currentString + "!" + homePositions[i].ToString() + "," + homeDirections[i].ToString() + "," + homeUps[i].ToString() + "," + connectorNames[i] + "," + homeNames[i];
currentString = homePositions[0].ToString() + "," + homeDirections[0].ToString() + "," + homeUps[0].ToString() + "," + connectorNames[0] + "," + homeNames[0];
if (runwayPositions.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < runwayPositions.Count; i++)
currentString = currentString + "!Runway," + runwayPositions[i].ToString() + "," + runwayDirections[i].ToString() + "," + runwayForwards[i].ToString();
if (runwayHome != "")
currentString = currentString + "!RunwayHome," + runwayHome;
//runwayHome = "";
Storage = currentString;
Vector3 connectorDirectionOut(Vector3 fwd, Vector3 up, Vector3 pos, string connName)
// fwd = 0 + directional
// up = pos + directional
// pos = pos
// OUTPUT = pos + directional
connName = connName.ToLower();
if (connName.Contains("[") && connName.Contains("]"))
int fbracketIndex = connName.LastIndexOf("[");
int lbracketIndex = connName.LastIndexOf("]");
if (lbracketIndex > fbracketIndex)
string centralText = connName.Substring(fbracketIndex + 1, lbracketIndex - fbracketIndex - 1);
double num;
if (double.TryParse(centralText, out num) && "[" + centralText + "]" != antennaTag && "[" + centralText + "]" != connectorTag && "[" + centralText + "]" != timerblockTag)
Vector3 upNorm = up - pos;
Echo("\nFound a " + num + " degree rotation");
num = (num / 360) * Math.PI * -2;
// Rotate
VRageMath.Matrix rotationMatrix = VRageMath.Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(fwd, (float)num);
Vector3D outUp = VRageMath.Vector3D.Transform((Vector3D)upNorm, rotationMatrix);
return pos + (Vector3)outUp;
return up;
return up;
return up;
public void checkRunway()
List<IMyTerminalBlock> blocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
List<IMyTerminalBlock> successBlocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
List<double> successBlockPositions = new List<double>();
int count = 0;
runwayHome = "";
foreach (var block in blocks)
if (block.CustomName.ToLower().Contains("[") && block.CustomName.ToLower().Contains("]") && block is IMyTextPanel)
string name = block.CustomName.ToLower();
int fbracketIndex = name.LastIndexOf("[");
int lbracketIndex = name.LastIndexOf("]");
if (lbracketIndex > fbracketIndex)
string centralText = name.Substring(fbracketIndex + 1, lbracketIndex - fbracketIndex - 1);
double num;
if (double.TryParse(centralText, out num) && "[" + centralText + "]" != antennaTag && "[" + centralText + "]" != connectorTag && "[" + centralText + "]" != timerblockTag)
count += 1;
//runwayHome = "";
List<IMyTerminalBlock> orderedBlocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
List<double> orderedPositions = new List<double>();
int total = successBlocks.Count;
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < total; i1++)
if (successBlocks.Count > 0)
double lowestAmount = 999999;
int lowestIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < successBlockPositions.Count; i++)
if (successBlockPositions[i] < lowestAmount)
lowestIndex = i;
lowestAmount = successBlockPositions[i];
for (int i = 0; i < orderedPositions.Count; i++)
Vector3 direction = orderedBlocks[i].CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(orderedBlocks[i].Position + (Base6Directions.GetIntVector(orderedBlocks[i].Orientation.Forward) * -1));
Vector3 normDirection = normalize(direction - orderedBlocks[i].GetPosition());
Vector3 direction2 = orderedBlocks[i].CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(orderedBlocks[i].Position + (Base6Directions.GetIntVector(orderedBlocks[i].Orientation.Up)));
//Vector3 normDirection2 = normalize(direction2 - orderedBlocks[i].GetPosition());
runwayHome = orderedBlocks[0].CubeGrid.ToString();
if (count > 0)
Echo("Set runway. Found " + count + " markers.");
public void manageMovement()
double distanceToAdj = 9999;
bool isFinalConnector = true;
Vector3 posOut = homePos;
Vector3 dirOut = homeDirection;
if (currentArg.ToLower().Contains(runwayArgumentTag.ToLower()))
int totalCount = runwayPositions.Count;
if (currentRunwayMarker < totalCount)
posOut = runwayPositions[currentRunwayMarker];
dirOut = runwayDirections[currentRunwayMarker];
isFinalConnector = false;
double distance = dock(posOut, dirOut, isFinalConnector);
align(posOut, dirOut);
if (isFinalConnector)
distanceToAdj = distance;
if (distance < runwaySuccessDistance)
currentRunwayMarker += 1;
distanceToAdj = dock(homePos, homeDirection, true);
align(homePos, homeDirection);
if (isLargeShip && largeShipsSpinToo == false)
spinsBeforeConnecting = false;
spinsWhenConnected = false;
if (antenna != null)
bool hasSpun = false;
if (spinsBeforeConnecting)
if (currentRunwayMarker > 0 && isFinalConnector == false)
Vector3 targetDirection = runwayForwards[currentRunwayMarker - 1];
if (targetDirection != new Vector3(0, 0, 0))
hasSpun = true;
spin(targetDirection, posOut, distanceToAdj);//targetDirection
if (spinsBeforeConnecting)
if (distanceToAdj < spinStartDistance && (myConnector.Status != MyShipConnectorStatus.Connectable || distanceToAdj > maxConnectorDistanceX))
spin(homeUp, homePos, distanceToAdj);
hasSpun = true;
if (myConnector.Status == MyShipConnectorStatus.Connectable && distanceToAdj < maxConnectorDistanceX)
if (spinsWhenConnected == false)
docking = false;
else if (hasSpun == false)
spin(homeUp, homePos, distanceToAdj);
if (myConnector.Status == MyShipConnectorStatus.Connectable && distanceToAdj < maxConnectorDistanceX)
if (spinsWhenConnected == false)
docking = false;
spin(homeUp, homePos, distanceToAdj);
public double dock(Vector3 targetPos, Vector3 targetDi, bool isFinalDock)
Vector3 myDir = myConnector.GetPosition();
Vector3 myPos = myConnector.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(myConnector.Position - Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Forward));
Vector3 myUp = myConnector.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(myConnector.Position - Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Forward) + Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Up));
Vector3 myRight = myConnector.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(myConnector.Position - Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Forward) + (Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Left) * -1));
Vector3 adjustmentPoint = new Vector3();
double dist = Vector3.Distance(myPos, targetPos);
Vector3 directionToMe = (myPos - targetPos);
Vector3 currentDirection = normalize(myDir - myPos);
Vector3 targetDirection = normalize(targetDi);
double rotationAngle = angleBetween(currentDirection, (targetDirection * -1));
double angle = angleBetween(directionToMe, targetDi);
double distToAdjustmentPoint = dist * Math.Cos(angle);
adjustmentPoint = targetPos + ((Vector3D)targetDi * distToAdjustmentPoint);
Vector3 ToAdj = adjustmentPoint - myPos;
LocalCoords myLocal = new LocalCoords(myPos, myUp, myDir);
Vector3 localVector = myLocal.GetLocalVector(adjustmentPoint);
var stamp = DateTime.Now;
if (lastCheck != DateTime.MinValue && (stamp - lastCheck).TotalMilliseconds > 100)
var elapsedTime = (stamp - lastCheck).TotalMilliseconds;
velocityVector.X = (float)(myPos.X - lastPosition.X) / (float)elapsedTime;
velocityVector.Y = (float)(myPos.Y - lastPosition.Y) / (float)elapsedTime;
velocityVector.Z = (float)(myPos.Z - lastPosition.Z) / (float)elapsedTime;
velocityVector = velocityVector * 1000;
lastPosition = myPos;
lastCheck = stamp;
Vector3 localVelocity = myLocal.GetLocalVector(myPos + velocityVector);
Vector3 localTarget = myLocal.GetLocalVector(targetPos);
double distanceToAdj = Vector3.Distance(myPos, adjustmentPoint);
float mass = 850000;
if (cockpit != null)
var Masses = cockpit.CalculateShipMass();
//mass = Masses.TotalMass;
//mass = Masses.BaseMass;
mass = Masses.PhysicalMass;
//Echo("tot: " + mass.ToString());
//mass = mass - 25000;//(float)manualMassIncrease;
double force = acceleration * (double)mass;
double massConstant = (double)mass * decceleration;
//if (localVector.X > maxSpeed)
// localVector.X = (float)maxSpeed;
//else if (localVector.X < -maxSpeed)
// localVector.X = -(float)maxSpeed;
//if (localVector.Y > maxSpeed)
// localVector.Y = (float)maxSpeed;
//else if (localVector.Y < -maxSpeed)
// localVector.Y = -(float)maxSpeed;
double len = localVector.Length();
if (len > (float)maxSpeed * 2)
localVector = normalize(localVector) * (float)maxSpeed * 2;
if (isFinalDock == false)
localVector = normalize(localVector) * (float)maxRunwaySpeed * 2;
double finalThrustX = (localVector.X * force) - (localVelocity.X * massConstant); //+ (additionalVelocityVector.X * mass * 15);
double finalThrustY = (localVector.Y * force) - (localVelocity.Y * massConstant);// + (additionalVelocityVector.Y * mass * 15);
//if (isFinalDock == false)
// finalThrustX = (localVector.X * force) - (localVelocity.X * massConstant * 0.2);
// finalThrustY = (localVector.Y * force) - (localVelocity.Y * massConstant * 0.2);
foreach (var thruster in thrusters)
thruster.SetValueFloat("Override", 0f);
bool countION = true;
Vector3 resultantGravity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
if (cockpit != null)
Vector3 gravity = cockpit.GetNaturalGravity() * gravityMultiplier;
float gravStrength = gravity.Length();
if (gravStrength > 0.1)
Vector3 localGravity = myLocal.GetLocalVector(myPos + gravity);
//Vector3 localGravity = myLocal.GetLocalVector(gravity);
resultantGravity = localGravity;
if (gravStrength > 3)
countION = false;
if ((rotationAngle < spinAngle) && (localTarget.Z > connectorClearance || distanceToAdj < 3) && localTarget.Z < hangarHeight)
setThrust(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), (float)finalThrustX + (resultantGravity.X * mass * 1), countION);
setThrust(new Vector3(0, -1, 0), (float)finalThrustY + (resultantGravity.Y * mass * -1), countION);
double downMaxSpeed = verticalApproachSpeed * 3;
double moveDistance = 10;
if (localTarget.Z < 11)
moveDistance = 10;
if (localTarget.Z < 7)
moveDistance = 1;
downMaxSpeed = verticalApproachSpeed * 2;
if (localTarget.Z < 5)
moveDistance = 0.5;
downMaxSpeed = verticalApproachSpeed * 1;
if (localTarget.Z < 3)
moveDistance = 0.3;
if (localTarget.Z > 17)
moveDistance = 35;
//downMaxSpeed = verticalApproachSpeed * 3;
if (localTarget.Z < 10 && isFinalDock == false)
moveDistance = 0;
downMaxSpeed = 1;
if (downMaxSpeed > maxSpeed)
downMaxSpeed = maxSpeed;
bool tooLow = false;
bool tooHigh = false;
if (localTarget.Z < connectorClearance && distanceToAdj > retryDistance)
tooLow = true;
if (localTarget.Z > hangarHeight)
tooHigh = true;
if (hangarHeight < connectorClearance)
Echo("WARNING:\nhangarHeight < connectorClearance");
tooHigh = false;
// If Close to the finishing connector
if (distanceToAdj < moveDistance && rotationAngle < spinAngle && tooLow == false && tooHigh == false)
double targetDownSpeed = downMaxSpeed - ((distanceToAdj / moveDistance) * downMaxSpeed);
double currentDownSpeed = localVelocity.Z;
if (currentDownSpeed > targetDownSpeed)
setThrust(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), ((float)(currentDownSpeed - targetDownSpeed) * (float)targetDownSpeed * mass * -(float)verticalDecceleration) + (resultantGravity.Z * mass * -1), countION);
setThrust(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), ((float)(targetDownSpeed - currentDownSpeed) * (float)targetDownSpeed * mass * (float)verticalAcceleration) + (resultantGravity.Z * mass * -1), countION);
else if (rotationAngle < spinAngle && tooLow == false && tooHigh == false) // If away from the finishing connector
if (localVelocity.Z > 0)
setThrust(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), (5 * mass * -1) + (resultantGravity.Z * mass * -1), countION);
double hangarBuffer = 0.1;
if ((tooLow && distanceToAdj > retryDistance) || localTarget.Z > hangarHeight - hangarBuffer) // If below connector clearance
double maxSpeed = hangarCorrectionSpeed;
double currentDownSpeed = -localVelocity.Z;
if (localTarget.Z > hangarHeight - hangarBuffer)
maxSpeed = -maxSpeed;
if (tooLow && distanceToAdj > retryDistance)
if (currentDownSpeed > maxSpeed)
setThrust(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), ((float)(currentDownSpeed - maxSpeed) * mass * (float)verticalDecceleration) + (resultantGravity.Z * mass * -1), countION);
setThrust(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), ((float)(maxSpeed - currentDownSpeed) * -(float)verticalAcceleration * mass) + (resultantGravity.Z * mass * -1), countION);
if (currentDownSpeed > maxSpeed)
setThrust(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), ((float)(currentDownSpeed - maxSpeed) * mass * (float)verticalDecceleration) + (resultantGravity.Z * mass * -1), countION);
setThrust(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), ((float)(maxSpeed - currentDownSpeed) * mass * -(float)verticalAcceleration) + (resultantGravity.Z * mass * -1), countION);
return distanceToAdj;
public void align(Vector3 targetPos, Vector3 targetDi)
Vector3 myDir = myConnector.GetPosition();
Vector3 myPos = myConnector.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(myConnector.Position - Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Forward));
Vector3 myUp = myConnector.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(myConnector.Position - Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Forward) + Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Up));
Vector3 myRight = myConnector.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(myConnector.Position - Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Forward) + (Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Left) * -1));
LocalCoords myLocal = new LocalCoords(myPos, myUp, myDir);
Vector3 currentDirection = normalize(myDir - myPos);
Vector3 targetDirection = normalize(targetDi);
Vector3 crossCurrentTarget = crossProduct(currentDirection, targetDirection);
crossCurrentTarget = normalize(crossCurrentTarget);
Vector3 upDirection = normalize(myUp - myPos);
double rollAngle = angleBetween(upDirection, crossCurrentTarget);
int rollDirection = AngleDir(upDirection, crossCurrentTarget, currentDirection);
double mainAngle = angleBetween((currentDirection * -1), targetDirection);
float directionOfRoll = AngleDir((currentDirection * -1), targetDirection, normalize(myRight - myPos)) * -1;
Vector3 rightDirection = normalize(myRight - myPos);
Vector3 cross2 = crossProduct(normalize(myUp - myPos), targetDirection);
double yawAngle = angleBetween(rightDirection, cross2);
float directionOfYaw = AngleDir(rightDirection, cross2, upDirection);
mainAngle = (mainAngle - yawAngle) * directionOfRoll; //
float speed = gyroSpeed;
if (multiplayerFix == false || (multiplayerFix == true && mainAngle < multiplayerFixPower))
foreach (var gyro in gyros)
gyro.SetValueFloat("Yaw", 0);
gyro.SetValueFloat("Pitch", 0);
gyro.SetValueFloat("Roll", 0);
gyro.GyroOverride = true;
if (Math.Abs(yawAngle) > 0.01)
setYaw(directionOfYaw * (float)yawAngle * speed);
setPitch((float)mainAngle * speed);
foreach (var gyro in gyros)
gyro.SetValueFloat("Yaw", 0);
gyro.SetValueFloat("Pitch", 0);
gyro.SetValueFloat("Roll", 0);
gyro.GyroOverride = true;
public void spin(Vector3 targetUp, Vector3 targetHome, double distanceToAdj)
Vector3 myDir = myConnector.GetPosition();
Vector3 myPos = myConnector.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(myConnector.Position - Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Forward));
Vector3 myUp = myConnector.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(myConnector.Position - Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Forward) + Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Up));
myUp = connectorDirectionOut(myDir - myPos, myUp, myPos, myConnector.CustomName);
LocalCoords myLocal = new LocalCoords(myPos, myUp, myDir);
Vector3 forwardDirection = normalize(myDir - myPos);
Vector3 currentDirection = normalize(myUp - myPos);
Vector3 targetDirection = normalize(targetUp - targetHome);
double rotationAngle = angleBetween(currentDirection, targetDirection);
if (rotationAngle > maxRotation)
maxRotation = rotationAngle;
int angleDirection = AngleDir(currentDirection, targetDirection, forwardDirection);
double finalRotation = rotationAngle * angleDirection;
bool hasRotated = (maxRotation > Math.PI * 0.4 && rotationAngle < 0.2);
if (onlySpinsClockwise == true && hasRotated == false)
finalRotation = Math.Abs(finalRotation);
if (angleDirection * rotationAngle > -0.1 && angleDirection * rotationAngle < 0)
finalRotation = finalRotation * -1;
double maxSpin = spinSpeedOnConnector;
if (finalRotation > maxSpin)
finalRotation = maxSpin;
if (finalRotation < -maxSpin)
finalRotation = -maxSpin;
Vector3 resultantGravity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
if (cockpit != null)
Vector3 gravity = cockpit.GetNaturalGravity();
float gravStrength = gravity.Length();
if (gravStrength > 0.1)
Vector3 localGravity = myLocal.GetLocalVector(myPos + gravity);
resultantGravity = localGravity;
if ((Math.Abs(resultantGravity.X) > 3 | Math.Abs(resultantGravity.Y) > 3) && myConnector.Status == MyShipConnectorStatus.Connectable)
Echo("Disabling spin as natural gravity is found while docking sideways");
docking = false;
setRoll((float)(finalRotation * 8));
if (Math.Abs(rotationAngle) < maximumSuccessAngle & myConnector.Status == MyShipConnectorStatus.Connectable && distanceToAdj < maxConnectorDistanceX)
docking = false;
public void checkGrav()
if (cockpit != null)
var Masses = cockpit.CalculateShipMass();
double mass = Masses.BaseMass;
Vector3 gravity = cockpit.GetNaturalGravity() * gravityMultiplier;
float gravStrength = gravity.Length();
if (gravStrength > 3)
Vector3 myDir = homePos + homeDirection;
Vector3 myPos = homePos; //myConnector.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(myConnector.Position - Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Forward));
Vector3 myUp = homeUp; // myConnector.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(myConnector.Position - Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Forward) + Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Up));
////Vector3 myRight = myConnector.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(myConnector.Position - Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Forward) + (Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Left) * -1));
LocalCoords gridLocal = new LocalCoords(myPos, myUp, myDir);
Vector3 localGrav = gridLocal.GetLocalVector(gravity + myPos);
if (localGrav.X > 3 || localGrav.Y > 3)
if (overrideAtmosphericSpinning == true)
Echo("\nOverriden spin before connector.");
spinsBeforeConnecting = false;
Echo("\nWARNING:\nSpin before connecting has been auto disabled.\nThis is due to an atmosphere being detected and\na horizontal connector setup.\nOverride is in settings.");
public void disableGyroOverride()
foreach (var gyro in gyros)
gyro.SetValueFloat("Yaw", 0);
gyro.SetValueFloat("Pitch", 0);
gyro.SetValueFloat("Roll", 0);
gyro.GyroOverride = false;
public void setRoll(float roll)
Vector3 forwardVector = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Forward);
foreach (var gyro in gyros)
gyro.GyroOverride = true;
Vector3 gyroForward = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(gyro.Orientation.Forward);
Vector3 gyroUpward = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(gyro.Orientation.Up);
Vector3 gyroRight = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(gyro.Orientation.Left) * -1;
if (gyroForward == forwardVector)
gyro.SetValueFloat("Roll", roll);
else if (gyroForward == (forwardVector * -1))
gyro.SetValueFloat("Roll", roll * -1);
else if (gyroUpward == (forwardVector * -1))
gyro.SetValueFloat("Yaw", roll);
else if (gyroUpward == forwardVector)
gyro.SetValueFloat("Yaw", roll * -1);
else if (gyroRight == forwardVector)
gyro.SetValueFloat("Pitch", roll);
else if (gyroRight == (forwardVector * -1))
gyro.SetValueFloat("Pitch", roll * -1);
public void setPitch(float pitch)
Vector3 rightVector = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Left) * -1;
foreach (var gyro in gyros)
gyro.GyroOverride = true;
Vector3 gyroForward = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(gyro.Orientation.Forward);
Vector3 gyroUp = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(gyro.Orientation.Up);
Vector3 gyroRight = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(gyro.Orientation.Left) * -1;
if (gyroRight == (rightVector * -1))
gyro.SetValueFloat("Pitch", pitch);
else if (gyroRight == rightVector)
gyro.SetValueFloat("Pitch", pitch * -1);
else if (gyroUp == rightVector)
gyro.SetValueFloat("Yaw", pitch);
else if (gyroUp == (rightVector * -1))
gyro.SetValueFloat("Yaw", pitch * -1);
else if (gyroForward == (rightVector * -1))
gyro.SetValueFloat("Roll", pitch);
else if (gyroForward == rightVector)
gyro.SetValueFloat("Roll", pitch * -1);
public void setYaw(float yaw)
Vector3 upVector = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Up);
foreach (var gyro in gyros)
gyro.GyroOverride = true;
Vector3 gyroForward = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(gyro.Orientation.Forward);
Vector3 gyroUp = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(gyro.Orientation.Up);
Vector3 gyroRight = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(gyro.Orientation.Left) * -1;
if (gyroUp == (upVector * -1))
gyro.SetValueFloat("Yaw", yaw);
else if (gyroUp == upVector)
gyro.SetValueFloat("Yaw", yaw * -1);
else if (gyroRight == upVector)
gyro.SetValueFloat("Pitch", yaw);
else if (gyroRight == (upVector * -1))
gyro.SetValueFloat("Pitch", yaw * -1);
else if (gyroForward == upVector)
gyro.SetValueFloat("Roll", yaw);
else if (gyroForward == (upVector * -1))
gyro.SetValueFloat("Roll", yaw * -1);
string GPSString(Vector3 vectorIn, string name)
string output = "GPS:" + name + ":" + vectorIn.X + ":" + vectorIn.Y + ":" + vectorIn.Z + ":";
return output;
Vector3 normalize(Vector3 vectorIn)
Vector3 vectorOut = new Vector3();
double dist = Math.Sqrt((vectorIn.X * vectorIn.X) + (vectorIn.Y * vectorIn.Y) + (vectorIn.Z * vectorIn.Z));
vectorOut.X = (float)(vectorIn.X / dist);
vectorOut.Y = (float)(vectorIn.Y / dist);
vectorOut.Z = (float)(vectorIn.Z / dist);
return vectorOut;
int AngleDir(Vector3 fwd, Vector3 targetDir, Vector3 up)
Vector3 perp = crossProduct(fwd, targetDir);
float dir = Vector3.Dot(perp, up);
if (dir > 0.0)
return 1;
else if (dir < 0.0)
return -1;
return 0;
double angleBetween(Vector3 vector1, Vector3 vector2)
Vector3 nvector1 = normalize(vector1);
Vector3 nvector2 = normalize(vector2);
double dot = (nvector1.X * nvector2.X) + (nvector1.Y * nvector2.Y) + (nvector1.Z * nvector2.Z);
double angOut = Math.Acos(dot);
return angOut;
Vector3 crossProduct(Vector3 a, Vector3 b)
double x = (a.Y * b.Z) - (b.Y * a.Z);
double y = (b.X * a.Z) - (a.X * b.Z);
double z = (a.X * b.Y) - (b.X * a.Y);
return new Vector3(x, y, z);
public void stopThrust()
foreach (var thruster in thrusters)
thruster.SetValueFloat("Override", 0f);
public void setThrust(Vector3 direction, float value, bool IONon)
Vector3 thrustDirection = new Vector3();
if (direction == new Vector3(-1, 0, 0))
thrustDirection = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Forward);
else if (direction == new Vector3(0, 1, 0))
thrustDirection = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Up);
else if (direction == new Vector3(0, -1, 0))
thrustDirection = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Up) * -1;
else if (direction == new Vector3(0, 0, 1))
thrustDirection = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Left) * -1;
else if (direction == new Vector3(0, 0, -1))
thrustDirection = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Left);
thrustDirection = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(myConnector.Orientation.Forward) * -1;
int count = 0;
float totalThrust = 0;
if (value < 0)
thrustDirection = thrustDirection * -1;
value = Math.Abs(value);
foreach (var thruster in thrusters)
Vector3 actualThrustDirection = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(thruster.Orientation.Forward);
if (thrustDirection == actualThrustDirection)
String Definition = thruster.BlockDefinition.ToString();
String[] DefinitionFragments = Definition.Split('/');
int BlockStrPos = DefinitionFragments[1].IndexOf("Block");
String SubType = DefinitionFragments[1].Substring(BlockStrPos + 5);
if (SubType != "SmallThrust" && SubType != "LargeThrust" && IONon == false && thruster.Enabled) // && thruster.Enabled
count += 1;
totalThrust += thruster.MaxThrust; //GetValueFloat("MaxThrust");
else if (IONon == true)
if (thruster.Enabled)
count += 1;
totalThrust += thruster.MaxThrust;
foreach (var thruster in thrusters)
Vector3 actualThrustDirection = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(thruster.Orientation.Forward);
if (thrustDirection == actualThrustDirection)
//thruster.SetValueFloat("Override", value / count);
if (IONon == false)
String Definition = thruster.BlockDefinition.ToString();
String[] DefinitionFragments = Definition.Split('/');
int BlockStrPos = DefinitionFragments[1].IndexOf("Block");
String SubType = DefinitionFragments[1].Substring(BlockStrPos + 5);
if (SubType != "SmallThrust" && SubType != "LargeThrust" && thruster.Enabled)
thruster.SetValueFloat("Override", value * (thruster.MaxThrust / totalThrust));
if (thruster.Enabled)
thruster.SetValueFloat("Override", value / count);//* (thruster.MaxThrust / totalThrust));// * (thruster.MaxThrust / totalThrust));
//totalThrust += thruster.MaxThrust;
// else if((thrustDirection * -1) == actualThrustDirection)
// thruster.SetValueFloat("Override", 0);
//Matrix, TransformMatrix, LocalCoords classes
//version 1.0 3-30-2015
//author: YenRaven
//You can use/modify/distribute however you like,
//just please give credit.
public class Matrix
private uint MyRows;
private uint MyCols;
private double[][] MyData;
public uint Rows
return MyRows;
public uint Cols
return MyCols;
public Matrix(uint dimensions)
//Start with idenity matrix
MyRows = dimensions;
MyCols = dimensions;
MyData = new double[MyCols][];
for (var i = 0; i < MyCols; i++)
MyData[i] = new double[MyRows];
public Matrix(uint Cols, uint Rows)
// Start with identity matrix;
MyRows = Rows;
MyCols = Cols;
MyData = new double[MyCols][];
for (var i = 0; i < MyCols; i++)
MyData[i] = new double[MyRows];
public Matrix(double[][] data)
MyData = data;
public void SetToIdenity()
for (int x = 0; x < MyCols; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < MyRows; y++)
if (y == x + (MyRows - MyCols))
MyData[x][y] = 1;
MyData[x][y] = 0;
public double GetValue(uint x, uint y)
return MyData[x][y];
public void SetValue(uint x, uint y, double val)
MyData[x][y] = val;
public Matrix Multiply(Matrix ToMultiply)
Matrix Result = new Matrix(ToMultiply.Cols, MyRows);
for (uint x = 0; x < Result.Cols; x++)
for (uint y = 0; y < Result.Rows; y++)
double val = 0;
for (uint c = 0; c < MyCols; c++)
val += MyData[c][y] * ToMultiply.GetValue(x, c);
Result.SetValue(x, y, val);
return Result;
public class TransformMatrix3D
private double RotX;
private double RotY;
private double RotZ;
private double TranslateX;
private double TranslateY;
private double TranslateZ;
private Matrix RotXMatrix;
private Matrix RotYMatrix;
private Matrix RotZMatrix;
private Matrix RotMatrix;
private Matrix TranslateMatrix;
private Matrix TransformMatrix;
private Matrix InverseTransform;
private bool UpdateTransform;
private bool UpdateRotation;
public TransformMatrix3D()
RotXMatrix = new Matrix(3);
RotYMatrix = new Matrix(3);
RotZMatrix = new Matrix(3);
RotMatrix = new Matrix(3);
TranslateMatrix = new Matrix(3);
TransformMatrix = new Matrix(3);
InverseTransform = new Matrix(3);
UpdateTransform = false;
UpdateRotation = false;
public void RotateX(double Rads)
RotX = Rads;
RotXMatrix.SetValue(1, 1, Math.Cos(Rads));
RotXMatrix.SetValue(2, 1, -Math.Sin(Rads));
RotXMatrix.SetValue(1, 2, Math.Sin(Rads));
RotXMatrix.SetValue(2, 2, Math.Cos(Rads));
UpdateTransform = true;
UpdateRotation = true;
public void RotateY(double Rads)
RotY = Rads;
RotYMatrix.SetValue(0, 0, Math.Cos(Rads));
RotYMatrix.SetValue(2, 1, Math.Sin(Rads));
RotYMatrix.SetValue(0, 2, -Math.Sin(Rads));
RotYMatrix.SetValue(2, 2, Math.Cos(Rads));
UpdateTransform = true;
UpdateRotation = true;
public void RotateZ(double Rads)
RotZ = Rads;
RotZMatrix.SetValue(0, 0, Math.Cos(Rads));
RotZMatrix.SetValue(1, 0, -Math.Sin(Rads));
RotZMatrix.SetValue(0, 1, Math.Sin(Rads));
RotZMatrix.SetValue(1, 1, Math.Cos(Rads));
UpdateTransform = true;
UpdateRotation = true;
public void Orientate(Vector3 XAxis, Vector3 YAxis, Vector3 ZAxis)
RotMatrix.SetValue(0, 0, XAxis.GetDim(0));
RotMatrix.SetValue(0, 1, XAxis.GetDim(1));
RotMatrix.SetValue(0, 2, XAxis.GetDim(2));
RotMatrix.SetValue(1, 0, YAxis.GetDim(0));
RotMatrix.SetValue(1, 1, YAxis.GetDim(1));
RotMatrix.SetValue(1, 2, YAxis.GetDim(2));
RotMatrix.SetValue(2, 0, ZAxis.GetDim(0));
RotMatrix.SetValue(2, 1, ZAxis.GetDim(1));
RotMatrix.SetValue(2, 2, ZAxis.GetDim(2));
UpdateRotation = false;
private Matrix InverseRotate()
Matrix inv = new Matrix(3);
Matrix rot = GetRotationMatrix();
for (uint x = 0; x < rot.Cols; x++)
for (uint y = 0; y < rot.Rows; y++)
inv.SetValue(y, x, rot.GetValue(x, y));
return inv;
public void Translate(double X, double Y, double Z)
TranslateX = X;
TranslateY = Y;
TranslateZ = Z;
TranslateMatrix.SetValue(3, 0, X);
TranslateMatrix.SetValue(3, 1, Y);
TranslateMatrix.SetValue(3, 2, Z);
UpdateTransform = true;
private Matrix InverseTranslate()
Matrix inv = new Matrix(3);
inv.SetValue(3, 0, -TranslateMatrix.GetValue(3, 0));
inv.SetValue(3, 1, -TranslateMatrix.GetValue(3, 1));
inv.SetValue(3, 2, -TranslateMatrix.GetValue(3, 2));
return inv;
public Matrix GetRotationMatrix()
if (UpdateRotation)
RotMatrix = RotXMatrix.Multiply(RotMatrix);
RotMatrix = RotYMatrix.Multiply(RotMatrix);
RotMatrix = RotZMatrix.Multiply(RotMatrix);
UpdateRotation = false;
return RotMatrix;
public Matrix GetTransformMatrix(String ver)
if (UpdateTransform)
switch (ver)
case "Inverse":
return InverseTransform;
return TransformMatrix;
public Matrix GetTransformMatrix()
return GetTransformMatrix("");
private void UpdateMatrix()
//Model to World
TransformMatrix = GetRotationMatrix().Multiply(TransformMatrix);
TransformMatrix = TranslateMatrix.Multiply(TransformMatrix);
//World to Model
InverseTransform = InverseTranslate().Multiply(InverseTransform);
InverseTransform = InverseRotate().Multiply(InverseTransform);
UpdateTransform = false;
public Matrix Transform(Matrix ToTransform)
return GetTransformMatrix().Multiply(ToTransform);
public Vector3 Transform(Vector3 ToTransform)
Matrix result = GetTransformMatrix().Multiply(VecToMatrix(ToTransform));
return MatrixToVec(result);
public Matrix TransformInverse(Matrix ToTransform)
return GetTransformMatrix("Inverse").Multiply(ToTransform);
public Vector3 TransformInverse(Vector3 ToTransform)
Matrix result = GetTransformMatrix("Inverse").Multiply(VecToMatrix(ToTransform));
return MatrixToVec(result);
public Vector3 ModelToWorld(Vector3 ToTransform)
Matrix result = GetTransformMatrix().Multiply(VecToMatrix(ToTransform));
return MatrixToVec(result);
public Vector3 WorldToModel(Vector3 ToTransform)
Matrix result = GetTransformMatrix("Inverse").Multiply(VecToMatrix(ToTransform));
return MatrixToVec(result);
private Matrix VecToMatrix(Vector3 vec)
Matrix result = new Matrix(1, 4);
result.SetValue(0, 0, vec.GetDim(0));
result.SetValue(0, 1, vec.GetDim(1));
result.SetValue(0, 2, vec.GetDim(2));
return result;
private Vector3 MatrixToVec(Matrix m)
return new Vector3(m.GetValue(0, 0), m.GetValue(0, 1), m.GetValue(0, 2));
public class LocalCoords
private Vector3 Radix;
private Vector3 XAxis;
private Vector3 YAxis;
private Vector3 ZAxis;
private TransformMatrix3D TransformToGlobal;
public LocalCoords(Vector3 radix, Vector3 y, Vector3 z)
Radix = radix;
YAxis = Normalize(GetVectorRelative(y, Radix));
ZAxis = Normalize(GetVectorRelative(z, Radix));
XAxis = CrossProduct(YAxis, ZAxis);
TransformToGlobal = new TransformMatrix3D();
TransformToGlobal.Translate(Radix.GetDim(0), Radix.GetDim(1), Radix.GetDim(2));
TransformToGlobal.Orientate(XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis);
public Vector3 GetLocalVector(Vector3 point)
return TransformToGlobal.WorldToModel(point);
public Vector3 GetGlobalVector(Vector3 point)
return TransformToGlobal.ModelToWorld(point);
private Vector3 GetVectorRelative(Vector3 vec, Vector3 rel)
double X = vec.GetDim(0) - rel.GetDim(0);
double Y = vec.GetDim(1) - rel.GetDim(1);
double Z = vec.GetDim(2) - rel.GetDim(2);
return new Vector3(X, Y, Z);
private Vector3 CrossProduct(Vector3 a, Vector3 b)
return Vector3.Cross(a, b);
private Vector3 Normalize(Vector3 v)
double n = Math.Sqrt(v.GetDim(0) * v.GetDim(0) + v.GetDim(1) * v.GetDim(1) + v.GetDim(2) * v.GetDim(2));
double x = v.GetDim(0) / n;
double y = v.GetDim(1) / n;
double z = v.GetDim(2) / n;
return new Vector3(x, y, z);
private Vector3 Reverse(Vector3 v)
double x = -v.GetDim(0);
double y = -v.GetDim(1);
double z = -v.GetDim(2);
return new Vector3(x, y, z);
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