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Created November 20, 2010 21:01
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use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::ICal;
use Text::LevenshteinXS 'distance';
my $act_schedule = Data::ICal->new(filename => 'timetable.ics')
or die "Can't parse timetable.ics: $!";
my $target = "Things I learned from users";
my $mangled_target = uc $target;
$mangled_target =~ s/\W//g;
my @possibles;
for my $entry (@{$act_schedule->entries}) {
my $title = $entry->property('SUMMARY')->[0]->decoded_value;
my $description = $entry->property('DESCRIPTION')->[0]->decoded_value;
my $eid = $entry->property('URL')->[0]->decoded_value;
$eid =~ s!/$!!;
$eid =~ m!.*/(.*?)$! or die "Couldn't find last component in $eid";
$eid = $1;
my $mangled_title = uc $title;
$mangled_title =~ s/\W//g;
my $score = (length($mangled_title) - distance($mangled_title, $mangled_target))/length($mangled_title);
# print "Score for $mangled_title vs $mangled_target = $score\n";
push @possibles, {
score => $score,
title => $title,
description => $description,
event_id => $eid
@possibles = sort {$b->{score} <=> $a->{score}} @possibles;
print "ye2010/$target/$possibles[0]{event_id}\n";
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