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Created June 10, 2019 16:44
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Network of T. Quinctius Capitolinus Barbatus - Simple with Children, Spouse and Adopted Children
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//Data goes here (format is JSON). Nodes are people, links are relationship connections
var nodes = [
{ id: 114, group: 0, name: "QUIN0114 T. Quinctius (24) (L. f. L. n.) Capitolinus Barbatus", birth: -525, death: -375},
{ id: 4870, group: 0, name: "QUIN4870 -. Quinctius (9)", birth: -575, death: -475},
{ id: 142, group: 0, name: "QUIN0142 L. Quinctius (27) L. f. L. n. Cincinnatus", birth: -519, death: -375},
{ id: 231, group: 0, name: "QUIN0231 L. Quinctius (28) L. f. L. n. Cincinnatus", birth: -475, death: -350},
{ id: 427, group: 0, name: "QUIN0427 L. Quinctius (29) (- f. - n.) Cincinnatus", birth: -425, death: -325},
{ id: 5019, group: 1, name: "RACI5019 Racilia (2)", birth: -550, death: -425},
{ id: 5029, group: 0, name: "QUIN5029 K. Quinctius (8)", birth: -500, death: -400},
{ id: 254, group: 0, name: "QUIN0254 T. Quinctius (34) L. f. L. n. Pennus Cincinnatus", birth: -475, death: -350},
{ id: 415, group: 0, name: "QUIN0415 T. Quinctius (32) (T. f. L. n.) Cincinnatus Capitolinus", birth: -450, death: -325},
{ id: 483, group: 0, name: "QUIN0483 T. Quinctius (35) Pennus Capitolinus Crispinus", birth: -400, death: -275},
{ id: 487, group: 0, name: "QUIN0487 Cn. Quinctius (22) T. f. T. n. Capitolinus", birth: -400, death: -275},
{ id: 568, group: 0, name: "QUIN0568 L. Quinctius (11)", birth: -375, death: -275},
{ id: 696, group: 0, name: "QUIN0696 K. Quinctius (36) L. f. Cn. n. Claudus", birth: -325, death: -200},
{ id: 3355, group: 0, name: "QUIN3355 K. Quinctius (Claudius 151) Claudus Flamininus", birth: -250, death: -150},
{ id: 1311, group: 0, name: "QUIN1311 C. Quinctius (40) Flamininus", birth: -225, death: -125},
{ id: 865, group: 0, name: "QUIN0865 K. Quinctius (41) Flamininus", birth: -250, death: -150},
{ id: 291, group: 2, name: "POST0291 Postumia (66)", birth: -475, death: -350},
{ id: 249, group: 2, name: "POST0249 A. Postumius (63) Tubertus", birth: -475, death: -375},
{ id: 303, group: 0, name: "QUIN0303 Q. Quinctius (30) L. f. L. n. Cincinnatus", birth: -450, death: -350},
{ id: 475, group: 0, name: "QUIN0475 Q. Quinctius (31) (Cincinnatus)", birth: -400, death: -300},
{ id: 285, group: 0, name: "QUIN0285 T. Quinctius (25) T. f. L. n. Capitolinus Barbatus", birth: -475, death: -350}]
var links = [
{ target: 254, source: 5019},
{ target: 142, source: 5029},
{ target: 254, source: 291},
{ target: 142, source: 231},
{ target: 5019, source: 5029},
{ target: 231, source: 427},
{ target: 303, source: 5019},
{ target: 142, source: 254},
{ target: 231, source: 5019},
{ target: 487, source: 568},
{ target: 487, source: 696},
{ target: 142, source: 5019},
{ target: 114, source: 4870},
{ target: 142, source: 303},
{ target: 696, source: 865},
{ target: 696, source: 3355},
{ target: 142, source: 4870},
{ target: 291, source: 415},
{ target: 114, source: 285},
{ target: 483, source: 487},
{ target: 249, source: 291},
{ target: 303, source: 475},
{ target: 1311, source: 3355},
{ target: 254, source: 415},
{ target: 415, source: 483}]
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.html(function(d) {
return "<span style='color:red'>" + + "</span><br><strong>Group:</strong> <span style='color:red'>" + + "</span><br><strong>ID:</strong> <span style='color:red'>" + + "</span><br><strong>Born:</strong> <span style='color:red'>" + d.birth + "</span> <strong>Died:</strong> <span style='color:red'>" + d.death + "</span>";
var d3_category437 = [
0xd3fe14, 0xfec7f8, 0x0b7b3e, 0x0bf0e9, 0xc203c8, 0xfd9b39, 0x888593,
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0x7a9293, 0xfda2ab, 0x2ef6c5, 0x807242, 0xcb94cc, 0xb6bdd0, 0xb5c75d,
0xfde189, 0xb7ff80, 0xfa2d8e, 0x839a5f, 0x28c2b5, 0xe5e9e1, 0xbc79d8,
0x7ed8fe, 0x9f20c3, 0x4f7a5b, 0xf511fd, 0x09c959, 0xbcd0ce, 0x8685fd,
0x98fcff, 0xafbff9, 0x6d69b4, 0x5f99fd, 0xaaa87e, 0xb59dfb, 0x5d809d,
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0xc38375, 0x24b58e, 0x6eabaf, 0x66bf7f, 0x92cbbb, 0xddb1ee, 0x1be895,
0xc7ecf9, 0xa6baa6, 0x8045cd, 0x5f70f1, 0xa9d796, 0xce62cb, 0x0e954d,
0xa97d2f, 0xfcb8d3, 0x9bfee3, 0x4e8d84, 0xfc6d3f, 0x7b9fd4, 0x8c6165,
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0xb79a82, 0x7c5a82, 0x7d7ca4, 0x958ad6, 0xcd8126, 0xbdb0b7, 0x10e0f8,
0xdccc69, 0xd6de0f, 0x616d3d, 0x985a25, 0x30c7fd, 0x0aeb65, 0xe3cdb4,
0xbd1bee, 0xad665d, 0xd77070, 0x8ea5b8, 0x5b5ad0, 0x76655e, 0x598100,
0x86757e, 0x5ea068, 0xa590b8, 0xc1a707, 0x85c0cd, 0xe2cde9, 0xdcd79c,
0xd8a882, 0xb256f9, 0xb13323, 0x519b3b, 0xdd80de, 0xf1884b, 0x74b2fe,
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0xfecd0f, 0x1e7ac9, 0x927261, 0xdc27cf, 0x979605, 0xec9c88,
0x8c48a3,0x676769, 0x546e64, 0x8f63a2, 0xb35b2d, 0x7b8ca2, 0xb87188,
0x4a9bda, 0xeb7dab, 0xf6a602, 0xcab3fe, 0xddb8bb, 0x107959, 0x885973,
0x5e858e, 0xb15bad, 0xe107a7, 0x2f9dad, 0x4b9e83, 0xb992dc, 0x6bb0cb,
0xbdb363, 0xccd6e4, 0xa3ee94, 0x9ef718, 0xfbe1d9, 0xa428a5, 0x93514c,
0x487434, 0xe8f1b6, 0xd00938, 0xfb50e1, 0xfa85e1, 0x7cd40a, 0xf1ade1,
0xb1485d, 0x7f76d6, 0xd186b3, 0x90c25e, 0xb8c813, 0xa8c9de, 0x7d30fe,
0x815f2d, 0x737f3b, 0xc84486, 0x946cfe, 0xe55432, 0xa88674, 0xc17a47,
0xb98b91, 0xfc4bb3, 0xda7f5f, 0xdf920b, 0xb7bbba, 0x99e6d9, 0xa36170,
0xc742d8, 0x947f9d, 0xa37d93, 0x889072, 0x9b924c, 0x23b4bc, 0xe6a25f,
0x86df9c, 0xa7da6c, 0x3fee03, 0xeec9d8, 0xaafdcb, 0x7b9139, 0x92979c,
0x72788a, 0x994cff, 0xc85956, 0x7baa1a, 0xde72fe, 0xc7bad8, 0x85ebfe,
0x6e6089, 0x9b4d31, 0x297a1d, 0x9052c0, 0x5c75a5, 0x698eba, 0xd46222,
0x6da095, 0xb483bb, 0x04d183, 0x9bcdfe, 0x2ffe8c, 0x9d4279, 0xc909aa,
0x826cae, 0x77787c, 0xa96fb7, 0x858f87, 0xfd3b40, 0x7fab7b, 0x9e9edd,
0xbba3be, 0xf8b96c, 0x7be553, 0xc0e1ce, 0x516e88, 0xbe0e5f, 0x757c09,
0x4b8d5f, 0x38b448, 0xdf8780, 0xebb3a0, 0xced759, 0xf0ed7c, 0xe0eef1,
0x0969d2, 0x756446, 0x488ea8, 0x888450, 0x61979c, 0xa37ad6, 0xb48a54,
0x8193e5, 0xdd6d89, 0x8aa29d, 0xc679fe, 0xa4ac12, 0x75bbb3, 0x6ae2c1,
0xc4fda7, 0x606877, 0xb2409d, 0x5874c7, 0xbf492c, 0x4b88cd, 0xe14ec0,
0xb39da2, 0xfb8300, 0xd1b845, 0xc2d083, 0xc3caef, 0x967500, 0xc56399,
0xed5a05, 0xaadff6, 0x6685f4, 0x1da16f, 0xf28bff, 0xc9c9bf, 0xc7e2a9,
0x5bfce4, 0xe0e0bf, 0xe8e2e8, 0xddf2d8, 0x9108f8, 0x932dd2, 0xc03500,
0xaa3fbc, 0x547c79, 0x9f6045, 0x04897b, 0x966f32, 0xd83212, 0x039f27,
0xdf4280, 0xef206e, 0x0095f7, 0xa5890d, 0x9a8f7f, 0xbc839e, 0x88a23b,
0xe55aed, 0x51af9e,
0x5eaf82, 0x9e91fa, 0xf76c79, 0x99a869, 0xd2957d, 0xa2aca6, 0xe3959e,
0xadaefc, 0x5bd14e, 0xdf9ceb, 0xfe8fb1, 0x87ca80, 0xfc986d, 0x2ad3d9,
0xe8a8bb, 0xa7c79c, 0xa5c7cc, 0x7befb7, 0xb7e2e0, 0x85f57b, 0xf5d95b,
0xdbdbff, 0xfddcff, 0x6e56bb, 0x226fa8, 0x5b659c, 0x58a10f, 0xe46c52,
0x62abe2, 0xc4aa77, 0xb60e74, 0x087983, 0xa95703, 0x2a6efb, 0x427d92
function d3_rgbString (value) {
return d3.rgb(value >> 16, value >> 8 & 0xff, value & 0xff);
//Code to make the visualization work - do not edit
function getNeighbors(node) {
return links.reduce(function (neighbors, link) {
if ( === {
} else if ( === {
return neighbors
var linked = {};
links.forEach(function (node) {
linked[ + "," +] = 1;
function isConnected(a, b) {
return linked[ + "," +] || linked[ + "," +] || ===
function isNeighborLink(node, link) {
console.log(node + " " + link)
return === || ===
function getNodeColor(node, neighbors) {
return Array.isArray(neighbors) && neighbors.indexOf( > -1 ? d3_category437[] : '#E2E2E2'
function nodeResize(node, neighbors) {
return Array.isArray(neighbors) && neighbors.indexOf( > -1 ? 12 : 10
function originalNodeColor (node) {
return d3_category437[];
function getLinkColor(node, link) {
return isNeighborLink(node, link) ? 'red' : '#E5E5E5'
function getTextColor(node, neighbors) {
return Array.isArray(neighbors) && neighbors.indexOf( > -1 ? '#195E1B' : '#A9A9A9'
var width = window.innerWidth
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svg.attr('width', width).attr('height', height);
// simulation setup with all forces
var linkForce = d3
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.strength(function (link) { return 0.5 })
var simulation = d3
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var dragDrop = d3.drag().on('start', function (node) {
node.fx = node.x
node.fy = node.y
}).on('drag', function (node) {
node.fx = d3.event.x
node.fy = d3.event.y
}).on('end', function (node) {
if (! {
node.fx = null
node.fy = null
function selectNode(selectedNode) {
var neighbors = getNeighbors(selectedNode)
// we modify the styles to highlight selected nodes
nodeElements.attr('fill', function (node) { return getNodeColor(node, neighbors) })
nodeElements.attr('r', function (node) { return nodeResize(node, neighbors) })
textElements.attr('fill', function (node) { return getTextColor(node, neighbors) })
linkElements.attr('stroke', function (link) { return getLinkColor(selectedNode, link) })
function unselectNode(selectedNode) {
var neighbors = getNeighbors(selectedNode)
// we modify the styles to highlight selected nodes
nodeElements.attr('fill', originalNodeColor)
nodeElements.attr('r', 10)
textElements.attr('fill', 'black')
linkElements.attr('stroke', '#E5E5E5')
//add zoom capabilities
var zoom_handler = d3.zoom()
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function zoom_actions(){
g.attr("transform", d3.event.transform)
function mouseoverWrapper(selectedNode) {
function mouseoutWrapper(selectedNode) {
//add encompassing group for the zoom
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'' + + '/',
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.text(function (node) { return,8) })
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simulation.nodes(nodes).on('tick', () => {
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.text("Connections of QUIN0114 T. Quinctius (24) (L. f. L. n.) Capitolinus Barbatus");</script>
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