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Last active May 25, 2021 11:53
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#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$is_windows = [environment]::OSVersion.Platform.ToString().ToLower().StartsWith("win")
$app_name = "Lumy"
# As of 17/05/2021 miniconda does not support spaces in the prefix path.
# There is a PR waiting to be accepted that will fix this issue:
# Meanwhile we use an alternative installation prefix and then
# create a symbolic link to it in the app dir.
if ($is_windows) {
$app_data_dir = "$HOME\Application Data\Local Settings\${app_name}\${app_name}"
$drive_name = $
$miniconda_install_path = "${drive_name}:\apps\${app_name}\miniconda"
# $miniconda_app_dir = "${app_data_dir}\miniconda"
# NOTE: On Windows only adminstrator can create links.
# Therefore we use the cuistom "apps" installation path without creating
# a symlink in the $app_data_dir
$miniconda_app_dir = $miniconda_install_path
$miniconda_installer_url = ""
$miniconda_python_executable = "${miniconda_install_path}\python.exe"
else {
# Assuming mac
$app_data_dir = "${HOME}/Library/Application Support/${app_name}"
$miniconda_app_dir = "${app_data_dir}/miniconda"
$miniconda_install_path = "${HOME}/.local/share/${app_name}/miniconda"
$miniconda_installer_url = ""
$miniconda_python_executable = "${miniconda_install_path}/bin/python"
$tmp_dir = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()
if ($is_windows) {
$miniconda_installer_file = "miniconda.exe"
$miniconda_installer_file_location = "${tmp_dir}\${miniconda_installer_file}"
$miniconda_hooks = "${miniconda_app_dir}\shell\condabin\conda-hook.ps1"
else {
$miniconda_installer_file = ""
$miniconda_installer_file_location = "${tmp_dir}/${miniconda_installer_file}"
$miniconda_hooks = "${miniconda_app_dir}/shell/condabin/conda-hook.ps1"
$default_conda_env_name = "default"
$vre_backend_git_url = "git+"
function Start-DownloadMiniconda {
Write-Host "Downloading miniconda..."
$installer_file_exists = Test-Path -Path $miniconda_installer_file_location -PathType Leaf
if (!$installer_file_exists) {
Write-Host "Miniconda installer file ${miniconda_installer_file_location} does not exist. Downloading it."
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $miniconda_installer_url -OutFile "${miniconda_installer_file_location}"
if (!$is_windows) {
chmod u+x "${miniconda_installer_file_location}"
$code = $LastExitCode
if ($code -ne 0) {
throw "chmod exited with code: ${code}"
Write-Host "Downloading miniconda... DONE"
function Start-RunInstaller {
Write-Host "Installing miniconda..."
$python_executable_exists = Test-Path -Path $miniconda_python_executable -PathType Leaf
if ($python_executable_exists) {
Write-Host "Miniconda is already installed in ${miniconda_install_path}."
else {
New-Item -Path $miniconda_install_path -ItemType "directory" -Force
if (!$is_windows) {
$install_process = Start-Process -FilePath "${miniconda_installer_file_location}" -ArgumentList "-u -b -p ${miniconda_install_path}" -PassThru -Wait
if ($install_process.ExitCode -ne 0) {
$code = $install_process.ExitCode
throw "Install script exited with code ${code}"
else {
$installer_args = "/InstallationType=JustMe /S /RegisterPython=0 /AddToPath=0 /D=${miniconda_install_path}"
Write-Host "Running conda installer ${miniconda_installer_file_location} with ${installer_args}"
$install_process = Start-Process -FilePath "${miniconda_installer_file_location}" -ArgumentList $installer_args -PassThru -Wait
if ($install_process.ExitCode -ne 0) {
$code = $install_process.ExitCode
throw "Install script exited with code ${code}"
Write-Host "Miniconda has been installed in ${miniconda_install_path}."
Write-Host "Installing miniconda... DONE"
function Start-CreateLink {
Write-Host "Creating miniconda link..."
if ($is_windows) {
Write-Host "Not creating links on Windows"
bash -c "test -L \"${miniconda_app_dir}\""
$link_exists = $LastExitCode
if (!$link_exists) {
mkdir -p "${app_data_dir}"
$code = $LastExitCode
if ($code -ne 0) {
throw "mkdir exited with code: ${code}"
ln -s ${miniconda_install_path} "${miniconda_app_dir}"
$code = $LastExitCode
if ($code -ne 0) {
throw "ln exited with code: ${code}"
Write-Host "Created link from ${miniconda_install_path} to '${miniconda_app_dir}'"
Write-Host "Creating miniconda link... DONE"
function Start-CreateDefaultEnv {
Write-Host "Creating miniconda default environment..."
$conda_envs = conda env list
$code = $LastExitCode
if ($code -ne 0) {
throw "'conda env list' exited with code: ${code} | ${conda_envs}"
$default_envs = $conda_envs | Select-String -Pattern "^default\s"
# env_exists=$(conda env list | grep "^default\s" | wc -l)
if ($default_envs.length -gt 0) {
Write-Host "Environment '${default_conda_env_name}' already exists."
else {
conda create -y --name ${default_conda_env_name} python=3.7
$code = $LastExitCode
if ($code -ne 0) {
throw "'conda create' exited with code: ${code}"
Write-Host "Creating miniconda default environment... DONE"
function Start-ActivateDefaultEnv {
Write-Host "Activating miniconda default environment..."
conda activate "${default_conda_env_name}"
$code = $LastExitCode
if ($code -ne 0) {
throw "'conda activate' exited with code: ${code}"
Write-Host "Activating miniconda default environment... DONE"
function Start-InstallPythonDependencies {
pip install "jupyterlab-server>=2.5.2"
$code = $LastExitCode
if ($code -ne 0) {
throw "'pip install' exited with code: ${code}"
function Start-InstallOrUpdateVreBackend {
pip install "${vre_backend_git_url}"
$code = $LastExitCode
if ($code -ne 0) {
throw "'pip install' exited with code: ${code}"
Import-Module $miniconda_hooks
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