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Created April 3, 2011 07:31
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appengine 1.4.3 imports from django
./serializer/ django.utils import datetime_safe
./serializer/ django.utils import simplejson
./serializer/ django.conf import settings
./serializer/ django.core.serializers import base
./serializer/ django.core.serializers import python
./serializer/ django.db import models
./serializer/ django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode
./serializer/ django.conf import settings
./serializer/ django.core.serializers import base
./serializer/ django.core.serializers import xml_serializer
./serializer/ django.db import models
./serializer/ from django.utils import _decimal as decimal # Python 2.3 fallback
./ django.core import mail
./ django.core.mail import SMTPConnection
./ django.conf import settings
./ django import VERSION
./ django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
./ django.db.models.fields import Field
./ django.db.models.options import Options
./ django.db.models.loading import register_models, get_model
./management/commands/ import BaseCommand
./management/commands/ django.conf import settings
./management/commands/ import BaseCommand
./management/commands/ import startapp
./management/commands/ import BaseCommand
./management/commands/ from django.db import connection
./management/commands/ import BaseCommand
./management/commands/ from django.db import connection
./management/commands/ from import call_command
./management/commands/ import BaseCommand
./management/commands/ import BaseCommand
./management/commands/ from django.conf import settings
./management/commands/ import BaseCommand
./auth/ django.template import Library
./auth/ django.template import Node
./auth/ django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
./auth/ django.core import mail
./auth/ django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
./auth/ django.db import models
./auth/ django.utils.encoding import smart_str
./auth/ django.db.models.manager import EmptyManager
./auth/ from django.contrib.auth.models import SiteProfileNotAvailable
./auth/ from django.conf import settings
./auth/ django.template import add_to_builtins
./auth/ django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser
./sessions/backends/ django.contrib.sessions.backends import base
./sessions/backends/ django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousOperation
./ from django.contrib import sessions
./ from django.contrib.sessions import backends
./ from django.dispatch import errors
./ from django.core.serializers import python
./ from django.core.serializers import json
./ from django.core.serializers import pyyaml
./ from django.core.serializers import base
./ from import validation
./ from django.core import management
./ from django.utils._threading_local import local
./ from django import VERSION
./ from django.conf import settings
./ from django.core import mail
./ from django.contrib.auth import models
./ from django.contrib.auth import middleware as django_middleware
./ from django.contrib.auth import decorators as django_decorators
./ from django.contrib import auth as django_auth
./ from django import newforms as forms
./ from django import forms
./db/ django.db.backends import BaseDatabaseWrapper
./db/ django.db.backends import BaseDatabaseFeatures
./db/ django.db.backends import BaseDatabaseOperations
./db/ django.conf import settings
./db/ django.db.backends.creation import BaseDatabaseCreation
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