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Created May 2, 2018 17:29
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const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const Promise = require('bluebird')
mongoose.Promise = Promise
const mixinBulkWriteValidation = require('./mixinBulkWriteValidation')
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/bulk_update_validation_test', { useMongoClient: true })
const connection = mongoose.connection
const Schema = mongoose.Schema
const schema = new Schema({
name: String
const WithoutValidation = mongoose.model('WithoutValidation', schema)
const WithValidation = mixinBulkWriteValidation(
mongoose.model('WithValidation', schema)
const updateOne = (document, update) => {
return {
updateOne: {
filter: {
_id: document._id
update: {
$set: update
async function run () {
await connection.dropDatabase()
const withoutValidationBefore = await WithoutValidation.create({
name: 'Some name'
const withValidationBefore = await WithValidation.create({
name: 'Some name'
await WithoutValidation.bulkWrite([
updateOne(withoutValidationBefore, { name: 'Some other name', foo: 'bar' })
await WithValidation.bulkWrite([
updateOne(withValidationBefore, { name: 'Some other name', foo: 'bar' })
const withoutValidationAfter = await WithoutValidation.findOne().lean()
const withValidationAfter = await WithValidation.findOne().lean()
JSON.stringify(withoutValidationBefore, null, 2)
JSON.stringify(withoutValidationAfter, null, 2)
JSON.stringify(withValidationBefore, null, 2)
JSON.stringify(withValidationAfter, null, 2)
return connection.close()
const _ = require('lodash')
module.exports = model => {
const originalBulkWrite = model.bulkWrite
model.bulkWrite = function () {
arguments[0] = removeKeysNotInSchema(arguments[0], model)
return originalBulkWrite.apply(model, arguments)
return model
const removeKeysNotInSchema = (ops, model) =>, op => {
const $set = _.get(op, 'updateOne.update.$set')
if (!$set) return op
const updateKeys = _.keys($set)
const schemaKeys = _.keys(model.schema.paths)
const keysNotInSchema = _.difference(updateKeys, schemaKeys)
_.each(keysNotInSchema, keyNotInSchema => {
delete op.updateOne.update.$set[keyNotInSchema]
return op
node bulkUpdateValidation.js
withoutValidationBefore {
"__v": 0,
"name": "Some name",
"_id": "5ae9f4e8219d9b1e34ab9258"
withoutValidationAfter {
"_id": "5ae9f4e8219d9b1e34ab9258",
"name": "Some other name",
"__v": 0,
"foo": "bar"
withValidationBefore {
"__v": 0,
"name": "Some name",
"_id": "5ae9f4e8219d9b1e34ab9259"
withValidationAfter {
"_id": "5ae9f4e8219d9b1e34ab9259",
"name": "Some other name",
"__v": 0
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Removes keys / values that aren't part of a Mongoose model's schema during a Model.bulkWrite.

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