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Created March 5, 2016 21:05
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{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
Copyright 2012, 2013, 2014 Colin Woodbury <>
This file is part of Aura.
Aura is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Aura is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Aura. If not, see <>.
--module Aura.Flags where
--( parseLanguageFlag
--, parseFlags
--, settingsFlags
--, reconvertFlags
--, dualFlagMap
--, hijackedFlagMap
--, pacmanFlagMap
--, buildABSDepsStatus
--, confirmationStatus
--, customizepkgStatus
--, delMakeDepsStatus
--, hotEditStatus
--, keepSourceStatus
--, neededStatus
--, noPowerPillStatus
--, pbDiffStatus
--, quietStatus
--, rebuildDevelStatus
--, sortSchemeStatus
--, suppressionStatus
--, truncationStatus
--, dryRunStatus
--, notSettingsFlag
--, ignoredAuraPkgs
--, makepkgFlags
--, buildPath
--, buildUser
--, auraOperMsg
--, Flag(..) ) where
import BasicPrelude hiding (FilePath, empty)
import Options.Applicative
import qualified Data.Text as T
--import Aura.Colour.Text (yellow)
--import Aura.Settings.Base
--import Aura.Languages
import Shelly (FilePath, fromText)
type FlagMap = Flag -> T.Text
data Flag = ABSInstall
| AURInstall
| SaveState
| Cache
| LogFile
| Orphans
| Search
| Info
| Refresh
| GetPkgbuild
| ViewDeps
| DelMDeps
| Upgrade
| Download
| Unsuppress
| TreeSync
| HotEdit
| NoConfirm
| DryRun
| Quiet
| AURIgnore T.Text
| Ignore T.Text
| IgnoreGroup T.Text
| BuildPath FilePath
| BuildUser T.Text
| ABCSort
| TruncHead Int
| TruncTail Int
| DiffPkgbuilds
| Devel
| Customizepkg
| KeepSource
| BuildABSDeps
| Debug
| CacheBackup
| Clean
| Abandon
| ViewConf
| RestoreState
| NoPowerPill
| IgnoreArch
| Needed
| Languages
| Version
| Help
| JapOut
| PolishOut
| CroatianOut
| SwedishOut
| GermanOut
| SpanishOut
| PortuOut
| FrenchOut
| RussianOut
| ItalianOut
| SerbianOut
| NorwegiOut
| PacmanArg T.Text T.Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
allFlags :: Parser [Flag]
allFlags = join <$> sequenceA [ auraOperations
, auraOptions
, pacmanOptions
, dualOptions
, languageOptions
, longPacmanOptions ]
simpleOption :: String -> [String] -> Flag -> String -> Parser Flag
simpleOption c s f h = flag' f (help h <> foldl appendLong mempty s <> foldl appendShort mempty c)
where appendLong a l = a <> long l
appendShort a s = a <> short s
simpleOptionWarg :: String -> [String] -> (String -> Flag) -> String -> Parser Flag
simpleOptionWarg c s f h = f <$> strOption (help h <> foldl appendLong mempty s <> foldl appendShort mempty c)
where appendLong a l = a <> long l
appendShort a s = a <> short s
choose :: Alternative f => [f a] -> f a
choose = foldl (<|>) empty
auraOperations :: Parser [Flag]
auraOperations = choose
[(\a b -> [a] <> b) <$> simpleOption "A" ["aursync"] AURInstall ""
<*> many (choose [ simpleOption "u" ["sysupgrade"] Upgrade "upgrade AUR packages"
, simpleOption "i" ["info"] Info "get package info"
, simpleOption "s" ["search"] Search "Search the AUR using a Regexp"
, simpleOption "p" ["pkgbuild"] GetPkgbuild "Display an AUR Package's PKGBUILD"
, simpleOption "d" ["deps"] ViewDeps "Display an AUR package's dependencies"
, simpleOption "x" ["unsuppress"] Unsuppress "Don't supress makepkg's output"
, simpleOption "a" ["delmakedeps"] DelMDeps "Remove make depends after installing"
, simpleOption "k" ["diff"] DiffPkgbuilds "Show PKGBUILD differences"
,(\a b -> [a] <> b) <$> simpleOption "B" ["save"] SaveState ""
<*> many (choose [ simpleOption "r" ["restore"] RestoreState "Restore a saved record. Rolls back, uninstalls, and reinstalls packages as necessary"])
,(\a b -> [a] <> b) <$> simpleOption "C" ["downgrade"] Cache ""
<*> many (choose [ simpleOption "s" ["search"] Search "Search the package cache for package files via a regex"
, simpleOption "b" ["backup"] CacheBackup "Backup the package cache"
, simpleOption "c" ["clean"] Clean "Reduce the package cache to contain only 'x' of each package file"
,(\a b -> [a] <> b) <$> simpleOption "L" ["viewlog"] LogFile ""
<*> some (choose [ simpleOption "i" ["info"] Info "Display install / upgrade history for a package"
, simpleOption "s" ["search"] Search "Search the pacman logfile via a regex"
,(\a b -> [a] <> b) <$> simpleOption "M" ["abssync"] ABSInstall ""
<*> many (choose [ simpleOption [] ["absdeps"] BuildABSDeps "Build a repository package and all its dependencies manually"
, simpleOption "t" ["treesync"] TreeSync "Sync a single package's data to the local ABS Tree"
, simpleOption "y" ["refresh"] Refresh "Sync all package data in the local ABS Tree"
,(\a b -> [a] <> b) <$> simpleOption "O" ["orphans"] Orphans ""
<*> many (choose [simpleOption "j" ["abandon"] Abandon "Uninstall all orphan packages"
auraOptions :: Parser [Flag]
auraOptions = many $ choose
[simpleOptionWarg [] ["aurignore"] (AURIgnore . T.pack) ""
,simpleOptionWarg [] ["build"] (BuildPath . fromText . T.pack) ""
,simpleOptionWarg [] ["builduser"] (BuildUser . T.pack) ""
,simpleOptionWarg [] ["head"] (TruncHead . read .T.pack) ""
,simpleOptionWarg [] ["tail"] (TruncTail . read .T.pack) ""
,simpleOption "w" ["downloadonly"] Download ""
,simpleOption "u" ["sysupgrade"] Upgrade ""
,simpleOption "q" ["quiet"] Quiet ""
,simpleOption [] ["abc"] ABCSort ""
,simpleOption [] ["allsource"] KeepSource ""
,simpleOption [] ["auradebug"] Debug ""
,simpleOption [] ["custom"] Customizepkg ""
,simpleOption [] ["devel"] Devel ""
,simpleOption [] ["hotedit"] HotEdit ""
,simpleOption [] ["ignorearch"] IgnoreArch ""
,simpleOption [] ["languages"] Languages ""
,simpleOption [] ["no-pp"] NoPowerPill ""
,simpleOption [] ["dryrun"] DryRun ""
,simpleOption [] ["viewconf"] ViewConf "" ]
-- These are intercepted Pacman flags. Their functionality is different.
pacmanOptions :: Parser [Flag]
pacmanOptions = many $ choose
[ simpleOption "y" ["refresh"] Refresh "Sync all package data in the local ABS Tree"
, simpleOption "V" ["version"] Version "display version information"
, simpleOption "h" ["help"] Help "display help"
-- Options that have functionality stretching across both Aura and Pacman.
dualOptions :: Parser [Flag]
dualOptions = many $ choose
[ simpleOptionWarg [] ["ignore"] (Ignore . T.pack) ""
, simpleOptionWarg [] ["ignoregroup"] (IgnoreGroup . T.pack) ""
, simpleOption [] ["noconfirm"] NoConfirm ""
, simpleOption [] ["needed"] Needed ""
-- These Pacman options are ignored,
-- but parser needs to know that they require an argument
longPacmanOptions :: Parser [Flag]
longPacmanOptions = many $ choose $ fmap pacArg $ zip
[ "dbpath", "root", "arch", "cachedir", "color"
, "config", "gpgdir" , "logfile", "assume-installed"
, "print-format" ]
( "b" : "r" : repeat [] )
-- "owns" is apparently okay as is?
-- TODO: check all others
where pacArg (option, letter) = (PacmanArg (T.pack option) . T.pack) <$> strOption (long option <> foldl appendShort mempty letter)
appendShort a s = a <> short s
pacmanFlagMap :: FlagMap
pacmanFlagMap (PacmanArg option arg) = "--" <> option <> "=" <> arg
pacmanFlagMap _ = ""
languageOptions :: Parser [Flag]
languageOptions = fmap maybeToList $ optional $ choose $ fmap (\(a,b,c,d) -> simpleOption a b c d)
[ ( [], ["japanese", "日本語"], JapOut , "")
, ( [], ["polish", "polski"], PolishOut , "")
, ( [], ["croatian", "hrvatski"], CroatianOut , "")
, ( [], ["swedish", "svenska"], SwedishOut , "")
, ( [], ["german", "deutsch"], GermanOut , "")
, ( [], ["spanish", "español"], SpanishOut , "")
, ( [], ["portuguese", "português"], PortuOut , "")
, ( [], ["french", "français"], FrenchOut , "")
, ( [], ["russian", "русский"], RussianOut , "")
, ( [], ["italian", "italiano"], ItalianOut , "")
, ( [], ["serbian", "српски"], SerbianOut , "")
, ( [], ["norwegian", "norsk"], NorwegiOut , "") ]
-- `Hijacked` flags. They have original pacman functionality, but
-- that is masked and made unique in an Aura context.
hijackedFlagMap :: FlagMap
hijackedFlagMap = simpleFlagMap [ (CacheBackup, "-b" )
, (Clean, "-c" )
, (ViewDeps, "-d" )
, (Info, "-i" )
, (DiffPkgbuilds, "-k" )
, (RestoreState, "-r" )
, (Search, "-s" )
, (TreeSync, "-t" )
, (Upgrade, "-u" )
, (Download, "-w" )
, (Refresh, "-y" ) ]
-- These are flags which do the same thing in Aura or Pacman.
dualFlagMap :: FlagMap
dualFlagMap (Ignore a) = "--ignore=" <> a
dualFlagMap (IgnoreGroup a) = "--ignoregroup=" <> a
dualFlagMap f = flip simpleFlagMap f [ (Quiet, "-q" )
, (NoConfirm, "--noconfirm" )
, (Needed, "--needed" ) ]
main :: IO ()
main = execParser opts >>= print
opts = info (helper <*> allFlags)
(fullDesc <> progDesc "Description of Program")
simpleFlagMap :: [(Flag, T.Text)] -> Flag -> T.Text
simpleFlagMap fm = fromMaybe "" . flip lookup fm
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