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Last active November 5, 2020 15:26
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  • Save thepoppingone/95cae80b7ebf18fc3128bc079c98c3bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save thepoppingone/95cae80b7ebf18fc3128bc079c98c3bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
eks launch template
resource "aws_launch_template" "your_eks_launch_template" {
name = "your_eks_launch_template"
vpc_security_group_ids = [, aws_eks_cluster.your-eks-cluster.vpc_config[0].cluster_security_group_id]
block_device_mappings {
device_name = "/dev/xvda"
ebs {
volume_size = 20
volume_type = "gp2"
image_id = "your_ami_value"
instance_type = "t3.medium"
user_data = base64encode(<<-EOF
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="==MYBOUNDARY=="
Content-Type: text/x-shellscript; charset="us-ascii"
/etc/eks/ your-eks-cluster
tag_specifications {
resource_type = "instance"
tags = {
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