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Last active May 2, 2019 14:37
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Save theprogrammerin/e3206a4ec7a7a4086ac2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Mysql slow query [file] log parser. It combines multi line log into a single line. Also adds a generalised query be replacing query data with 'XXX' which can then be used to identify the slow query pattern.
# Ashutosh Agrawal
# 2014-11-20 v1.0
# This script is modified version of SQL parser written by
# Nathanial Hendler
# This perl script parses a MySQL slow_queries log file
# ignoring all queries less than $min_time and prints
# the required data in a signle line, for easy parsing of it
# by any log parser.
# Usage: mysql_slow_log_parser logfile
# ------------------------
# SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT (aka: how to read output)
# ------------------------
# Also, it does to regex substitutions to normalize
# the queries...
# $query_string =~ s/\d+/XXX/g;
# $query_string =~ s/([\'\"]).+?([\'\"])/$1XXX$2/g;
# These replace numbers with XXX and strings found in
# quotes with XXX so that the same select statement
# with different WHERE clauses will be considered
# as the same query.
# so these...
# SELECT * FROM offices WHERE office_id = 3;
# SELECT * FROM offices WHERE office_id = 19;
# become...
# SELECT * FROM offices WHERE office_id = XXX;
# And these...
# SELECT * FROM photos WHERE camera_model LIKE 'Nikon%';
# SELECT * FROM photos WHERE camera_model LIKE '%Olympus';
# become...
# SELECT * FROM photos WHERE camera_model LIKE 'XXX';
# ---------------------
# THIS MAY BE IMPORTANT (aka: Probably Not)
# ---------------------
# *SO* if you use numbers in your table names, or column
# names, you might get some oddities, but I doubt it.
# I mean, how different should the following queries be
# considered?
# SELECT car1 FROM autos_10;
# SELECT car54 FROM autos_11;
# I don't think so.
$min_time = 0; # Skip queries less than $min_time
$min_rows = 0;
$max_display = 10; # Truncate display if more than $max_display occurances of a query
print "\n Starting... \n";
$query_string = '';
$time = 0;
$new_sql = 0;
$user = '';
$host = '';
# Loop Through The Logfile
while (<>) {
# Skip Bogus Lines
next if ( m|/.*mysqld, Version:.+ started with:| );
next if ( m|Tcp port: \d+ Unix socket: .*mysql.sock| );
next if ( m|Time\s+Id\s+Command\s+Argument| );
next if ( m|administrator\s+command:| );
# if ( /Query_time:\s+(.*)\s+Lock_time:\s+(.*)\s/ ) {
#if ( /Query_time:\s+(.*)\s+Lock_time:\s+(.*)\s+Rows_examined:\s+(\d+)/ ) {
if ( /User\SHost:\s+([\S]*)\s+\S\s+\S*\s+\[+(.*)\][\s+\S]*/ ) {
# Try This if the above doesn't work
# if ( /User\SHost:\s+(.*)\s\S\s+\[+(.*)\][\s+\S]*/ ) {
$user = $1;
$host = $2;
if ( /Query_time:\s+(.*)\s+Lock_time:\s+(.*)\s+Rows_examined:\s+(.*)/ ) {
$time = $1;
$rows = $3;
$new_sql = 1;
# print "found $1 $3\n";
if ( /^\#/ && $query_string ) {
if (($time > $min_time) && ($rows >= $min_rows)) {
$orig_query = $query_string;
$query_string =~ s/\d+/XXX/g;
$query_string =~ s/'([^'\\]*(\\.[^'\\]*)*)'/'XXX'/g;
$query_string =~ s/"([^"\\]*(\\.[^"\\]*)*)"/"XXX"/g;
#$query_string =~ s/([\'\"]).+?([\'\"])/$1XXX$2/g;
#$query_string =~ s/\s+/ /g;
#$query_string =~ s/\n+/\n/g;
$users{$query_string} = $user;
$hosts{$query_string} = $host;
push @{$queries{$query_string}}, $time;
push @{$queries_rows{$query_string}}, $rows;
$queries_tot{$query_string} += $time;
$queries_orig{$query_string} = $orig_query;
$query_string = '';
} else {
if ($new_sql) {
$query_string = $_;
$new_sql = 0;
} else {
$query_string .= $_;
# Display Output
foreach my $query ( sort { $queries_tot{$b} <=> $queries_tot{$a} } keys %queries_tot ) {
my $total = 0;
my $cnt = 0;
my @seconds = sort { $a <=> $b } @{$queries{$query}};
my @rows = sort { $a <=> $b } @{$queries_rows{$query}};
($total+=$_) for @seconds;
($cnt++) for @seconds;
print "Database: $ENV{DATABASE}";
print " | User: ".$users{$query};
print " | Host: ".$hosts{$query};
print " | NoQuery: ".@{$queries{$query}};
print " | TotalTime: " . $total;
print " | AverageTime: ".($total/$cnt);
print " | TimeTaken: ";
print @seconds > $max_display ? "$seconds[0] to $seconds[-1]" : sec_joiner(\@seconds);
print " seconds to complete ";
print " | RowsAnalyzed: ";
print @rows > $max_display ? "$rows[0] - $rows[-1]": sec_joiner(\@rows);
$orignal = $query;
$query =~ s/\n/ /g;
$queries_orig{$orignal} =~ s/\n/ /g;
print " | Pattern: $query";
print " | Orignal: ";
print $queries_orig{$orignal}."\n";
sub sec_joiner {
my ($seconds) = @_;
$string = join(", ", @{$seconds});
$string =~ s/, (\d+)$/ and $1/;
return $string;
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The grouping in the associative array could be a bit better. I have 4 slow queries greater than 2 seconds, but I only get 3 returned in groups of 2 and 1. Adding next if ( m|^use.*| ); merges those two together, and removing the two next; within the User and Query_time conditionals properly reintroduces my missing 4th query.

All 4 queries are of the same pattern, so it was curious behavior to see one missing initially.

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