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Created December 27, 2016 00:48
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AOC Day 22 Solution
const scaffold = require('./scaffold');
const {pipe, tail, range, reduce, find, map, curry, assoc, filter, prop, tap, lte, chain, length} = require('ramda');
const {inspect} = require('util');
const parseLine = line => map(x => parseInt(x, 10), tail(line.match(/\/dev\/grid\/node-x(\d+)-y(\d+)\s+(\d+)T\s+(\d+)T\s+(\d+)T\s+(\d+)%/)));
const astify = ([x, y, size, used, avail, perc]) => ({x, y, size, used, avail, perc});
const adjacency = curry((nodes, node) => assoc('adj', node.used === 0 ? [] : filter(n2 => n2.avail >= node.used, nodes), node));
const classifyNode = ([width, column], [height, row], node) =>
row === 0 && column === width - 1 ? 'G' :
node.size > 200 ? '#' :
node.used === 0 ? '_' :
column === 0 && row === 0 ? 'o' : '.';
const draw = curry((width, height, nodes) =>
reduce((rows, row) =>
rows.concat(reduce((columns, column) =>
columns.concat(classifyNode([width, column], [height, row], find(node => node.x === column && node.y === row, nodes))),
range(0, width)).join('')),
range(0, height)).join('\n'));
const part1 = pipe(
pipe(tail, tail),
nodes => map(adjacency(nodes), nodes),
// draws a depiction where you can count steps
const part2 = pipe(
pipe(tail, tail),
nodes => map(adjacency(nodes), nodes),
draw(32, 30)
scaffold.lines(part1, part2);
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