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Created June 25, 2015 01:07
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(function () {
"use strict";
var pair = (function () {
function cons(x, y) {
return function (pick) {
return pick ? x : y;
function car(pair) {
return pair(true);
function cdr(pair) {
return pair(false);
return {
cons: cons,
car: car,
cdr: cdr
arr = (function () {
function length(a) {
return a.length;
function head(a) {
return a[0];
function tail(a) {
return a.slice(1);
function empty(a) {
return a.length === 0;
function concat(a, item) {
return a.concat(item);
function join(delim, a) {
return a.join(delim);
return {
concat: concat,
empty: empty,
length: length,
head: head,
tail: tail,
join: join
fargs = (function () {
function toArray(args) {
var newArr = [],
i = 0,
len = args.length;
while (i < len) {
i += 1;
return newArr;
return {
toArray: toArray
func = (function () {
function apply(f, args) {
return f.apply(null, args);
return {
apply: apply
str = (function () {
function build() {
return arr.join("", fargs.toArray(arguments));
return {
build: build
list = (function () {
function length(list) {
function _length(current, list) {
var head =;
return head ? _length(current + 1, pair.cdr(list)) : current;
return _length(0, list);
function empty(list) {
return length(list) === 0;
function makeList() {
var args = fargs.toArray(arguments);
return arr.empty(args) ?
pair.cons(null, null) :
pair.cons(arr.head(args), func.apply(makeList, arr.tail(args)));
function reduce(f, a, l) {
return empty(l) ? a : reduce(f, f(a,, pair.cdr(l));
function concat(l1, l2) {
return empty(l1) ? l2 : pair.cons(, concat(pair.cdr(l1), l2));
function map(f, l) {
return reduce(function (newList, item) {
return concat(newList, makeList(f(item)));
}, makeList(), l);
function toArray(l) {
return reduce(function (acc, item) {
return arr.concat(acc, item);
}, [], l);
function display(l) {
return"(", arr.join(" ", toArray(l)), ")");
return {
length: length,
makeList: makeList,
reduce: reduce,
map: map,
concat: concat,
display: display
myList = list.makeList(1, 2, 3, 4);
console.log(list.reduce(function (x, y) { return x + y; }, 0, myList));
console.log(list.display(list.concat(myList, list.makeList(5))));
console.log(list.display( (x) { return x * 10; }, myList)));
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