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Created December 25, 2016 06:48
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AOC Day 18 Solution
/*eslint no-confusing-arrow: off*/
module.exports = (function ({curry, call, complement, identity, tap, invoker, pipe, init, map, filter, reduce, is, not, compose, lte, equals, head, last, fromPairs}) {
const iterate = curry((f, base) => () => [base, iterate(f, f(base))]);
const coreq = {
head: pipe(call, head),
tail: pipe(call, last),
map: curry((f, iter) => () => [f(coreq.head(iter)),, coreq.tail(iter))]),
filter: curry((pred, iter) => {
const h = coreq.head(iter);
return pred(h) ?
() => [h, coreq.filter(pred, coreq.tail(iter))] :
coreq.filter(pred, coreq.tail(iter));
skip: curry((n, iter) => n === 0 ? iter : coreq.skip(n - 1, coreq.tail(iter))),
skipWhile: curry((pred, iter) => coreq.filter(complement(pred), iter)),
take: curry((n, iter) => n === 0 ? [] : [coreq.head(iter)].concat(coreq.take(n - 1, coreq.tail(iter)))),
zipWith: curry((f, other, iter) => () => [f(coreq.head(other), coreq.head(iter)), coreq.zipWith(f, coreq.tail(other), coreq.tail(iter))]),
zip: x => coreq.zipWith((...args) => args, x),
switch: iter => coreq.head(iter),
switchMap: curry((f, iter) => f(coreq.head(iter))),
forever: iterate(identity),
tap: curry((f, iter) => () => [tap(f)(coreq.head(iter)), coreq.tap(f, coreq.tail(iter))])
return {
catcat: curry((elem, arr) => arr.concat([elem])),
interface: obj => pipe(
x => {
const keys = [];
for (const key in x) {
return keys;
filter(x => is(Function, obj[x])),
map(name => [obj[name].length, name]),
filter(compose(lte(0), head)),
filter(compose(not, equals('_'), head, last)),
map(args => [last(args), invoker(args[0], args[1])]),
histogram: reduce((hist, e) => {
const working = last(hist) || [null, null];
const [context, amount] = working;
const stem = context === e ? init(hist) : hist;
const newWorking = context === e ? [context, amount + 1] : [e, 1];
return stem.concat(Array.of(newWorking));
}, []),
instrument: (msg, f) => (...args) => {
const start = new Date().getTime();
const result = f(...args);
const end = new Date().getTime();
console.log(`${msg}: ${end - start}`);
return result;
/*eslint no-confusing-arrow: off*/
const scaffold = require('./scaffold');
const {coreq} = require('./helper');
const {head, pipe, filter, equals} = require('ramda');
const trap = '^';
const safe = '.';
const trapIf = ['^^.', '.^^', '^..', '..^'];
const iteratableFromInput = input => {
const span = input.length;
return ([safeCount, iteration]) => {
const newIndex = iteration.length;
const left = newIndex % span === 0 ? safe : iteration[newIndex - span - 1];
const center = iteration[newIndex - span];
const right = newIndex % span === span - 1 ? safe : iteration[newIndex - span + 1];
const newIteration = iteration + (trapIf.includes(left + center + right) ? trap : safe);
if (newIteration.length === span * 2) {
const pruned = newIteration.slice(0, span);
const forward = newIteration.slice(span);
return [safeCount + filter(equals(safe), pruned).length, forward];
return [safeCount, newIteration];
const safeInRows = rows => pipe(
input => [iteratableFromInput(input), input],
([iteratable, input]) => [coreq.iterate(iteratable, [0, input]), input],
([iter, input]) => coreq.skip(input.length * rows, iter),
const part1 = safeInRows(40);
const part2 = safeInRows(400000);
scaffold.value(part1, part2);
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