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Created December 28, 2016 05:57
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AOC Day 24 Solution
/*eslint no-confusing-arrow: off, no-unused-vars: off*/
const {Set, Map, Record} = require('immutable');
const {pipe, range, xprod, head, isEmpty, over, lensProp, aperture, memoize, concat, splitEvery, sortBy, zipWith, add, equals, chain, __, prop, tail, curry, flip, curryN, filter, map, invoker, addIndex, reduce} = require('ramda');
const reduceIndexed = addIndex(reduce);
const toInt = flip(curryN(2, parseInt))(10);
const pairs = pipe(
r => xprod(r, r),
filter(([x, y]) => x !== y),
invoker(0, 'toJS')
const Point = new Record({x: 0, y: 0});
const toPoint = ([x, y]) => new Point({x, y});
const fromPoint = p => [p.get('x'), p.get('y')];
const grids = {
empty: curry((width, height) => ({width, height, _grid: new Map()})),
get: curry((p, {_grid}) => _grid.get(toPoint(p))),
set: curry((p, v, {width, height, _grid}) => ({width, height, _grid: _grid.set(toPoint(p), v)})),
fromLines: lines =>
reduceIndexed((grid, line, y) =>
reduceIndexed((grid, char, x) =>
grids.set([x, y], char, grid),
grids.empty(head(lines).length, lines.length),
const translations = [[0, 1], [0, -1], [1, 0], [-1, 0]];
const vectorAdd = zipWith(add);
const WALL = '#';
const mazes = {
waypoints: memoize(pipe(
grid => reduce((points, y) =>
reduce((points, x) => {
const char = grids.get([x, y], grid);
return char.match(/\d/) ? points.concat([[toInt(char), x, y]]) : points;
range(0, grid.width)),
range(0, grid.height)),
isSpace: curry((p, grid) => grids.get(p, grid) !== WALL),
neighbors: curry((p, grid) => filter(mazes.isSpace(__, grid), map(vectorAdd(p), translations))),
multiwalk: memoize(curry((start, grid) => {
const _multiwalk = (depth, distances, horizon) => {
if (isEmpty(horizon)) {
return distances;
const newDistances = reduce((distances, p) => distances.set(toPoint(p), depth), distances, horizon);
const newHorizon = newDistances
.flatMap(mazes.neighbors(__, grid))
.filter(p => !newDistances.has(toPoint(p)))
return _multiwalk(depth + 1, newDistances, newHorizon);
return _multiwalk(0, new Map(), [start]);
const pairUp = pipe(
list => ({list, idxPairs: pairs(list.length)}),
env =>[x, y]) => [[x, env.list[x]], [y, env.list[y]]])
const distanceBetween = (from, to, grid) => mazes.multiwalk(from, grid).get(toPoint(to));
const without = (el, arr) => filter(x => !equals(x, el), arr);
const permute = arr => {
const permTree = arr => isEmpty(arr) ? [] : map(branch => [branch].concat(permTree(without(branch, arr))), arr);
const treePaths = curry((path, [node, ...children]) => {
const newPath = path.concat(node);
return isEmpty(children) ? newPath : chain(treePaths(newPath), children);
return reduce(concat, [], map(pipe(treePaths([]), splitEvery(arr.length)), permTree(arr)));
const solution = extraStep => pipe(
grid => ({grid, waypoints: mazes.waypoints(grid)}),
({grid, waypoints}) => ({grid, pairs: pairUp(waypoints)}),
({grid, pairs}) => ({grid, weights: reduce((distances, [[id1, p1], [id2, p2]]) => distances.set(new Set([id1, id2]), distanceBetween(p1, p2, grid)), new Map(), pairs)}),
({grid, weights}) => ({grid, weights, waypoints: mazes.waypoints(grid)}),
({weights, waypoints}) => ({weights, perms: map(perm => [0].concat(perm).concat(extraStep), permute(range(1, waypoints.length)))}),
over(lensProp('perms'), map(aperture(2))),
({weights, perms}) => map(perm => [perm, map(win => weights.get(new Set(win)), perm)], perms),
map(([perm, weights]) => [perm, weights, reduce(add, 0, weights)]),
([windows, weights, total]) => [head(windows).concat(map(prop(1), tail(windows))).join(''), total]
const part1 = solution([]);
const part2 = solution(0);
const scaffold = require('./scaffold');
scaffold.lines(part1, part2);
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