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Created December 27, 2016 18:58
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AOC Day 23 Solution
/*eslint no-confusing-arrow: off*/
const scaffold = require('./scaffold');
const {pipe, set, curry, join, reduce, and, prop, map, split, lensIndex, __, over, lensProp, inc, dec, head, tail} = require('ramda');
const {sleep} = require('sleep');
const initMachine = curry((a, instructions) => ({
pc: 0,
registers: {
b: 0,
c: 0,
d: 0
const tglMap = {
inc: 'dec',
dec: 'inc',
tgl: 'inc',
jnz: 'cpy',
cpy: 'jnz'
const toggleInstruction = pipe(
split(' '),
over(lensIndex(0), prop(__, tglMap)),
ins => head(ins) === 'cpy' && reduce(and, true, map(x => !isNaN(parseInt(x, 10)), tail(ins))) ? 'cpy a a' : ins,
join(' ')
const transitions = {
cpy: curry(([value, register], {pc, registers, instructions}) => !isNaN(parseInt(value, 10)) ?
{pc: pc + 1, registers: set(lensProp(register), parseInt(value, 10), registers), instructions} :
{pc: pc + 1, registers: set(lensProp(register), registers[value], registers), instructions}),
inc: curry((register, {pc, registers, instructions}) => ({pc: pc + 1, registers: over(lensProp(register), inc, registers), instructions})),
dec: curry((register, {pc, registers, instructions}) => ({pc: pc + 1, registers: over(lensProp(register), dec, registers), instructions})),
jnz: curry(([nz, v], {pc, registers, instructions}) => {
const condition = parseInt(nz, 10) || registers[nz];
const value = parseInt(v, 10) || registers[v];
return {
pc: pc + (condition ? parseInt(value, 10) : 1),
tgl: curry((tg, {pc, registers, instructions}) => {
const distance = parseInt(tg, 10) || registers[tg];
return {
pc: pc + 1,
instructions: over(lensIndex(pc + distance), x => x ? toggleInstruction(x) : x, instructions)
const runMachine = ({pc, registers, instructions}) => {
const machine = {pc, registers, instructions};
if (pc >= instructions.length) {
return machine;
const instruction = instructions[pc].split(' ');
if (registers.d % 100000 === 0 && registers.c === 0 || pc >= 10) {
return runMachine(transitions[head(instruction)](tail(instruction), machine));
const part1 = pipe(
const part2 = pipe(
scaffold.lines(part1, part2);
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