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Created August 9, 2012 16:26
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Save therabidbanana/3305643 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Dtime.View is like CompositeView from Backbone on Rails book.

Observer from Backbone on Rails - call bindTo instead of @model.on, then unbindFromAll to handle unbinding automatically. The composite view keeps track of children and calls unbindFromAll for all children.

class Dtime.View extends Backbone.View
# Call cleanup before removing completely,
# unbind events from this and all children
leave: ->
cleanup: ->
@$el.unbind("click", @debugClick)
render: ->
debugClick: (e)=>
# Just register interest, pass on event
if e.shiftKey && window.rails_env != "production"
window.debug ?= _([])
window.debug.push @
console.log "var debug.last() = ", window.debug.last()
attach: ->
@children ||= _([])
@$'attached_view', @)
@$el.bind("click", @debugClick) unless window.rails_env == 'production'
setElement: (el)->
$(el).data('attached_view', @)
constructView: (el, include_el = false)->
return $(el).data('attached_view') if $(el).data('attached_view')?
data = $(el).data()
key = JSON.stringify(data)
@loadedViews ?= {}
# Attach if already loaded
if @loadedViews[key]?
val = @loadedViews[key]
return val
name = data.view
data.el = $(el) if include_el
klass = Dtime.Views[name]
if klass
val = new klass(data)
@loadedViews[key] = val
return val
throw "Tried to build non-existent class #{name}"
attachSubviews: (el)->
parent = @
$('.attach_view', el).filter ->
$(@).parents('.attach_view').length < 1
.each ()->
view = parent.constructView(@, true)
# Attaches a child without rendering
attachChild: (view)->
view.parent = this
@children ||= _([])
# Renders a child view and adds it to the list of children - does
# nothing to attach the view to the dom - use renderChildInto if this is
# needed.
renderChild: (view)->
# Renders a child and replaces a specific element with the new
# view.el
renderChildInto: (view, replace_el)->
appendChild: (view, replace_el)->
# Calls leave on all subviews
_leaveChildren: ->
@children?.chain().clone().each (view)->
# Alerts parent that this view is leaving,
# so that it can be removed from children list
_removeFromParent: ()->
# Removes child from list of children
# called when a child does a "leave" event.
_removeChild: (view)->
index = @children.indexOf(view)
@children.splice(index, 1)
# Attach views to existing dom elements that have class "attach_view"
window.attachViews = _.once ->
$('.attach_view').filter ->
$(@).parents('.attach_view').length < 1
.each ()->
viewname = $(@).data('view')
data = $(@).data()
data.el = @
view = new Dtime.Views[viewname](data)
#= require ./view
class Dtime.Backbone.Observer
bindToModel: (event, callback) ->
source = @model
@bindTo(source, event, callback)
bindTo: (source, event, callback) ->
source.bind(event, callback, this)
this.bindings = this.bindings || []
this.bindings.push({ source: source, event: event, callback: callback })
unbindFromAll: () ->
_.each(this.bindings, (binding) ->
binding.source.unbind(binding.event, binding.callback);
this.bindings = []
_.extend(Dtime.Backbone.View::, Dtime.Backbone.Observer::)
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