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Created January 12, 2023 03:46
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Migrates the recipe data from WPZoom recipe block to ACF blocks
$post_ids = [3011, 2883, 2930, 2912, 2904, 2801, 2640, 2515, 2480, 1505, 1118, 1011, 1098];
function convertRecipeData($post_id) {
if($post_id === null) return;
echo "============ START POST ID: " . $post_id . " =============\n";
echo "Getting post...\n";
$post = get_post($post_id);
if($post === null) {
echo "No post found...\n";
echo "============ END POST ID: " . $post_id . " =============\n";
function getRecipe($post) {
$blocks = parse_blocks( $post->post_content );
echo "Parsing blocks...\n";
foreach ( $blocks as $block ) {
if( 'wpzoom-recipe-card/block-recipe-card' === $block['blockName']) {
echo "Found recipe card...\n";
$recipe = [
'title' => $block['attrs']['recipeTitle'],
'summary' => array_key_exists('jsonSummary', $block['attrs']) ? $block['attrs']['jsonSummary']: null,
'course' => array_key_exists('course', $block['attrs']) ? $block['attrs']['course']: null,
'keywords' => array_key_exists('keywords', $block['attrs']) ? $block['attrs']['keywords']: []
foreach($block['attrs']['details'] as $detail) {
if(array_key_exists("label", $detail)) {
switch($detail['label']) {
case 'Servings':
$recipe['servings'] = [
'value' => $detail['value'],
'unit' => $detail['unit']
case 'Prep time':
$recipe['preptime'] = [
'value' => $detail['value'],
'unit' => $detail['unit']
case 'Cooking time':
$recipe['cooktime'] = [
'value' => $detail['value'],
'unit' => $detail['unit']
case 'Total time':
$recipe['totaltime'] = [
'value' => $detail['value'],
'unit' => $detail['unit']
$ingredients = [];
$currentIngredientGroup = 'DefaultGroup';
$ingredients[$currentIngredientGroup] = [];
foreach($block['attrs']['ingredients'] as $ingredient) {
if($ingredient['isGroup'] === true) {
$currentIngredientGroup = $ingredient['jsonName'];
$ingredients[$currentIngredientGroup] = [];
} else {
array_push($ingredients[$currentIngredientGroup], $ingredient['jsonName']);
$recipe['ingredients'] = $ingredients;
$steps = [];
$currentStepGroup = 'DefaultGroup';
$steps[$currentStepGroup] = [];
foreach($block['attrs']['steps'] as $step) {
if($step['isGroup'] === true) {
$currentStepGroup = $step['jsonText'];
$steps[$currentStepGroup] = [];
} else {
array_push($steps[$currentStepGroup], $step['jsonText']);
$recipe['steps'] = $steps;
$recipe['notes'] = array_key_exists('notes', $block['attrs']) ? $block['attrs']['notes'] : null;
return $recipe;
function generateAcfRecipe($recipe) {
$acf_recipe_data = [
"recipe"=> true,
"title"=> $recipe['title'],
"summary"=> $recipe['summary'],
"keywords"=> array_map(function($keyword) {
return (object) [
'keyword' => $keyword
}, $recipe['keywords']),
"notes"=> array_key_exists('notes', $recipe) ? $recipe['notes'] : null
// Add prep time
if(array_key_exists('preptime', $recipe)) {
$acf_recipe_data['prep_time'] = (object) [
"display_prep_time"=> true,
"prep_time_label"=> "Prep time",
"prep_time_value"=> $recipe['preptime']['value'],
"prep_time_units"=> $recipe['preptime']['unit'],
// Add cook time
if(array_key_exists('cooktime', $recipe)) {
$acf_recipe_data['cook_time'] = (object) [
"display_cook_time"=> true,
"cook_time_label"=> "Cook time",
"cook_time_value"=> $recipe['cooktime']['value'],
"cook_time_units"=> $recipe['cooktime']['unit'],
// add total time
if(array_key_exists('totaltime', $recipe)) {
$acf_recipe_data['total_time'] = (object) [
"display_total_time"=> true,
"total_time_label"=> "Total time",
"total_time_value"=> $recipe['totaltime']['value'],
"total_time_units"=> $recipe['totaltime']['unit'],
// add servings
if(array_key_exists('servings', $recipe)) {
$acf_recipe_data['servings'] = (object) [
"servings_label"=> "Servings",
"servings_value"=> $recipe['servings']['value'],
"servings_units"=> $recipe['servings']['unit'],
// Add Ingredients
if(array_key_exists('ingredients', $recipe)) {
foreach($recipe['ingredients'] as $i_group_name => $i_group_list) {
if(count($i_group_list) === 0) continue;
$acf_recipe_data['ingredients'][] = (object) [
"ingredients_group"=> (object) [
"ingredients_group_name" => $i_group_name,
"ingredients" => array_map(function($ingredient) {
return (object) [
"ingredient" => $ingredient
}, $i_group_list),
// Add Steps
// Add Ingredients
if(array_key_exists('steps', $recipe)) {
foreach($recipe['steps'] as $s_group_name => $s_group_list) {
if(count($s_group_list) === 0) continue;
$acf_recipe_data['steps'][] = (object) [
"steps_group"=> (object) [
"steps_group_name" => $s_group_name,
"steps" => array_map(function($step) {
return (object) [
"step" => $step
}, $s_group_list),
return $acf_recipe_data;
function updatePostWithACFRecipeData($post_id, $generated_acf_recipe_data) {
$response = wp_remote_post( "https://ENTERYOURENDPOINT/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/$post_id?per_page=3&sticky=true&status=publish", array(
'headers' => array(
'Authorization' => 'Basic ENTERYOURAUTH',
'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
'body' => json_encode([
'id' => $post_id,
'acf' => $generated_acf_recipe_data
) );
echo json_encode([
'id' => $post_id,
'acf' => $generated_acf_recipe_data
if ( ! is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
// The request went through successfully, check the response code against
// what we're expecting
if ( 200 == wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ) ) {
} else {
// The response code was not what we were expecting, record the message
$error_message = wp_remote_retrieve_response_message( $response );
echo "FAILED TO UPDATE...\n";
echo "\n";
} else {
// There was an error making the request
$error_message = $response->get_error_message();
echo "FAILED TO UPDATE...\n";
echo "\n";
$recipe = getRecipe($post);
if($recipe) {
echo "Got recipe data...\n";
} else {
echo "No recipe card block found. Exiting...\n";
echo "============ END POST ID: " . $post_id . " =============\n";
// ACF Data
// $acf_prep_time = update_field('prep_time', $post_id, []);
// $acf_cook_time = get_field('cook_time', $post_id);
// $acf_total_time = get_field('total_time', $post_id);
// $acf_servings = get_field('servings', $post_id);
// $acf_ingredients = get_field('ingredients', $post_id);
// $acf_steps = get_field('steps', $post_id);
echo "Converting to ACF format...\n";
$generated_acf_recipe_data = generateAcfRecipe($recipe);
echo "Completed converting to ACF format...\n";
echo "Calling API to update post...\n";
updatePostWithACFRecipeData($post_id, $generated_acf_recipe_data);
echo "Completed calling API to update post...\n";
// return generateAcfRecipe($recipe);
echo "============ END POST ID: " . $post_id . " =============\n";
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