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Created October 29, 2015 17:41
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from db4 import *
import re, sys
fd_re = re.compile("^(\S+)\((\d+)\)$", re.I)
cvt = {
"varchar" : "varbinary",
"char" : "binary",
"text" : "blob",
"tinytext" : "tinyblob",
"mediumtext": "mediumblob",
"longtext" : "longblob"
dbw = DBWrapper(user = 'root', passwd = sys.argv[2], db = sys.argv[1])
db = dbw.New()
cs = sys.argv[3]
def t1(n):
rows, cursor = db.ExecuteRaw("explain %s" % n)
if rows:
_a = []
_b = []
for x in cursor:
m = fd_re.match(x["Type"])
if m:
_t =
_l = "(%s)" %
_t = x["Type"]
_l = ""
if _t in cvt.keys():
_null = "NOT NULL"
if x["Null"]:
_null = ""
_default = ""
if x["Default"]:
_default = "DEFAULT '%s'" % x["Default"]
_a.append("modify `%s` %s%s %s %s" % (x["Field"], cvt[_t], _l, _null, _default))
_b.append("modify `%s` %s%s CHARACTER SET %s %s %s" % (x["Field"], _t, _l, cs, _null, _default))
if len(_a) > 0:
print "alter table `%s`\n%s;" % (n, ",\n".join(_a))
print "alter table `%s`\n%s;" % (n, ",\n".join(_b))
print "alter table `%s` default character set %s;" % (n, cs)
rows, cursor = db.ExecuteRaw("show tables")
if rows:
for x in cursor:
print "alter database `%s` default character set %s;" % (sys.argv[1], cs)
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