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Forked from Daenyth/ImmutableLRU.scala
Created October 7, 2021 12:19
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LruRef / LRU for cats-effect
package teikametrics
import cats.Monad
import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.implicits._
object LruRef {
* Build an immutable LRU key/value store that cannot grow larger than `maxSize`
def empty[F[_]: Sync, K, V](maxSize: Int): F[LruRef[F, K, V]] =
.of(ImmutableLRU[K, V](maxSize))
.map(new LruRef(_))
class LruRef[F[_]: Monad, K, V](lruRef: Ref[F, ImmutableLRU[K, V]]) {
/** Adds the new kv to the LRU
* @return The kv which was evicted to make space for the new input, if needed
def put(kv: (K, V)): F[Option[(K, V)]] =
lruRef.modify { lru =>
/** @return The value at `k`, if present */
def get(k: K): F[Option[V]] = lruRef.modify { lru =>
/** @return The value at `k` prior to removal, if present */
def remove(k: K): F[Option[V]] = lruRef.modify { lru =>
/** @return The number of keys present */
def size: F[Int] =
/** @return The set of keys present */
def keySet: F[Set[K]] =
package teikametrics
import scala.collection.SortedMap
* Immutable implementation of an LRU cache.
* @author Twitter
* Copy pasted from the version previously in twitter-util v19.1.0 at
* [[]]
object ImmutableLRU {
* Build an immutable LRU key/value store that cannot grow larger than `maxSize`
def apply[K, V](maxSize: Int): ImmutableLRU[K, V] =
new ImmutableLRU(maxSize,
Map.empty[K, (Long, V)],
SortedMap.empty[Long, K])
* An immutable key/value store that evicts the least recently accessed elements
* to stay constrained in a maximum size bound.
// "map" is the backing store used to hold key->(index,value)
// pairs. The index tracks the access time for a particular key. "ord"
// is used to determine the Least-Recently-Used key in "map" by taking
// the minimum index.
class ImmutableLRU[K, V] private (maxSize: Int,
idx: Long,
map: Map[K, (Long, V)],
ord: SortedMap[Long, K]) {
// Scala's SortedMap requires a key ordering; ImmutableLRU doesn't
// care about pulling a minimum value out of the SortedMap, so the
// following kOrd treats every value as equal.
protected implicit val kOrd = new Ordering[K] { def compare(l: K, r: K) = 0 }
* the number of entries in the cache
def size: Int = map.size
* the `Set` of all keys in the LRU
* @note accessing this set does not update the element LRU ordering
def keySet: Set[K] = map.keySet
/** Alias for `put`, but discarding the old value */
def +(kv: (K, V)): (Option[K], ImmutableLRU[K, V]) = this.put(kv) match {
case (Some((k, _)), newLru) => Some(k) -> newLru
case other @ (None, _) =>
other.asInstanceOf[(Option[K], ImmutableLRU[K, V])]
* Build a new LRU containing the given key/value
* @return a tuple with of the following two items:
* _1 represents the evicted entry (if the given lru is at the maximum size)
* or None if the lru is not at capacity yet.
* _2 is the new lru with the given key/value pair inserted.
def put(kv: (K, V)): (Option[(K, V)], ImmutableLRU[K, V]) = {
val (key, value) = kv
val newIdx = idx + 1
val newMap = map + (key -> ((newIdx, value)))
// Now update the ordered cache:
val baseOrd = map.get(key).map { case (id, _) => ord - id }.getOrElse(ord)
val ordWithNewKey = baseOrd + (newIdx -> key)
// Do we need to remove an old key:
val (evicts, finalMap, finalOrd) = if (ordWithNewKey.size > maxSize) {
val (minIdx, eKey) = ordWithNewKey.min
(Some(eKey -> map(eKey)._2), newMap - eKey, ordWithNewKey - minIdx)
} else {
(None, newMap, ordWithNewKey)
(evicts, new ImmutableLRU[K, V](maxSize, newIdx, finalMap, finalOrd))
* If the key is present in the cache, returns the pair of
* Some(value) and the cache with the key's entry as the most recently accessed.
* Else, returns None and the unmodified cache.
def get(k: K): (Option[V], ImmutableLRU[K, V]) = {
val (optionalValue, lru) = remove(k)
val newLru = { v =>
(lru + (k -> v))._2
} getOrElse (lru)
(optionalValue, newLru)
* If the key is present in the cache, returns the pair of
* Some(value) and the cache with the key removed.
* Else, returns None and the unmodified cache.
def remove(k: K): (Option[V], ImmutableLRU[K, V]) =
.map {
case (kidx, v) =>
val newMap = map - k
val newOrd = ord - kidx
// Note we don't increase the idx on a remove, only on put:
(Some(v), new ImmutableLRU[K, V](maxSize, idx, newMap, newOrd))
.getOrElse((None, this))
override def toString = "ImmutableLRU(" + map.toList.mkString(",") + ")"
package teikametrics
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbitrary
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.scalatest.prop.GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks
import scala.annotation.tailrec
/** Copied from twitter-util v19.1.0 at [[]]
* With adaptations for our test dependencies
class ImmutableLRUSpec extends FunSuite with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks {
// don't waste too much time testing this and keep things small
implicit override val generatorDrivenConfig: PropertyCheckConfiguration =
PropertyCheckConfiguration(minSuccessful = 5, minSize = 2, sizeRange = 8)
test("ImmutableLRU insertion") {
forAll(, arbitrary[Int])) {
case (s: String, i: Int) =>
val lru = ImmutableLRU[String, Int](50)
// first-time insertion should not evict
val (key, lru2) = lru + (s -> i)
assert(key == None)
// test get method
val (key2, _) = lru2.get(s)
assert(key2 == Some(i))
// given a list of entries, build an LRU containing them
private def buildLRU[V](
lru: ImmutableLRU[String, V],
entries: List[(String, V)]
): ImmutableLRU[String, V] =
entries match {
case Nil => lru
case head :: tail => buildLRU((lru + head)._2, tail)
test("ImmutableLRU eviction") {
forAll(LRUEntriesGenerator[Int]) { entries =>
val lru = buildLRU(ImmutableLRU[String, Int](4), entries)
lru.keySet == entries
.slice(entries.size - 4, entries.size)
test("ImmutableLRU removal") {
val gen = for {
entries <- LRUEntriesGenerator[Double]
entry <- Gen.oneOf(entries)
} yield (entries, entry._1, entry._2)
forAll(gen) {
case (entries, k, v) =>
val lru =
buildLRU(ImmutableLRU[String, Double](entries.size + 1), entries)
// make sure it's there
assert(lru.get(k)._1 == Some(v))
// remove once
val (key, newLru) = lru.remove(k)
assert(key == Some(v))
// remove it again
val (key2, _) = newLru.remove(k)
assert(key2 == None)
// still should be able to get it out of the original
val (key3, _) = lru.remove(k)
assert(key3 == Some(v))
object LRUEntriesGenerator {
* Generate a nonempty list of map entries keyed with strings
* and having any arbitrarily typed values.
def apply[V: Arbitrary]: Gen[List[(String, V)]] = {
val gen = for {
size <- Gen.choose(1, 200)
uniqueKeys <- Gen.listOfN(size, Gen.identifier).map(_.toSet)
vals <- Gen.listOfN(uniqueKeys.size, arbitrary[V])
} yield
gen suchThat (_.nonEmpty)
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