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Last active July 31, 2018 00:22
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Restaurant stock management app.

Getting started


I'm using an in-memory h2 database. The database will be automatically created via a migration using Flyway

Running the app

$ sbt run

Open http://localhost:8080 in your browser to access the swagger UI page.

By default, the app will start listening on localhost port 8080. You can change this behavoir by setting any of the ENV variables RESTOO_SERVER_ADDRESS or RESTOO_SERVER_PORT.

The following command will start the server on localhost port 9009:

$ RESTOO_SERVER_PORT=9009 sbt run

Swagger also defaults to localhost:8080 when making requests. So if you change the default host or port, you should set SWAGGER_URL accordingly.

E. g:

$ SWAGGER_URL="localhost:9009" RESTOO_SERVER_PORT=9009 sbt run

REST endpoints

See the swagger UI.


Logging and zipkin backends are supported but disabled by default.

To enable logging, execute:


To enable zipkin, make sure there is an instance of zipkin running on localhost on port 9411 then execute:


If zipkin is on a remote host, you can use the ENV variable RESTOO_ZIPKIN_URL.

e. g:

$ RESTOO_ENABLE_TRACING_ZIPKIN=true RESTOO_ZIPKIN_URL="http://zipkinhost/api/v2/spans" sbt run

By default, only a few requests are traced (0.01%). You can change this behavior by setting RESTOO_TRACE_SAMPLING_PROBABILITY

The following will trace all requests.



Monitoring is on by default via the builtin http4s-server-prometheus module. All metrics are exported by the /metrics endpoint.

To configure prometheus to scrape for metrics, add the following to your prometheus.yml scrape_configs config section assuming you are running on localhost port 8080:

  - job_name: 'restoo'
    scrape_interval: 5s
      - targets: ['localhost:8080']

Execute some requests and you should see some metrics variables in prometheus.

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