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<% tp.file.creation_date() %>
<% tp.file.last_modified_date("dddd Do MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss") %>



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[23:35:37] [Chunk Batcher 3/ERROR] [CodeChickenLib]: 
 CCL has caught an exception whilst rendering a block
  BlockPos:      x:-225, y:81, z:189
  Block Class:   class net.minecraft.block.BlockOldLeaf
  Registry Name: minecraft:leaves
  Metadata:      1
  State:         minecraft:leaves[check_decay=false,decayable=true,variant=spruce]
 Tile at position
  Tile Class:    null
Attaching to seat-cron, seat-nginx, seat-worker, seat-app, seat-redis, seat-mariadb
seat-cron | crond: USER www-data pid 36 cmd php /var/www/seat/artisan schedule:run
seat-cron | No scheduled commands are ready to run.
seat-cron | crond: USER www-data pid 43 cmd php /var/www/seat/artisan schedule:run
seat-cron | No scheduled commands are ready to run.
seat-cron | crond: USER www-data pid 50 cmd php /var/www/seat/artisan schedule:run
seat-cron | No scheduled commands are ready to run.
seat-cron | crond: USER www-data pid 57 cmd php /var/www/seat/artisan schedule:run
seat-cron | No scheduled commands are ready to run.
seat-cron | crond: USER www-data pid 64 cmd php /var/www/seat/artisan schedule:run
" ~/.vimrc
set t_BE= "Disable bracketed paste
""" Vim-Plug ====================================
if empty(glob('~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim'))
silent !curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall --sync | source $MYVIMRC
# ~/.zshrc
### Settings #####################################
if [ ! -d $ZSH ]; then
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
A tiny mote of pure darkness floats down from the heavens, alighting gently upon your head!
You call upon those beyond the veil as you intone, "Esut Lor."
A soft glow radiates from your skin.
Several moments pass, and then...
You prepare a spell.
[Your spell will be ready in 3 seconds].
. . .205410 points of vacuum damage to your head.
The hazy shield of spiritual energy surrounding you fades away.
Your scars sink back into your flesh, leaving no blemish behind.
Your telepathic link to the thoughtnet fades away.