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Created November 29, 2011 23:54
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Save therealklanni/1407231 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple XML to JSON converter. Originally based on and simplified.
xml2json = function(xml, extended) {
var root, out,
jsVar = function(s) {
return String(s || "").replace(/-/g,"_");
isNum = function(s) {
return (typeof s === "number") || String((s && typeof s === "string") ? s : "").test(/^((-)?([0-9]*)((\.{0,1})([0-9]+))?$)/);
myArr = function(o) {
if (!o.length) {
o = [ o ];
o.length = o.length;
return o;
if (!xml) {
function parseXML(node, simple) {
var txt = "", obj = null, att = null,
nt = node.nodeType, nn = jsVar(node.localName || node.nodeName),
nv = node.text || node.nodeValue || "";
if (!node) {
if (node.childNodes) {
if (node.childNodes.length > 0) {
$.each(node.childNodes, function(n,cn) {
var cnt = cn.nodeType, cnn = jsVar(cn.localName || cn.nodeName),
cnv = cn.text || cn.nodeValue || "";
if (cnt === 8) {
} else if (cnt === 3 || cnt === 4 || !cnn) {
if (cnv.match(/^\s+$/)) {
txt += cnv.replace(/^\s+/,"").replace(/\s+$/,"");
} else {
obj = obj || {};
if (obj[cnn]) {
if (!obj[cnn].length) {
obj[cnn] = myArr(obj[cnn]);
obj[cnn][obj[cnn].length] = parseXML(cn, true);
obj[cnn].length = obj[cnn].length;
} else {
obj[cnn] = parseXML(cn);
if (node.attributes) {
if (node.attributes.length > 0) {
att = {}; obj = obj || {};
$.each(node.attributes, function(a,at) {
var atn = jsVar(, atv = at.value;
att[atn] = atv;
if (obj[atn]) {
if (!obj[atn].length) obj[atn] = myArr(obj[atn]);
obj[atn][ obj[atn].length ] = atv;
obj[atn].length = obj[atn].length;
} else {
obj[atn] = atv;
if (obj) {
obj = $.extend( (txt!='' ? new String(txt) : {}), obj || {});
txt = (obj.text) ? (typeof(obj.text) === "object" ? obj.text : [obj.text || ""]).concat([txt]) : txt;
if (txt) obj.text = txt;
txt = "";
var out = obj || txt;
if (extended) {
if (txt) out = {};
txt = out.text || txt || "";
if (txt) out.text = txt;
if (!simple) out = myArr(out);
return out;
// Convert plain text to xml
if (typeof xml === "string") {
// Remove the XML namespaces
xml = this.string2xml(xml.replace(/\w+:/ig, ""));
// Quick fail if not xml (or if this is a node)
if (!xml.nodeType) {
if (xml.nodeType === 3 || xml.nodeType === 4) {
return xml.nodeValue;
// Find xml root node
root = (xml.nodeType === 9) ? xml.documentElement : xml;
// Convert XML to JSON
out = parseXML(root, true);
// Clean-up
xml = null, root = null;
delete xml, root;
// Send output
return out;
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