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Created February 23, 2019 17:41
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//! Reset and Clock Control
use core::cmp;
use cast::u32;
use crate::stm32::{rcc, RCC};
use crate::flash::ACR;
use crate::time::Hertz;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum MsiFreq {
#[doc = "range 0 around 100 kHz"]
RANGE100K = 0,
#[doc = "range 1 around 200 kHz"]
RANGE200K = 1,
#[doc = "range 2 around 400 kHz"]
RANGE400K = 2,
#[doc = "range 3 around 800 kHz"]
RANGE800K = 3,
#[doc = "range 4 around 1 MHz"]
RANGE1M = 4,
#[doc = "range 5 around 2 MHz"]
RANGE2M = 5,
#[doc = "range 6 around 4 MHz"]
RANGE4M = 6,
#[doc = "range 7 around 8 MHz"]
RANGE8M = 7,
#[doc = "range 8 around 16 MHz"]
RANGE16M = 8,
#[doc = "range 9 around 24 MHz"]
RANGE24M = 9,
#[doc = "range 10 around 32 MHz"]
RANGE32M = 10,
#[doc = "range 11 around 48 MHz"]
RANGE48M = 11,
/// Extension trait that constrains the `RCC` peripheral
pub trait RccExt {
/// Constrains the `RCC` peripheral so it plays nicely with the other abstractions
fn constrain(self) -> Rcc;
impl RccExt for RCC {
fn constrain(self) -> Rcc {
Rcc {
ahb1: AHB1 { _0: () },
ahb2: AHB2 { _0: () },
ahb3: AHB3 { _0: () },
apb1r1: APB1R1 { _0: () },
apb1r2: APB1R2 { _0: () },
apb2: APB2 { _0: () },
bdcr: BDCR { _0: () },
csr: CSR { _0: () },
crrcr: CRRCR { _0: () },
cfgr: CFGR {
hclk: None,
hsi48: false,
msi: None,
lsi: false,
pclk1: None,
pclk2: None,
sysclk: None,
pllcfg: None,
/// Constrained RCC peripheral
pub struct Rcc {
/// AMBA High-performance Bus (AHB1) registers
pub ahb1: AHB1,
/// AMBA High-performance Bus (AHB2) registers
pub ahb2: AHB2,
/// AMBA High-performance Bus (AHB3) registers
pub ahb3: AHB3,
/// Advanced Peripheral Bus 1 (APB1) registers
pub apb1r1: APB1R1,
/// Advanced Peripheral Bus 1 (APB2) registers
pub apb1r2: APB1R2,
/// Advanced Peripheral Bus 2 (APB2) registers
pub apb2: APB2,
/// Clock configuration register
pub cfgr: CFGR,
/// Backup domain control register
pub bdcr: BDCR,
/// Control/Status Register
pub csr: CSR,
/// Clock recovery RC register
pub crrcr: CRRCR,
/// CSR Control/Status Register
pub struct CSR {
_0: (),
impl CSR {
// TODO remove `allow`
pub(crate) fn csr(&mut self) -> &rcc::CSR {
// NOTE(unsafe) this proxy grants exclusive access to this register
unsafe { &(*RCC::ptr()).csr }
/// Clock recovery RC register
pub struct CRRCR {
_0: (),
impl CRRCR {
// TODO remove `allow`
pub(crate) fn crrcr(&mut self) -> &rcc::CRRCR {
// NOTE(unsafe) this proxy grants exclusive access to this register
unsafe { &(*RCC::ptr()).crrcr }
pub fn is_hsi48_on(&mut self) -> bool {
pub fn is_hsi48_ready(&mut self) -> bool {
/// BDCR Backup domain control register registers
pub struct BDCR {
_0: (),
impl BDCR {
// TODO remove `allow`
pub(crate) fn enr(&mut self) -> &rcc::BDCR {
// NOTE(unsafe) this proxy grants exclusive access to this register
unsafe { &(*RCC::ptr()).bdcr }
/// AMBA High-performance Bus 1 (AHB1) registers
pub struct AHB1 {
_0: (),
impl AHB1 {
// TODO remove `allow`
pub(crate) fn enr(&mut self) -> &rcc::AHB1ENR {
// NOTE(unsafe) this proxy grants exclusive access to this register
unsafe { &(*RCC::ptr()).ahb1enr }
// TODO remove `allow`
pub(crate) fn rstr(&mut self) -> &rcc::AHB1RSTR {
// NOTE(unsafe) this proxy grants exclusive access to this register
unsafe { &(*RCC::ptr()).ahb1rstr }
/// AMBA High-performance Bus 2 (AHB2) registers
pub struct AHB2 {
_0: (),
impl AHB2 {
pub(crate) fn enr(&mut self) -> &rcc::AHB2ENR {
// NOTE(unsafe) this proxy grants exclusive access to this register
unsafe { &(*RCC::ptr()).ahb2enr }
pub(crate) fn rstr(&mut self) -> &rcc::AHB2RSTR {
// NOTE(unsafe) this proxy grants exclusive access to this register
unsafe { &(*RCC::ptr()).ahb2rstr }
/// AMBA High-performance Bus (AHB3) registers
pub struct AHB3 {
_0: (),
impl AHB3 {
// TODO remove `allow`
pub(crate) fn enr(&mut self) -> &rcc::AHB3ENR {
// NOTE(unsafe) this proxy grants exclusive access to this register
unsafe { &(*RCC::ptr()).ahb3enr }
// TODO remove `allow`
pub(crate) fn rstr(&mut self) -> &rcc::AHB3RSTR {
// NOTE(unsafe) this proxy grants exclusive access to this register
unsafe { &(*RCC::ptr()).ahb3rstr }
/// Advanced Peripheral Bus 1 (APB1) register 1 registers
pub struct APB1R1 {
_0: (),
impl APB1R1 {
pub(crate) fn enr(&mut self) -> &rcc::APB1ENR1 {
// NOTE(unsafe) this proxy grants exclusive access to this register
unsafe { &(*RCC::ptr()).apb1enr1 }
pub(crate) fn rstr(&mut self) -> &rcc::APB1RSTR1 {
// NOTE(unsafe) this proxy grants exclusive access to this register
unsafe { &(*RCC::ptr()).apb1rstr1 }
/// Advanced Peripheral Bus 1 (APB1) register 2 registers
pub struct APB1R2 {
_0: (),
impl APB1R2 {
// TODO remove `allow`
pub(crate) fn enr(&mut self) -> &rcc::APB1ENR2 {
// NOTE(unsafe) this proxy grants exclusive access to this register
unsafe { &(*RCC::ptr()).apb1enr2 }
// TODO remove `allow`
pub(crate) fn rstr(&mut self) -> &rcc::APB1RSTR2 {
// NOTE(unsafe) this proxy grants exclusive access to this register
unsafe { &(*RCC::ptr()).apb1rstr2 }
/// Advanced Peripheral Bus 2 (APB2) registers
pub struct APB2 {
_0: (),
impl APB2 {
pub(crate) fn enr(&mut self) -> &rcc::APB2ENR {
// NOTE(unsafe) this proxy grants exclusive access to this register
unsafe { &(*RCC::ptr()).apb2enr }
pub(crate) fn rstr(&mut self) -> &rcc::APB2RSTR {
// NOTE(unsafe) this proxy grants exclusive access to this register
unsafe { &(*RCC::ptr()).apb2rstr }
const HSI: u32 = 16_000_000; // Hz
/// Clock configuration
pub struct CFGR {
hclk: Option<u32>,
hsi48: bool,
msi: Option<MsiFreq>,
lsi: bool,
pclk1: Option<u32>,
pclk2: Option<u32>,
sysclk: Option<u32>,
pllcfg: Option<PllConfig>
impl CFGR {
/// Sets a frequency for the AHB bus
pub fn hclk<F>(mut self, freq: F) -> Self
F: Into<Hertz>,
self.hclk = Some(freq.into().0);
/// Enable the 48Mh USB, RNG, SDMMC clock source. Not available on all stm32l4x6 series
pub fn hsi48(mut self, on: bool) -> Self
self.hsi48 = on;
pub fn msi(mut self, range: MsiFreq) -> Self
self.msi = Some(range);
/// Sets LSI clock on (the default) or off
pub fn lsi(mut self, on: bool) -> Self
self.lsi = on;
/// Sets a frequency for the APB1 bus
pub fn pclk1<F>(mut self, freq: F) -> Self
F: Into<Hertz>,
self.pclk1 = Some(freq.into().0);
/// Sets a frequency for the APB2 bus
pub fn pclk2<F>(mut self, freq: F) -> Self
F: Into<Hertz>,
self.pclk2 = Some(freq.into().0);
/// Sets the system (core) frequency
pub fn sysclk<F>(mut self, freq: F) -> Self
F: Into<Hertz>,
self.sysclk = Some(freq.into().0);
/// Sets the system (core) frequency with some pll configuration
pub fn sysclk_with_pll<F>(mut self, freq: F, cfg: PllConfig) -> Self
F: Into<Hertz>,
self.pllcfg = Some(cfg);
self.sysclk = Some(freq.into().0);
/// Freezes the clock configuration, making it effective
pub fn freeze(&self, acr: &mut ACR) -> Clocks {
let pllconf = if self.pllcfg.is_none() {
let plln = (2 * self.sysclk.unwrap_or(HSI)) / HSI;
let plln = cmp::min(cmp::max(plln, 2), 16);
if plln == 2 {
} else {
// create a best effort pll config, just multiply n
// TODO should we reject this configuration as the clocks stored in RCC could cause timing issues?
let conf = PllConfig {
m: 0b0,
r: 0b0,
n: plln as u8
} else {
let conf = self.pllcfg.unwrap();
let sysclk = self.sysclk.unwrap_or(HSI);
assert!(sysclk <= 80_000_000);
let (hpre_bits, hpre_div) = self.hclk
.map(|hclk| match sysclk / hclk {
// From p 194 in RM0394
0 => unreachable!(),
1 => (0b0000, 1),
2 => (0b1000, 2),
3...5 => (0b1001, 4),
6...11 => (0b1010, 8),
12...39 => (0b1011, 16),
40...95 => (0b1100, 64),
96...191 => (0b1101, 128),
192...383 => (0b1110, 256),
_ => (0b1111, 512),
.unwrap_or((0b0000, 1));
let hclk = sysclk / hpre_div;
assert!(hclk <= sysclk);
let (ppre1_bits, ppre1) = self.pclk1
.map(|pclk1| match hclk / pclk1 {
// From p 194 in RM0394
0 => unreachable!(),
1 => (0b000, 1),
2 => (0b100, 2),
3...5 => (0b101, 4),
6...11 => (0b110, 8),
_ => (0b111, 16)
.unwrap_or((0b000, 1));
let pclk1 = hclk / u32(ppre1);
assert!(pclk1 <= sysclk);
let (ppre2_bits, ppre2) = self.pclk2
.map(|pclk2| match hclk / pclk2 {
// From p 194 in RM0394
0 => unreachable!(),
1 => (0b000, 1),
2 => (0b100, 2),
3...5 => (0b101, 4),
6...11 => (0b110, 8),
_ => (0b111, 16)
.unwrap_or((0b000, 1));
let pclk2 = hclk / u32(ppre2);
assert!(pclk2 <= sysclk);
// adjust flash wait states
unsafe {
acr.acr().write(|w| {
w.latency().bits(if sysclk <= 24_000_000 {
} else if sysclk <= 48_000_000 {
} else {
let rcc = unsafe { &*RCC::ptr() };
let sysclk_src_bits;
if let Some(pllconf) = pllconf {
// use PLL as source
sysclk_src_bits = 0b11;|_, w| w.pllon().clear_bit());
while {}
let pllsrc_bits = 0b10; // use HSI16 as PLL source|w| w.hsion().set_bit());
while {}
.modify(|_, w| unsafe {
});|_, w| w.pllon().set_bit());
while {}
rcc.pllcfgr.modify(|_, w| w.pllren().set_bit());
// SW: PLL selected as system clock
rcc.cfgr.modify(|_, w| unsafe {
} else {
// use HSI as source
sysclk_src_bits = 0b01;|w| w.hsion().set_bit());
while {}
// SW: HSI selected as system clock
rcc.cfgr.write(|w| unsafe {
while != sysclk_src_bits {}
// Turn on the internal 32khz lsi oscillator
if self.lsi {
rcc.csr.modify(|_, w| w.lsion().set_bit());
// Wait until LSI is running
while {}
if let Some(msi) = self.msi {
unsafe {|_, w| w.msirange().bits(msi as u8).msirgsel().set_bit().msion().set_bit() )};
// Wait until MSI is running
while {}
// Turn on USB, RNG Clock using the HSI48 CLK source (default)
if self.hsi48 {
// p. 180 in ref-manual
rcc.crrcr.modify(|_, w| w.hsi48on().set_bit());
// Wait until HSI48 is running
while {}
// Select MSI as clock source for usb48, rng ...
if let Some(MsiFreq::RANGE48M) = self.msi {
unsafe { rcc.ccipr.modify(|_, w| w.clk48sel().bits(MsiFreq::RANGE48M as u8)) };
//TODO proper clk48sel and other selects
Clocks {
hclk: Hertz(hclk),
lsi: self.lsi,
msi: self.msi,
hsi48: self.hsi48,
pclk1: Hertz(pclk1),
pclk2: Hertz(pclk2),
ppre1: ppre1,
ppre2: ppre2,
sysclk: Hertz(sysclk),
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
/// Pll Configuration - Calculation = ((SourceClk / m) * n) / r
pub struct PllConfig {
/// Main PLL Division factor
pub m: u8,
/// Main Pll Multiplication factor
pub n: u8,
/// Main PLL division factor for PLLCLK (system clock)
pub r: u8,
/// Frozen clock frequencies
/// The existence of this value indicates that the clock configuration can no longer be changed
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Clocks {
hclk: Hertz,
hsi48: bool,
msi: Option<MsiFreq>,
lsi: bool,
pclk1: Hertz,
pclk2: Hertz,
// TODO remove `allow`
ppre1: u8,
ppre2: u8,
sysclk: Hertz,
impl Clocks {
/// Returns the frequency of the AHB
pub fn hclk(&self) -> Hertz {
/// Returns status of HSI48
pub fn hsi48(&self) -> bool {
// Returns the status of the MSI
pub fn msi(&self) -> Option<MsiFreq> {
/// Returns status of HSI48
pub fn lsi(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns the frequency of the APB1
pub fn pclk1(&self) -> Hertz {
/// Returns the frequency of the APB2
pub fn pclk2(&self) -> Hertz {
// TODO remove `allow`
pub(crate) fn ppre1(&self) -> u8 {
// TODO remove `allow`
pub(crate) fn ppre2(&self) -> u8 {
/// Returns the system (core) frequency
pub fn sysclk(&self) -> Hertz {
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