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therealssj therealssj

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therealssj /
Created July 16, 2022 18:47
DAO Dashboard Proposal

DAO Proposal

Applicants: BlackFish & Amarante

Github: 0xBlackFish & Amarante

Project: Tulip Protocol Overview and Dashboard

The Tulip Protocol Dashboard will provide the Tulip DAO with a comprehensive overview of the protocol’s core KPIs across its different product offerings. Examples of metrics that could be tracked across products are:

therealssj / attestation.txt
Created March 27, 2021 12:28
ZKOPRU trusted setup attestation
I contributed to the ZKOPRU Trusted Setup Multi-Party Ceremony.
The following are my contribution signatures:
Circuit: zk_transaction_1_2
Contributor # 94
Hash: bd41622c 794818ad 61d60bbb c570e9cc
f9a198f1 29cc2295 b33142b3 51d75eb0
2d1071fd 592099be 3883af65 11196ec7
41dad21d 35093403 253e696d 081522ba
therealssj / attestation.txt
Created March 27, 2021 12:28
zkparty phase2 tusted setup MPC contribution summary
"ceremony": "zk_transaction_4_4",
"ceremonyId": "xN7193Ldf8i0L2SfG8X4",
"time": "2021-03-27T12:28:00.824Z",
"contributionNumber": 64,
"hash": "70694ef6 d90c717f ad60359f ab54ecec\n b731454e b70693b4 ca3f139e c53580d3\n aaf86131 3b299a64 1ec2acac dd17e95b\n d717cbb4 45542c65 98d7de9e e6af0b79\n"
therealssj / attestation.txt
Created March 27, 2021 12:25
zkparty phase2 tusted setup MPC contribution summary
"ceremony": "zk_transaction_4_3",
"ceremonyId": "8i9TsuUmSnqh5cLIQoFd",
"time": "2021-03-27T12:25:14.162Z",
"contributionNumber": 64,
"hash": "0868a456 6ada6dfc e416140c 5a5de510\n 0b820e5f 66dcbebf 4c0fe606 fc82dd29\n 97f601fe 4c6f9008 8401993c 65163526\n 9d0038d7 156186c2 a302ac1e d3abac2b\n"
therealssj / attestation.txt
Created March 27, 2021 10:48
zkparty phase2 tusted setup MPC contribution summary
"ceremony": "zk_transaction_4_1",
"ceremonyId": "doQRCJe1WsgoamIs0LGJ",
"time": "2021-03-27T10:48:51.910Z",
"contributionNumber": 64,
"hash": "4def10bb a148d6fc 60aa348e a777180a\n d744547d 07c49393 62c53cdf a7e614df\n f63cecc9 c5113508 f18b0914 b27307bf\n fbb71d1f 20e85040 5f0ca797 a614f13c\n"
therealssj / attestation.txt
Created March 27, 2021 10:46
zkparty phase2 tusted setup MPC contribution summary
"ceremony": "zk_transaction_3_4",
"ceremonyId": "mV2D9sLAiQ1GQqfz7Bvg",
"time": "2021-03-27T10:46:49.655Z",
"contributionNumber": 65,
"hash": "a60df9b7 db3a6b58 7f627e91 367f723d\n dfa8958e c66ba73e fd9754b0 28bfffab\n 43ba56c8 d641c67a c00e9c46 db49d4f9\n 6dc41059 07bdd653 f21634c1 330a15f1\n"
therealssj / attestation.txt
Created March 27, 2021 10:45
zkparty phase2 tusted setup MPC contribution summary
"ceremony": "zk_transaction_3_3",
"ceremonyId": "iBaIoiGFfZvbxzDa7lZ0",
"time": "2021-03-27T10:45:19.372Z",
"contributionNumber": 67,
"hash": "054d3c6c c1a5389b 0b97330a 5e87a3ec\n 5a6e1cfd d6d8a616 72088209 7c65d214\n 3b7a896e 3ab9f2db 9e49da9f c231195f\n 6aa7bef0 b111d4e7 fb351f51 12dd285a\n"
therealssj / attestation.txt
Created March 27, 2021 10:43
zkparty phase2 tusted setup MPC contribution summary
"ceremony": "zk_transaction_3_2",
"ceremonyId": "EaxnounDmyQ0I7OZZDsW",
"time": "2021-03-27T10:43:48.572Z",
"contributionNumber": 73,
"hash": "043b6e5d d04f8e72 12683ff7 0edb7c35\n 7851161d ec685a68 bea9128e 9ab2a4a8\n 1dd0cbc8 a5711cd7 9259fd2d 5d029b85\n 78a649d8 783ee365 36963197 639198c7\n"
therealssj / attestation.txt
Created March 27, 2021 10:40
zkparty phase2 tusted setup MPC contribution summary
"ceremony": "zk_transaction_3_1",
"ceremonyId": "zBuF4Gp0l7dC0x576qFF",
"time": "2021-03-27T10:40:43.968Z",
"contributionNumber": 75,
"hash": "b7971b62 ad796056 0fc36b57 1052ce90\n 2f4e16c3 717f3539 067bde81 95fc6018\n b68f70a4 2acf2ae0 dfc3c5e4 c12fe3b9\n 6f9d35d4 9c35c5d4 9752476a e043905c\n"
therealssj / attestation.txt
Created March 27, 2021 10:39
zkparty phase2 tusted setup MPC contribution summary
"ceremony": "zk_transaction_2_4",
"ceremonyId": "NQtNx5fTyZX7gfTUjsre",
"time": "2021-03-27T10:39:14.948Z",
"contributionNumber": 76,
"hash": "681df8af 73017150 59cb39db 19b45c57\n e2a7faa7 46884253 baa93d0b b256ef30\n bca54294 e1155545 53e856fc 4cd2e4c3\n b2cbd21f cce828c4 5ca7d3cd da59287b\n"