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Last active July 17, 2019 13:39
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MiMCMerkle.sol helper contract for RollupNC.sol
pragma solidity >=0.4.21;
contract MiMC {
function MiMCpe7(uint256,uint256) public pure returns(uint256) {}
contract MiMCMerkle{
MiMC public mimc;
uint public IV = 15021630795539610737508582392395901278341266317943626182700664337106830745361;
// hashes for empty tree of depth 16
uint[5] public zeroCache = [
17400342990847699622034895903486521563192531922107760411846337521891653711537, //H0 = empty leaf
6113825327972579408082802166670133747202624653742570870320185423954556080212, //H1 = hash(H0, H0)
6180012883826996691682233524035352980520561433337754209809143632670877151717, //H2 = hash(H1, H1)
20633846227573655562891472654875498275532732787736199734105126629336915134506, //...and so on
address _mimcContractAddr
) public {
mimc = MiMC(_mimcContractAddr);
function getRootFromProof2(
uint256 _leaf,
uint256[2] memory _position,
uint256[2] memory _proof
) public view returns(uint) {
uint256[2] memory root;
uint r = IV;
// if leaf is left sibling
if (_position[0] == 0){
root[0] = mimc.MiMCpe7(mimc.MiMCpe7(r, _leaf), _proof[0]);
// if leaf is right sibling
else if (_position[0] == 1){
root[0] = mimc.MiMCpe7(mimc.MiMCpe7(r, _proof[0]), _leaf);
for (uint i = 1; i < _proof.length; i++){
// if leaf is left sibling
if (_position[i] == 0){
root[i] = mimc.MiMCpe7(mimc.MiMCpe7(r, root[i - 1]), _proof[i]);
// if leaf is right sibling
else if (_position[i] == 1){
root[i] = mimc.MiMCpe7(mimc.MiMCpe7(r, _proof[i]), root[i - 1]);
// return (_claimedRoot == root[root.length - 1]);
return root[root.length - 1];
function hashBalance(uint[5] memory array) public view returns(uint){
//[pubkey_x, pubkey_y, balance, nonce, token_type]
uint r = IV;
for (uint i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
r = mimc.MiMCpe7(r, array[i]);
return r;
function hashTx(uint[8] memory array) public view returns(uint){
//[from_x, from_y,from_index, to_x, to_y, amt, token_type]
uint r = IV;
for (uint i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
r = mimc.MiMCpe7(r, array[i]);
return r;
function hashPair(uint[2] memory array) public view returns(uint){
uint r = IV;
for (uint i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
r = mimc.MiMCpe7(r, array[i]);
return r;
function hashHeight2Tree(uint[4] memory array) public view returns(uint){
uint[2] memory level1;
for (uint i = 0; i < level1.length; i++){
level1[i] = hashPair([array[2*i], array[2*i + 1]]);
uint level2;
level2 = hashPair([level1[0], level1[1]]);
return level2;
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
import "../build/Update_verifier.sol";
import "../build/Withdraw_verifier.sol";
contract IMiMC {
function MiMCpe7(uint256,uint256) public pure returns(uint256) {}
contract IMiMCMerkle {
uint[16] public zeroCache;
function getRootFromProof2(
uint256[2] memory,
uint256[2] memory
) public view returns(uint) {}
function hashBalance(uint[5] memory) public view returns(uint){}
function hashTx(uint[8] memory) public view returns(uint) {}
function hashPair(uint[2] memory) public view returns(uint){}
function hashHeight2Tree(uint[4] memory) public view returns(uint){}
contract ITokenRegistry {
address public coordinator;
uint256 public numTokens;
mapping(address => bool) public pendingTokens;
mapping(uint256 => address) public registeredTokens;
modifier onlyCoordinator(){
assert (msg.sender == coordinator);
function registerToken(address tokenContract) public {}
function approveToken(address tokenContract) public onlyCoordinator{}
contract RollupNC is Update_verifier, Withdraw_verifier{
IMiMC public mimc;
IMiMCMerkle public mimcMerkle;
ITokenRegistry public tokenRegistry;
uint256 public currentRoot;
address public coordinator;
uint256[] public pendingDeposits;
uint public queueNumber;
uint public depositSubtreeHeight;
uint256 public updateNumber;
uint256 public BAL_DEPTH = 4;
uint256 public TX_DEPTH = 2;
// (queueNumber => [pubkey_x, pubkey_y, balance, nonce, token_type])
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public deposits; //leaf idx => leafHash
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public updates; //txRoot => update idx
event RegisteredToken(uint tokenType, address tokenContract);
event RequestDeposit(uint[2] pubkey, uint amount, uint tokenType);
event UpdatedState(uint currentRoot, uint oldRoot, uint txRoot);
event Withdraw(uint[3] accountInfo, address recipient, uint txRoot, uint[3] txInfo);
address _mimcContractAddr,
address _mimcMerkleContractAddr,
address _tokenRegistryAddr
) public {
mimc = IMiMC(_mimcContractAddr);
mimcMerkle = IMiMCMerkle(_mimcMerkleContractAddr);
tokenRegistry = ITokenRegistry(_tokenRegistryAddr);
currentRoot = mimcMerkle.zeroCache(BAL_DEPTH);
coordinator = msg.sender;
queueNumber = 0;
depositSubtreeHeight = 0;
updateNumber = 0;
modifier onlyCoordinator(){
assert(msg.sender == coordinator);
function updateState(
uint[2] memory a,
uint[2][2] memory b,
uint[2] memory c,
uint[3] memory input
) public onlyCoordinator {
require(currentRoot == input[2], "input does not match current root");
//validate proof
"SNARK proof is invalid");
// update merkle root
currentRoot = input[0];
updates[input[1]] = updateNumber;
emit UpdatedState(input[0], input[1], input[2]); //newRoot, txRoot, oldRoot
// user tries to deposit ERC20 tokens
function deposit(
uint[2] memory pubkey,
uint amount,
uint tokenType
) public payable {
(amount > 0 && tokenType > 1) ||
(msg.value > 0 && tokenType == 1) ||
msg.sender == coordinator,
"Deposit must be greater than 0."
tokenType == 0 ||
tokenType == 1 ||
tokenRegistry.registeredTokens(tokenType) != address(0),
"tokenType is not registered.");
uint depositHash = mimcMerkle.hashBalance(
[pubkey[0], pubkey[1], amount, 0, tokenType]
emit RequestDeposit(pubkey, amount, tokenType);
uint tmpDepositSubtreeHeight = 0;
uint tmp = queueNumber;
while(tmp % 2 == 0){
pendingDeposits[pendingDeposits.length - 2] = mimcMerkle.hashPair(
[pendingDeposits[pendingDeposits.length - 2],
pendingDeposits[pendingDeposits.length - 1]]);
removeDeposit(pendingDeposits.length - 1);
tmp = tmp / 2;
if (tmpDepositSubtreeHeight > depositSubtreeHeight){
depositSubtreeHeight = tmpDepositSubtreeHeight;
// coordinator adds certain number of deposits to balance tree
// coordinator must specify subtree index in the tree since the deposits
// are being inserted at a nonzero height
function processDeposits(
uint[2] memory subtreePosition,
uint[2] memory subtreeProof
) public onlyCoordinator returns(uint256){
uint emptySubtreeRoot = mimcMerkle.zeroCache(2); //empty subtree of height 2
require(currentRoot == mimcMerkle.getRootFromProof2(
emptySubtreeRoot, subtreePosition, subtreeProof),
"specified subtree is not empty");
currentRoot = mimcMerkle.getRootFromProof2(
pendingDeposits[0], subtreePosition, subtreeProof);
queueNumber = queueNumber - 2**depositSubtreeHeight;
return currentRoot;
function withdraw(
uint[3] memory accountInfo, //[pubkeyX, pubkeyY, index]
uint[3] memory txInfo, //[nonce, amount, token_type_from]
uint[2][2] memory positionAndProof, //[[position], [proof]]
uint txRoot,
address recipient,
uint[2] memory a,
uint[2][2] memory b,
uint[2] memory c
) public{
require(updates[txRoot] > 0, "txRoot must exist");
uint txLeaf = mimcMerkle.hashTx([
accountInfo[0], accountInfo[1], accountInfo[2],
0, 0, //withdraw to zero address
txInfo[0], txInfo[1], txInfo[2]
require(txRoot == mimcMerkle.getRootFromProof2(
txLeaf, positionAndProof[0], positionAndProof[1]),
"transaction does not exist in specified transactions root"
// message is hash of nonce and recipient address
uint m = mimcMerkle.hashPair([txInfo[0], uint(recipient)]);
a, b, c, [accountInfo[0], accountInfo[1], m]),
"eddsa signature is not valid");
emit Withdraw(accountInfo, recipient, txRoot, txInfo);
//call methods on TokenRegistry contract
function registerToken(
address tokenContract
) public {
function approveToken(
address tokenContract
) public onlyCoordinator {
emit RegisteredToken(tokenRegistry.numTokens(),tokenContract);
// helper functions
function removeDeposit(uint index) internal returns(uint[] memory) {
require(index < pendingDeposits.length, "index is out of bounds");
for (uint i = index; i<pendingDeposits.length-1; i++){
pendingDeposits[i] = pendingDeposits[i+1];
delete pendingDeposits[pendingDeposits.length-1];
return pendingDeposits;
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol";
* @title TestToken is a basic ERC20 Token
contract TestToken is ERC20, Ownable{
* @dev assign totalSupply to account creating this contract */
constructor() public {
_mint(msg.sender, 100000000000);
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therealyingtong commented Jul 16, 2019


  1. refactor hash functions to use a single hash with arbitrary length array input
  2. integrate ERC20 token contract transfers

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