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Created November 20, 2021 14:53
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module Main where
import Lib
import Data.Char
import Data.Machine
-- newtype CurrPlayerToAct = CurrPlayerToAct String deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
-- need two players who in Acted state to progress game stage
data Stage = One | Two deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data BettingStatus
= BettingDone
| BettingNotDone
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
newHand :: Mealy BettingStatus Stage
newHand = Mealy toOne
toOne :: BettingStatus -> (Stage, Mealy BettingStatus Stage)
toOne BettingDone = (One, Mealy toTwo)
toOne BettingNotDone = (One, Mealy toOne)
toTwo :: BettingStatus -> (Stage, Mealy BettingStatus Stage)
toTwo BettingDone = (Two, Mealy toOne)
toTwo BettingNotDone = (One, Mealy toTwo)
stageMachine :: Monad m => MachineT m (Is BettingStatus) Stage
stageMachine = auto newHand
--m2m :: Monad m => MachineT m k Stage
--m2m = source [BettingDone, BettingDone, BettingDone] ~> stageMachine
data Action = Activate | Deactivate | Act deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data HasActed = ActedThisTurn | NotActedThisTurn deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data PlayerStatus = Active HasActed | Inactive deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Player = Player String PlayerStatus deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- newtype Mealy a b
-- Constructors
-- Mealy runMealy :: a -> (b, Mealy a b)
-- unfoldMealy :: (s -> a -> (b, s)) -> s -> Mealy a b
initPlayer :: String -> Player
initPlayer n = Player n (Active NotActedThisTurn)
playerMealy :: Player -> Action -> (Either String Action, Player)
playerMealy (Player name Inactive) Activate =
(Right Activate, Player name $ Active NotActedThisTurn)
playerMealy (Player name (Active _)) Activate =
(Left "couldnt activate as already active", Player name $ Active NotActedThisTurn)
playerMealy (Player name (Active _)) Deactivate =
(Right Deactivate, Player name Inactive)
playerMealy (Player name Inactive) Deactivate =
(Left "couldnt deactivate as already inactive", Player name Inactive)
playerMealy (Player name Inactive) Act =
(Left "couldnt act since inactive", Player name Inactive)
playerMealy (Player name (Active ActedThisTurn)) Act =
(Left "already acted this turn", Player name Inactive)
playerMealy (Player name (Active _)) Act =
(Right Act, Player name $ Active ActedThisTurn)
playerMealy' :: String -> Mealy Action (Either String Action)
playerMealy' name = unfoldMealy playerMealy $ initPlayer name
playerMachine :: Monad m => String -> MachineT m (Is Action) (Either String Action)
playerMachine = auto . playerMealy'
runPlayerMachine :: Monad m => String -> MachineT m (Is Action) (Either String Action)
runPlayerMachine name = source [Activate] ~> playerMachine name
main :: IO ()
main = print $ run $ runPlayerMachine "player1"
-- Initially I want two players to be activated and then both Act once each per game stage
-- to progress game to the game stage.
-- Then the next step could be to have two kinds of machines for Players InactivePlayers and ActivePlayers.
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