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Last active May 8, 2019 14:04
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{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Interpreter where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Either
import Data.Map.Lazy (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as M
import Data.Maybe
import Prelude
data Exp a where
Number :: Int -> Exp Int
Boolean :: Bool -> Exp Bool
Variable :: String -> Exp a
Add :: Exp Int -> Exp Int -> Exp Int
Mul :: Exp Int -> Exp Int -> Exp Int
IfThenElse :: Exp Bool -> Exp a -> Exp a -> Exp a
Or :: Exp Bool -> Exp Bool -> Exp Bool
And :: Exp Bool -> Exp Bool -> Exp Bool
Not :: Exp Bool -> Exp Bool
Let :: String -> Exp a -> Exp b -> Exp c -- let name = exp in exp
FunCall :: Exp String -> Exp a -> Exp a
Lambda :: String -> Exp a -> Exp a
deriving instance Show (Exp a)
--newtype EvalM a = EvalM
-- { runEvalM :: Scope -> Either LangErr a
-- } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader Scope)
data Value
= NumVal Int
| BoolVal Bool
| FunVal (Value -> ReaderT Scope (Except LangErr) Value)
instance Show Value where
show (FunVal _) = "FunVal String -> Value"
show (NumVal n) = show n
unNumVal :: Value -> Int
unNumVal (NumVal n) = n
unNumVal x = error (show x ++ " is not a NumVal")
data LangErr =
LangErr Err
(Maybe Value)
instance Show LangErr where
show (LangErr err val) = show err ++ " in the expression: \n" ++ show val
data Err
= UnboundVar String
| TypeError TypeErr
| VarAlreadyBound String
deriving (Show)
data TypeErr
= ExpectedFunction
| ExpectedNumVal
| ExpectedBoolVal
deriving (Show)
newtype Scope =
Scope (Map String Value)
deriving (Show)
emptyScope :: Scope
emptyScope = Scope M.empty
eval :: Exp a -> ReaderT Scope (Except LangErr) Value
eval (Number n) = return $ NumVal n
eval (Variable name) = lookupVarBinding name
eval (Boolean b) = return $ BoolVal b
--eval (And a b) = do
-- bA <- eval a
-- bB <- eval b
-- return $ binaryOp (&&) a b
--eval (Or a b) = do
-- (BoolVal a) <- eval a
-- (BoolVal b) <- eval b
-- return $ BoolVal $ a || b
--eval (Not a) = do
-- (BoolVal a) <- eval a
-- return $ BoolVal $ not a
eval (IfThenElse cond a b) = do
condVal <- eval cond
ifThenElse condVal a b
eval (Add a b) = binaryOp add a b
eval (Mul a b) = binaryOp mul a b
eval (Let varName varExp body) = do
varVal <- eval varExp
bindVar varName varVal (eval body)
eval (Lambda paramName bodyExp) = defineLambda paramName bodyExp
eval (FunCall funcName arg) = do
func <- eval funcName
apply func arg
defineLambda :: String -> Exp a -> ReaderT Scope (Except LangErr) Value
defineLambda paramName body = do
currScope <- ask
return $ FunVal $ \val -> bindVar paramName val (eval body)
apply :: Value -> Exp a -> ReaderT Scope (Except LangErr) Value
apply (FunVal func) arg = eval arg >>= \a -> func a
apply val _ = throwError $ LangErr (TypeError ExpectedFunction) (pure val)
bindVar ::
-> Value
-> ReaderT Scope (Except LangErr) Value
-> ReaderT Scope (Except LangErr) Value
bindVar name val = local (\(Scope m) -> Scope $ M.insert name val m)
binaryOp ::
(Value -> Value -> Either LangErr Value)
-> Exp a
-> Exp a
-> ReaderT Scope (Except LangErr) Value
binaryOp op a b = do
valA <- eval a
valB <- eval b
either throwError return (op valA valB)
lookupVarBinding :: String -> ReaderT Scope (Except LangErr) Value
lookupVarBinding name = do
(Scope mem) <- ask
case M.lookup name mem of
(Just varBinding) -> return varBinding
Nothing -> throwError $ LangErr (UnboundVar name) Nothing
add :: Value -> Value -> Either LangErr Value
add (NumVal a) (NumVal b) = Right $ NumVal $ a + b
add a (NumVal _) = Left $ LangErr (TypeError ExpectedNumVal) (pure a)
add (NumVal _) b = Left $ LangErr (TypeError ExpectedNumVal) (pure b)
add _ _ = Left $ LangErr (TypeError ExpectedNumVal) Nothing
mul :: Value -> Value -> Either LangErr Value
mul (NumVal a) (NumVal b) = Right $ NumVal $ a * b
mul a (NumVal _) = Left $ LangErr (TypeError ExpectedNumVal) (pure a)
mul (NumVal _) b = Left $ LangErr (TypeError ExpectedNumVal) (pure b)
mul _ _ = Left $ LangErr (TypeError ExpectedNumVal) Nothing
primFunc ::
(Value -> Either LangErr Value)
-> Exp a
-> ReaderT Scope (Except LangErr) Value
primFunc f expA = do
valA <- eval expA
either throwError return (f valA)
primFunc2 ::
(Value -> Value -> Either LangErr Value)
-> Exp a
-> Exp a
-> ReaderT Scope (Except LangErr) Value
primFunc2 f expA expB = do
valA <- eval expA
primFunc (f valA) expB
neg :: Exp Int -> ReaderT Scope (Except LangErr) Value
neg =
NumVal i -> Right $ NumVal $ negate i
a -> Left $ LangErr (TypeError ExpectedNumVal) (Just a))
compose :: Value -> Value -> ReaderT Scope (Except LangErr) Value
compose =
a@(NumVal _) -> error $ show $ LangErr (TypeError ExpectedFunction) Nothing
FunVal f ->
b@(NumVal _) ->
error $ show $ LangErr (TypeError ExpectedFunction) Nothing
FunVal g -> return $ FunVal (f <=< g)
ifThenElse :: Value -> Exp a -> Exp a -> ReaderT Scope (Except LangErr) Value
ifThenElse (BoolVal bool') expA expB =
if bool'
then eval expA
else eval expB
ifThenElse e _ _ = throwError (LangErr (TypeError ExpectedBoolVal) (pure e))
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