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Created August 30, 2023 22:46
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Node/Python Lambda layer build script
"use strict"
// build-layers copies layers/src folder contents into layer/build, then runs
// the npm install and prune commands
const fs = require("fs");
const fse = require("fs-extra");
const path = require("path");
const spawn = require("child_process");
const { checksumDirectory } = require("simple-recursive-checksum");
const { getPersistentShell } = require("./persistent-shell");
const LAYER_SRC_PATH = path.resolve('layers/src');
const LAYER_BUILD_PATH = path.resolve('layers/build');
function getValidSubDirectories(path) {
return fs.readdirSync(path, { withFileTypes: true })
.filter(dirent => dirent.isDirectory())
.map(dirent =>;
async function processLayer(layer) {
console.log(`processing layer ${layer}...`);
const layerSrcPath = path.join(LAYER_SRC_PATH, layer);
const isWindowsPlatform = process.platform === "win32";
const packageJsonExists = fs.existsSync(path.join(layerSrcPath, 'package.json'));
const packageLockExists = fs.existsSync(path.join(layerSrcPath, 'package-lock.json'));
const setupPyExists = fs.existsSync(path.join(layerSrcPath ,''));
const requirementsTxtExists = fs.existsSync(path.join(layerSrcPath, 'requirements.txt'));
const isNodeJsLayer = packageJsonExists || packageLockExists;
const isPythonLayer = setupPyExists || requirementsTxtExists;
if (!isNodeJsLayer && !isPythonLayer) {
console.log(`unable to identify supported runtime for layer ${layer}, skipping...`);
const layerBuildPath = path.join(LAYER_BUILD_PATH, layer);
const hash = await checksumDirectory(layerSrcPath, 'md5');
// if the hash matches the hash in the build directory, skip this layer
const buildHashFile = `${layerBuildPath}.md5`;
const buildHash = fs.existsSync(buildHashFile) ?
fs.readFileSync(buildHashFile, { encoding: 'utf8' }).trim()
: null;
if (hash == buildHash) {
console.log(`skipping ${layer}, no changes detected...\n`);
} else {
// delete the build hash file if it exists
if (buildHash) {
console.log(`(re)creating build directory...`);
fs.rmSync(layerBuildPath, { recursive: true, force: true });
if (isNodeJsLayer) {
const nodeJsContentsPath = path.join(layerBuildPath, 'nodejs');
// (re)create the nodejs folder
fs.mkdirSync(nodeJsContentsPath, { recursive: true });
// copy everything except the node_modules
const srcContents = fs.readdirSync(layerSrcPath, { withFileTypes: true })
.filter(dirent => != "node_modules")
.map(dirent =>
for (const file of srcContents) {
path.join(layerSrcPath, file),
path.join(nodeJsContentsPath, file)
console.log("installing npm dependencies...");
const npmCommand = packageLockExists ? 'ci' : 'install';
spawn.execSync(`npm ${npmCommand}`, { cwd: nodeJsContentsPath });
if (isPythonLayer) {
const pythonContentsPath = path.join(layerBuildPath, 'python');
fs.mkdirSync(pythonContentsPath, { recursive: true });
// NOTE: depending on your Windows configuration, you may have
// to use "python" instead of "python3"
console.log("recreating virtual environment...");
const shell = getPersistentShell();
shell.execCmd(`cd ${layerSrcPath}`);
shell.execCmd(`python3 -m venv venv`);
const activateScript = isWindowsPlatform ?
: ". venv/bin/activate";
// install dependencies
shell.execCmd(`python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip`);
if (setupPyExists) {
path.join(layerSrcPath, ""),
path.join(pythonContentsPath, "")
shell.execCmd(`python3 -m pip install --target ${pythonContentsPath} --upgrade .`);
if (requirementsTxtExists) {
path.join(layerSrcPath, "requirements.txt"),
path.join(pythonContentsPath, "requirements.txt")
shell.execCmd(`python3 -m pip install --target ${pythonContentsPath} --upgrade -r requirements.txt`);
// remove virtual environment to preserve original hash
// use shell commands and not fs.rm because the venv
// folder is locked and fails silently
console.log(`removing virtual environment from source path...`);
if (isWindowsPlatform) {
shell.execCmd(`rmdir /s /q venv`);
} else {
shell.execCmd(`rm -rf venv`);
// uncomment the following to debug:
// console.log(await shell.finalResult);
console.log(`writing hash to ${buildHashFile}...`);
fs.writeFileSync(buildHashFile, hash, { encoding: 'utf8' });
console.log(`${layer} folder build complete\n`);
async function processLayers() {
const srcDirs = getValidSubDirectories(LAYER_SRC_PATH);
for (let layer of srcDirs) {
await processLayer(layer);
async function removeObsoleteBuildDirectories() {
const srcDirs = getValidSubDirectories(LAYER_SRC_PATH);
const buildDirs = getValidSubDirectories(LAYER_BUILD_PATH);
console.log(`deleting previous build directories that don't have matching source directories...\n`);
for (const buildDir of buildDirs) {
if (!srcDirs.includes(buildDir)) {
console.log(`deleting ${buildDir}...`);
const layerBuildPath = path.join(LAYER_BUILD_PATH, buildDir);
fs.rmSync(layerBuildPath, { recursive: true, force: true });
const buildHashFile = `${layerBuildPath}.md5`;
if (fs.existsSync(buildHashFile)) {
async function main() {
console.log('building layers...\n')
// ensure layers directories exist
fs.mkdirSync(LAYER_SRC_PATH, {recursive: true});
fs.mkdirSync(LAYER_BUILD_PATH, {recursive: true});
await removeObsoleteBuildDirectories();
await processLayers();
console.log('layer builds completed.\n');
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