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Last active May 4, 2019 17:19
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/r/Teenagers Lil Pump Message Generator
import datetime
import random
from PIL import Image
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
from PIL import ImageFont
START_Y = 75
# Starting coords of first message
# Datetime object for current date
# Maximum amount of tweets on 1 template
TEMPLATE_IMAGE = "template.png"
# Image containing message container
MESSAGE_IMAGE = "message.png"
# Image containing message without dates
CHECKMARK_IMAGE = "check.png"
# Image that contains the check mark
FONT_FILE = "arial.ttf"
# Contains the font file used in the image
def extractMonthName(datetimeObject):
# Returns May, June, etc.
return datetimeObject.strftime("%b")
def extractDay(datetimeObject):
# Returns 1, 2, 3, etc.
s = datetimeObject.strftime("%d")
return (s[1:] if s.startswith('0') else s)
# Removes initial 0
def convertDateTimeToString(datetimeObject):
# Returns May 10th, May 11th, etc.
monthVal = extractMonthName(datetimeObject)
# Returns May, June, etc.
dayVal = extractDay(datetimeObject)
# Returns 1, 2, 3, etc.
dayEnding = genNumberEnding(dayVal)
# Returns th, st, nd...
return "{} {}{}".format(monthVal, dayVal, dayEnding)
def getDateRange(startDate, endDate):
listOfDates = []
while startDate < endDate:
startDate = startDate + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
return listOfDates
def genFutureDate(dayCount):
# Returns a time delta
return TODAY + datetime.timedelta(days=int(dayCount))
def genMessageDates(dayCount):
# Returns dates of the tweets in the screenshot
futureDate = genFutureDate(dayCount)
return getDateRange(TODAY, futureDate)[-MAX_TWEETS:]
def genNumberEnding(num):
# Generates the ending of the number
# nd, th, st...
value = str(num)
if len(value) > 1:
secondToLastDigit = value[-2]
if secondToLastDigit == '1':
return 'th'
lastDigit = value[-1]
if (lastDigit == '1'):
return 'st'
elif (lastDigit == '2'):
return 'nd'
elif (lastDigit == '3'):
return 'rd'
return 'th'
def generateRandomSendTime():
# Generates a random send time for the last message
timeEndings = ["s", "m"]
return "{}{}".format(random.randint(1, 60), random.choice(timeEndings))
def generateTweet(daysList, saveAs="test.png"):
# daysList is a list of tuples
im ='RGB')
# Loads the blank message screen
t_width, t_height = im.size
# Template = t | template width and size
im2 ='RGB')
# This is a message without date
im3 ='RGB')
# This is the checkmark character
m_width, m_height = im2.size
# Message = m | message width and size
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im,'RGB')
# Allows you to "draw" text on the image
font = ImageFont.truetype(FONT_FILE, 11)
# Sets font to arial / whatever font you want to use
heightVal = START_Y
# HeightVal == starting coords for each message
for i, vals in enumerate(daysList):
# Iterates through all datetime objects
if vals != daysList[-1]:
# Makes sure the item is not the last in the list
val = convertDateTimeToString(vals)
# Converts datetime object to ie: May 8th, etc.
# The current item is the last in the list
val = generateRandomSendTime()
# Generates a random time: 1m, 2s, etc.
im.paste(im2, (t_width-m_width, heightVal))
# Pastes the message at that coord
heightVal += (m_height)
# Adds the message height to the next message coord
text = val.rjust(17)
# rjust adds leading spaces
draw.text((t_width-m_width + 15, heightVal-1), text, (100,116,129), font=font)
# "Draws" the text onto the template
im.paste(im3, (t_width-m_width+font.getsize(text)[0]+10+7, heightVal+3))
# Pastes the check mark
heightVal += 10
# Adds a space between messages
#print("X: {} Y: {}".format(t_width-m_width, START_Y+(m_height*i)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
dayCount = raw_input("Number of Days: ")
saveAs = raw_input("Save as Filename: ")
messageList = genMessageDates(dayCount)
generateTweet(messageList, saveAs)
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