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Rodrigo therod

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require 'pdf-reader'
require 'date'
def get_name(pdf_filename)
reader =
text = reader.pages.first.text.split(" ")
name = text[5] + " " + text[6]
def rename_pdf(original_file, name)
require 'pry'
# 1 - First we define the Car class
class Car
# 2 - Every class needs a so called initializer method
class Car
def initialize
therod / shillary.rb
Last active January 18, 2017 09:15
Automatically download the latest Podesta E-Mails from Wikileaks
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'typhoeus'
Dir.mkdir('mail') unless Dir.exist?('mail')
def last_email
Dir.entries('mail').last.scan(/\d/).join('').sub!(/^0+/, '').to_i
def write_email(id, body)
therod / rename.rb
Created November 3, 2016 18:36
Simple script that normalizes files in a folder and renames them accordingly
require 'i18n'
require 'fileutils'
I18n.available_locales = [:en]
Dir.glob('./authors/*.jpg').map do |orig|
dest = I18n.transliterate(' ', '-').tr('_', '-'))
File.rename(orig, dest)
therod / crop.rb
Created November 3, 2016 23:24
Crop images from a folder using resize_to_fill and create two different Gravity Versions
require 'pry'
require 'rmagick'
require 'pathname'
require 'rake/pathmap'
include Magick
Dir.glob('./authors/*.jpg').map do |file|
pn =
out_file = "./cropped/#{pn.basename}"
therod / podesta.rb
Last active January 18, 2017 09:19
require 'curb'
count = 0
while count
puts "Getting E-Mail #{count}"
email = Curl::Easy.perform("{count}")
if email.body_str.include?('<h1>Internal Server Error</h1>')
puts "Reached final e-mail"
# We require the unit testing module of Ruby
require 'minitest/autorun'
# # Class Definition
class Person
def say(name)
"Hello, my name is #{name} World"
# We require the minitest library
require 'minitest/autorun'
class Person
attr_accessor :age, :name
def say(name)
"Hi, my name is test blablabla #{name}"
therod / ex1.rb
Created January 20, 2017 08:33
# This is just a simple example on how to use puts
puts "Hello World!"
puts "This is fun!"
puts "Yahooo! Printing."
puts "I'd much rather you 'not'."
puts 'I "said" do not touch this.'
puts "This is a string interpolation test #{1 + 1}"