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Created February 5, 2013 13:30
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Laravel IDE helper file
* @method static bool guest() Determine if the user of the application is not logged in.
* @method static bool check() Determine if the user is logged in.
* @method static User|null user() Get the current user of the application.
* @method static User|null retrieve(int $id) Get the a given application user by ID.
* @method static bool attempt(array $arguments) Attempt to log a user into the application.
* @method static bool login(mixed $token,bool $remember = false) Login the user assigned to the given token.
* @method static logout() Log the user out of the driver's auth context.
* @method static store(string $token) Store a user's token in the session.
* @method static remember(string $token) Store a user's token in a long-lived cookie.
* @method static string|null recall() Attempt to find a "remember me" cookie for the user.
* @method static cookie(string $name, string $value, int $minutes) Store an authentication cookie.
* @method static string token() Get session key name used to store the token.
* @method static string recaller() Get the name used for the "remember me" cookie.
* @method static string name() Get the name of the driver in a storage friendly format.
class Auth extends Laravel\Auth {}
abstract class Authenticator extends Laravel\Auth\Drivers\Driver {}
* @method static add(string $name, string $source, array $dependencies = array(), array $attributes = array())
* @method static string styles()
* @method static string scripts()
class Asset extends Laravel\Asset {}
class Autoloader extends Laravel\Autoloader {}
class Blade extends Laravel\Blade {}
class Bundle extends Laravel\Bundle {}
* @method static boolean has(string $key) Determine if an item exists in the cache
* @method static mixed get(string $key, $default = null) Get an item from the cache
* @method static put(string $key, $value, $minutes) Write an item to the cache for a given number of minutes
* @method static mixed remember($key, $default, $minutes, $function = 'put') Get an item from the cache, or cache and return the default value
* @method static forever(string $key, $value) Write an item to the cache for five years
* @method static forget(string $key) Delete an item from the cache
* @method static sear(string $key, $default) Get an item from the cache, or cache the default value forever
class Cache extends Laravel\Cache {}
class Config extends Laravel\Config {}
class Controller extends Laravel\Routing\Controller {}
class Cookie extends Laravel\Cookie {}
class Crypter extends Laravel\Crypter {}
* @method static array query(string $sql, array $bindings = array()) Execute a SQL query and return an array of StdClass objects.
* @method static transaction(Closure $callback) Execute a callback wrapped in a database transaction.
class DB extends Laravel\Database {}
* @method static array lists(string $name, string $key = null)
* @method static \Laravel\Database\Query where(string $column, string $operator = null, mixed $value = null, string $connector = 'AND')
* @method static \Laravel\Database\Query where_in(string $column, array $values, string $connector = 'AND', boolean $not = false)
* @method static \Laravel\Database\Query with(string $column)
* @method static \Laravel\Database\Query order_by(string $column, string $direction = 'asc')
* @method static \Laravel\Database\Query take(int $value)
* @method static \Laravel\Database\Query select(array $columns = array('*'))
* @method static \Laravel\Database\Query join(string $table, string $column1, string $operator = null, string $column2 = null, string $type = 'INNER')
* @method static Eloquent find($id)
* @method static int count()
* @property $created_at
* @property $updated_at
class Eloquent extends Laravel\Database\Eloquent\Model {}
class Event extends Laravel\Event {}
class File extends Laravel\File {}
class Filter extends Laravel\Routing\Filter {}
class Form extends Laravel\Form {}
class Hash extends Laravel\Hash {}
class HTML extends Laravel\HTML {}
class Input extends Laravel\Input {}
class IoC extends Laravel\IoC {}
class Lang extends Laravel\Lang {}
* @method static void warning(string $message)
* @method static void error(string $message)
* @method static void info(string $message)
class Log extends Laravel\Log {}
class Memcached extends Laravel\Memcached {}
class Paginator extends Laravel\Paginator {}
class Profiler extends Laravel\Profiling\Profiler {}
class URL extends Laravel\URL {}
class Redirect extends Laravel\Redirect {}
class Redis extends Laravel\Redis {}
class Request extends Laravel\Request {}
class Response extends Laravel\Response {}
class Route extends Laravel\Routing\Route {}
class Router extends Laravel\Routing\Router {}
class Schema extends Laravel\Database\Schema {}
class Section extends Laravel\Section {}
* @method static boolean has(string $key)
* @method static get(string $key, $default = null)
* @method static put(string $key, $value)
* @method static flash(string $key, $value)
* @method static forget(string $key)
* @method static reflash()
* @method static flush()
class Session extends Laravel\Session {}
class Str extends Laravel\Str {}
class Task extends Laravel\CLI\Tasks\Task {}
class URI extends Laravel\URI {}
class Validator extends Laravel\Validator {}
class View extends Laravel\View {}
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