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Created August 26, 2019 09:10
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package main
import (
cryptoRand "crypto/rand"
type HashTuple struct {
hash uint32
str string
func main() {
targets := []uint32 {
//uint32(0x14e2d61a), // events.xml
//uint32(0x90534326), // popgroups.xml
found := make(chan HashTuple)
foundCounter := 0
foundTuples := make([]HashTuple, len(targets))
counter := make(chan int)
total := 0
for i := 0; i < 400; i++ {
go brute(targets, found, counter)
go func (){
tick := time.Tick(1 * time.Second)
prev := 0
diff := 0
for {
select {
case cnt := <-counter:
total += cnt
case <-tick:
diff = total - prev
prev = total
fmt.Println("Tried strings:", total, ",", diff, "str/s, found", foundCounter, "out of", len(targets))
for {
select {
case foundTuple := <-found:
fmt.Println("Found string:", foundTuple.str, "for hash", fmt.Sprintf("0x%x", foundTuple.hash))
isDuplicate := false
for _, tuple := range foundTuples {
if tuple.hash == foundTuple.hash {
fmt.Println("String for this already has been discovered, skipping")
isDuplicate = true
if !isDuplicate {
foundTuples[foundCounter] = foundTuple
if foundCounter == len(targets) {
fmt.Println("Every hash has been found, table:");
for _, tuple := range foundTuples {
fmt.Printf("\t%x -> %s\n", tuple.hash, tuple.str)
func brute(targets []uint32, found chan HashTuple, counter chan int) {
randInt, err := cryptoRand.Int(cryptoRand.Reader, new(big.Int).SetInt64(9999999))
fmt.Printf("Init new bruter with seed: %x\n", randInt)
if err != nil {
var rnd *rand.Rand = rand.New(rand.NewSource(randInt.Int64()))
var str string
var hash uint32
for {
str = randomString(rnd)
hash = joaat(str)
counter <- 1
for _, target := range targets {
if hash == target {
found <- HashTuple{ hash, str }
func joaat(key string) (hash uint32) {
var i int = 0
for i != len(key) {
hash += uint32(key[i])
hash += hash << 10
hash ^= hash >> 6
i += 1
hash += hash << 3
hash ^= hash >> 11
hash += hash << 15
func randomString(rnd *rand.Rand) string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%x", rnd.Uint64()))
return strings.ToUpper(buffer.String())
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