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Created November 25, 2016 18:10
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scalapb.proto v3
syntax = "proto3";
package scalapb;
option java_package = "com.trueaccord.scalapb";
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
message ScalaPbOptions {
// If set then it overrides the java_package and package.
string package_name = 1;
// If true, the compiler does not append the proto base file name
// into the generated package name. If false (the default), the
// generated scala package name is the package_name.basename where
// basename is the proto file name without the .proto extension.
bool flat_package = 2;
// Adds the following imports at the top of the file (this is meant
// to provide implicit TypeMappers)
repeated string import = 3;
// Text to add to the generated scala file. This can be used only
// when single_file is true.
repeated string preamble = 4;
// If true, all messages and enums (but not services) will be written
// to a single Scala file.
bool single_file = 5;
// When this option is enabled, wrappers defined at
// are mapped to an Option[T] where T is a primitive type.
bool primitive_wrappers = 6;
extend google.protobuf.FileOptions {
// File-level optionals for ScalaPB.
// Extension number officially assigned by
ScalaPbOptions options = 1020;
message MessageOptions {
// Additional classes and traits to mix in to the case class.
repeated string extends = 1;
// Additional classes and traits to mix in to the companion object.
repeated string companion_extends = 2;
extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions {
// Message-level optionals for ScalaPB.
// Extension number officially assigned by
MessageOptions message = 1020;
message FieldOptions {
string type = 1;
extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
// File-level optionals for ScalaPB.
// Extension number officially assigned by
FieldOptions field = 1020;
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