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Created March 30, 2022 01:17
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Count and plot histograms of line length in source code
// codecols designed after Rasmus Andersson's
println: println
default: default
map: map
stdin: stdin
range: range
filter: filter
reduce: reduce
append: append
values: values
identity: identity
partition: partition
} := import('std')
split: split
join: join
padEnd: padEnd
} := import('str')
sort := import('sort')
math := import('math')
cli := import('cli')
// adjust libcli for (1) oak pack and (2) no verb in this CLI
argv := ['_exe', '_main'] |> append(args())
Cli := cli.parseArgv(argv)
if Cli.opts.h = true | = true -> {
println('codecols counts columns in source code given to its standard input.
codecols [options] < your/code/*.c
cat *.c | codecols [options]
--max-cols, -c Maximum number of columsn of code to display in the
output table
--histo-width, -w If the column counts are high enough that the histogram
must be scaled down to fit on a terminal screen, the
bars will be scaled such that the longest one is this
long. 60 by default.')
// histo returns a histogram bar of a given length
fn histo(n) {
whole := int(n / 8)
rem := n % 8
graph := range(whole) |> map(fn '█') |> join() + if int(rem) {
0 -> ''
1 -> '▏'
2 -> '▎'
3 -> '▍'
4 -> '▌'
5 -> '▋'
6 -> '▊'
7 -> '▉'
if graph = '' & n > 0 {
true -> '▏'
_ -> graph
// list of number of non-zero column counts
cols := stdin() |>
split('\n') |>
filter(fn(s) s != '') |>
// round up to the nearest even number
map(fn(line) len(line) + len(line) % 2)
// same data as above, but in frequency map
freqs := cols |>
sort.sort!() |>
partition(identity) |>
reduce({}, fn(freq, ns) freq.(ns.0) := len(ns))
min := 0
max := math.max(keys(freqs) |> map(int)...)
maxCount := math.max(values(freqs)...)
maxHisto := int(Cli.opts.'histo-width' |> default(Cli.opts.w)) |>
default(60) |>
maxListedCols := int(Cli.opts.'max-cols' |> default(Cli.opts.c)) |>
colWidth := math.max(
countWidth := math.max(
'cols' |> padEnd(colWidth, ' ')
'count' |> padEnd(countWidth, ' ')
range(2, maxListedCols + 1, 2) |> map(
fn(n) println(
string(n) |> padEnd(colWidth, ' ')
freqs.(n) |> default(0) |> string() |> padEnd(countWidth, ' ')
histo(freqs.(n) |> default(0) |> math.scale(0, maxCount, 0, maxHisto * 8))
println('average columns per line:', math.mean(cols) |> math.round(2))
$ cat ~/src/oak/**/*.oak | codecols --max-cols 100
cols count
2 835 ███████████████████████████████████████▍
4 1272 ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
6 850 ████████████████████████████████████████
8 432 ████████████████████▍
10 389 ██████████████████▎
12 642 ██████████████████████████████▎
14 671 ███████████████████████████████▋
16 660 ███████████████████████████████▏
18 631 █████████████████████████████▊
20 581 ███████████████████████████▍
22 412 ███████████████████▍
24 418 ███████████████████▋
26 371 █████████████████▌
28 358 ████████████████▉
30 323 ███████████████▏
32 250 ███████████▊
34 286 █████████████▍
36 227 ██████████▋
38 230 ██████████▊
40 175 ████████▎
42 222 ██████████▍
44 212 ██████████
46 190 ████████▉
48 133 ██████▎
50 154 ███████▎
52 152 ███████▏
54 145 ██████▊
56 126 █████▉
58 100 ████▋
60 113 █████▎
62 96 ████▌
64 98 ████▌
66 95 ████▍
68 107 █████
70 101 ████▊
72 95 ████▍
74 94 ████▍
76 124 █████▊
78 126 █████▉
80 71 ███▎
82 18 ▊
84 23 █
86 15 ▋
88 19 ▉
90 16 ▊
92 9 ▍
94 7 ▎
96 11 ▌
98 9 ▍
100 10 ▍
average columns per line: 25.55
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