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Created February 17, 2013 13:29
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sublimetext 2 plugin to open the image file as data uri
import sublime, sublime_plugin
import os, base64
class Image2Base64(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_load(self, view):
if view.file_name():
fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(view.file_name())
if fileExtension.lower() in conv_extensions:
base64image = convert_image(view)
image = get_data_uri(base64image, fileExtension)
if image:
view.run_command("i2b64_change", {"image": image})
class I2b64Change(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit, image):
view = self.view
view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(0, view.size()), image)
conv_extensions = [
# ".ico"
def convert_image(view):
with open(view.file_name(), "rb") as image_file:
encoded_string = base64.b64encode(
return encoded_string
return None
def get_data_uri(base64image, ext):
return 'data: image/' + ext.replace('.', '') + '; base64, ' + base64image
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