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Created February 19, 2018 18:30
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  • Save thesved/d63cb108a06596419dc435ec7ebcbe3c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save thesved/d63cb108a06596419dc435ec7ebcbe3c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
pragma solidity ^0.4.17;
import "./ERC20MiniMe.sol";
import "./CappedCrowdsale.sol";
import "./FinalizableCrowdsale.sol";
import "./TokenController.sol";
import "./Pausable.sol";
* @title EthealNormalSale
* @author thesved
* @notice Etheal Token Sale round one normal sale contract, with softcap and hardcap (cap)
* @dev This contract has to be finalized before refund or token claims are enabled
contract EthealNormalSale is Pausable, FinalizableCrowdsale, CappedCrowdsale {
// the token is here
TokenController public ethealController;
// after reaching {weiRaised} >= {softCap}, there is {softCapTime} seconds until the sale closes
// {softCapClose} contains the closing time
uint256 public rate = 1000;
uint256 public softCap = 20000 ether;
uint256 public softCapTime = 120 hours;
uint256 public softCapClose;
uint256 public cap = 66667 ether;
// total token sold and undistributed token count
uint256 public tokenSold;
uint256 public tokenBalance;
// contributing above {maxGasPrice} results in
// calculating stakes on {maxGasPricePenalty} / 100
// eg. 80 {maxGasPricePenalty} means 80%, sending 5 ETH with more than 100gwei gas price will be calculated as 4 ETH
uint256 public maxGasPrice = 100 * 10**9;
uint256 public maxGasPricePenalty = 80;
// minimum contribution, 0.1ETH
uint256 public minContribution = 0.1 ether;
// first {whitelistDayCount} days of token sale is exclusive for whitelisted addresses
// {whitelistDayMaxStake} contains the max stake limits per address for each whitelist sales day
// {whitelist} contains who can contribute during whitelist period
uint8 public whitelistDayCount;
mapping (address => bool) public whitelist;
mapping (uint8 => uint256) public whitelistDayMaxStake;
// stakes contains contribution stake in wei
// contributed ETH is calculated on 80% when sending funds with gasprice above maxGasPrice
mapping (address => uint256) public stakes;
uint256 totalStakes;
// addresses of contributors to handle finalization after token sale end (refunds or token claims)
address[] public contributorsKeys;
// events for token purchase during sale and claiming tokens after sale
event TokenClaimed(address indexed _claimer, address indexed _beneficiary, uint256 _stake, uint256 _amount);
event TokenPurchase(address indexed _purchaser, address indexed _beneficiary, uint256 _value, uint256 _stake, uint256 _participants, uint256 _weiRaised);
event TokenSoftCapReached(uint256 _closeTime);
// whitelist events for adding days with maximum stakes and addresses
event WhitelistAddressAdded(address indexed _whitelister, address indexed _beneficiary);
event WhitelistAddressRemoved(address indexed _whitelister, address indexed _beneficiary);
event WhitelistSetDay(address indexed _whitelister, uint8 _day, uint256 _maxStake);
// Constructor and inherited function overrides
/// @notice Constructor to create PreSale contract
/// @param _ethealController Address of ethealController
/// @param _startTime The start time of token sale in seconds.
/// @param _endTime The end time of token sale in seconds.
/// @param _minContribution The minimum contribution per transaction in wei (0.1 ETH)
/// @param _rate Number of HEAL tokens per 1 ETH
/// @param _softCap Softcap in wei, reaching it ends the sale in _softCapTime seconds
/// @param _softCapTime Seconds until the sale remains open after reaching _softCap
/// @param _cap Maximum cap in wei, we can't raise more funds
/// @param _gasPrice Maximum gas price
/// @param _gasPenalty Penalty in percentage points for calculating stakes, eg. 80 means calculating
/// stakes on 80% if gasprice was higher than _gasPrice
/// @param _wallet Address of multisig wallet, which will get all the funds after successful sale
function EthealNormalSale(
address _ethealController,
uint256 _startTime,
uint256 _endTime,
uint256 _minContribution,
uint256 _rate,
uint256 _softCap,
uint256 _softCapTime,
uint256 _cap,
uint256 _gasPrice,
uint256 _gasPenalty,
address _wallet
Crowdsale(_startTime, _endTime, _rate, _wallet)
// ethealController must be valid
require(_ethealController != address(0));
ethealController = TokenController(_ethealController);
// caps have to be consistent with each other
require(_softCap <= _cap);
softCap = _softCap;
softCapTime = _softCapTime;
// this is needed since super constructor wont overwite overriden variables
cap = _cap;
rate = _rate;
maxGasPrice = _gasPrice;
maxGasPricePenalty = _gasPenalty;
minContribution = _minContribution;
/// @dev Overriding Crowdsale#transferToken, which keeps track of contributions DURING token sale
/// @param _beneficiary Address of the recepient of the tokens
/// @param _weiAmount Contribution in wei
function transferToken(address _beneficiary, uint256 _weiAmount) internal {
require(_beneficiary != address(0));
uint256 _stake = _weiAmount;
// adjust with stake multiplyer
uint256 _mul = getStakeMultiplyerNow();
if (_mul != 100) {
_stake = _stake.mul(_mul).div(100);
// saving total stakes to be able to distribute tokens at the end
totalStakes = totalStakes.add(_stake);
if (stakes[_beneficiary] == 0) {
stakes[_beneficiary] = stakes[_beneficiary].add(_stake);
TokenPurchase(msg.sender, _beneficiary, _weiAmount, _stake, contributorsKeys.length, weiRaised);
/// @dev Overriding Crowdsale#buyTokens to add partial refund and softcap logic
/// @param _beneficiary Beneficiary of the token purchase
function buyTokens(address _beneficiary) public payable whenNotPaused {
require(_beneficiary != address(0));
uint256 weiToCap = howMuchCanXContributeNow(_beneficiary);
uint256 weiAmount = uint256Min(weiToCap, msg.value);
buyTokens(_beneficiary, weiAmount);
// close sale in softCapTime seconds after reaching softCap
if (weiRaised >= softCap && softCapClose == 0) {
softCapClose = now.add(softCapTime);
TokenSoftCapReached(uint256Min(softCapClose, endTime));
// handle refund
uint256 refund = msg.value.sub(weiAmount);
if (refund > 0) {
/// @dev Overriding Crowdsale#validPurchase to add min contribution logic
/// @param _weiAmount Contribution amount in wei
/// @return true if contribution is okay
function validPurchase(uint256 _weiAmount) internal view returns (bool) {
return super.validPurchase(_weiAmount) && _weiAmount >= minContribution;
/// @dev Overriding Crowdsale#hasEnded to add soft cap logic
/// @return true if crowdsale event has ended or a softCapClose time is set and passed
function hasEnded() public view returns (bool) {
return super.hasEnded() || softCapClose > 0 && now > softCapClose;
/// @dev Extending RefundableCrowdsale#finalization sending back excess tokens to ethealController
function finalization() internal {
tokenSold = getHealBalance();
// if didn't reach the soft cap we refund excess tokens
if (weiRaised < softCap) {
uint256 _sold = totalStakes.mul(rate);
if (tokenSold > _sold) {
uint256 _excess = tokenSold.sub(_sold);
tokenSold = _sold;
ethealController.ethealToken().transfer(ethealController.SALE(), _excess);
// unclaimed tokens
tokenBalance = tokenSold;
// hodler stake counting starts 14 days after closing normal sale
ethealController.setHodlerTime(now + 14 days);
// BEFORE token sale
/// @notice Modifier for before sale cases
modifier beforeSale() {
/// @notice Sets whitelist
/// @dev The length of _whitelistLimits says that the first X days of token sale is
/// closed, meaning only for whitelisted addresses.
/// @param _add Array of addresses to add to whitelisted ethereum accounts
/// @param _remove Array of addresses to remove to whitelisted ethereum accounts
/// @param _whitelistLimits Array of limits in wei, where _whitelistLimits[0] = 10 ETH means
/// whitelisted addresses can contribute maximum 10 ETH stakes on the first day
/// After _whitelistLimits.length days, there will be no limits per address (besides hard cap)
function setWhitelist(address[] _add, address[] _remove, uint256[] _whitelistLimits) public onlyOwner beforeSale {
uint256 i = 0;
uint8 j = 0; // access max daily stakes
// we override whiteListLimits only if it was supplied as an argument
if (_whitelistLimits.length > 0) {
// saving whitelist max stake limits for each day -> uint256 maxStakeLimit
whitelistDayCount = uint8(_whitelistLimits.length);
for (i = 0; i < _whitelistLimits.length; i++) {
j = uint8(i.add(1));
if (whitelistDayMaxStake[j] != _whitelistLimits[i]) {
whitelistDayMaxStake[j] = _whitelistLimits[i];
WhitelistSetDay(msg.sender, j, _whitelistLimits[i]);
// adding whitelist addresses
for (i = 0; i < _add.length; i++) {
require(_add[i] != address(0));
if (!whitelist[_add[i]]) {
whitelist[_add[i]] = true;
WhitelistAddressAdded(msg.sender, _add[i]);
// removing whitelist addresses
for (i = 0; i < _remove.length; i++) {
require(_remove[i] != address(0));
if (whitelist[_remove[i]]) {
whitelist[_remove[i]] = false;
WhitelistAddressRemoved(msg.sender, _remove[i]);
/// @notice Sets max gas price and penalty before sale
function setMaxGas(uint256 _maxGas, uint256 _penalty) public onlyOwner beforeSale {
maxGasPrice = _maxGas;
maxGasPricePenalty = _penalty;
/// @notice Sets min contribution before sale
function setMinContribution(uint256 _minContribution) public onlyOwner beforeSale {
minContribution = _minContribution;
/// @notice Sets soft and max cap
function setCaps(uint256 _softCap, uint256 _softCapTime, uint256 _cap) public onlyOwner beforeSale {
require(0 < _cap && _softCap <= _cap);
softCap = _softCap;
softCapTime = _softCapTime;
cap = _cap;
/// @notice Sets crowdsale start and end time
function setTimes(uint256 _startTime, uint256 _endTime) public onlyOwner beforeSale {
require(_startTime > now && _startTime < _endTime);
startTime = _startTime;
endTime = _endTime;
/// @notice Set rate
function setRate(uint256 _rate) public onlyOwner beforeSale {
require(_rate > 0);
rate = _rate;
// AFTER token sale
/// @notice Modifier for cases where sale is closed and was successful.
/// @dev It checks whether the sale has ended AND whether the contract is finalized
modifier afterSaleSuccess() {
require(hasEnded() && isFinalized);
/// @notice Claim token for msg.sender after token sale based on stake.
function claimToken() public afterSaleSuccess {
/// @notice Claim token after token sale based on stake.
/// @dev Anyone can call this function and distribute tokens after successful token sale
/// @param _beneficiary Address of the beneficiary who gets the token
function claimTokenFor(address _beneficiary) public afterSaleSuccess whenNotPaused {
uint256 stake = stakes[_beneficiary];
require(stake > 0);
// calculate token count
uint256 tokens;
if (weiRaised < softCap) {
// not reaching softcap means we sell for fixed rate of 1000 heal / eth
tokens = stake.mul(rate);
} else {
// we sell all tokens based on stakes
tokens = tokenSold.mul(stakes[_beneficiary]).div(totalStakes);
// set the stake 0 for beneficiary
stakes[_beneficiary] = 0;
// decrease tokenBalance, to make it possible to withdraw excess HEAL funds
tokenBalance = tokenBalance.sub(tokens);
// distribute hodlr stake
ethealController.addHodlerStake(_beneficiary, tokens);
// distribute token
require(ethealController.ethealToken().transfer(_beneficiary, tokens));
TokenClaimed(msg.sender, _beneficiary, stake, tokens);
/// @notice claimToken() for multiple addresses
/// @dev Anyone can call this function and distribute tokens after successful token sale
/// @param _beneficiaries Array of addresses for which we want to claim tokens
function claimTokensFor(address[] _beneficiaries) external afterSaleSuccess {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _beneficiaries.length; i++) {
// Constant, helper functions
/// @notice Returns stake multiplyer for now
function getStakeMultiplyerNow() public view returns (uint256) {
return getStakeMultiplyer(now);
/// @notice Returns the stake multiplyer in percentage, eg 80 means 80%
function getStakeMultiplyer(uint256 _time) public view returns (uint256 _multiply) {
_multiply = 100;
// gas price penalty
if (maxGasPrice > 0 && tx.gasprice > maxGasPrice) {
_multiply = _multiply.mul(maxGasPricePenalty).div(100);
// calculate bonus based on sale day
uint256 _day = uint256(getSaleDay(_time));
// adjust for whitelist days
if (whitelistDayCount > 0 && _day <= whitelistDayCount) {
// if it is currently a whitelist day, we calculate as it is the first sale day
_day = 1;
} else if (whitelistDayCount > 0) {
// after whitelist days are over, we start counting days from 1
_day = _day.sub(whitelistDayCount);
// 40% bonus for first day, 20% for second, 15% for rest of the first week, 10% for second week, 5% for third week
if (_day == 1) {
_multiply = _multiply.mul(140).div(100);
} else if (_day == 2) {
_multiply = _multiply.mul(120).div(100);
} else if (3 <= _day && _day <= 7) {
_multiply = _multiply.mul(115).div(100);
} else if (8 <= _day && _day <= 14) {
_multiply = _multiply.mul(110).div(100);
} else if (15 <= _day && _day <= 21) {
_multiply = _multiply.mul(105).div(100);
/// @notice How many wei can the msg.sender contribute now.
function howMuchCanIContributeNow() view public returns (uint256) {
return howMuchCanXContributeNow(msg.sender);
/// @notice How many wei can an ethereum address contribute now.
/// @dev This function can return 0 when the crowdsale is stopped
/// or the address has maxed the current day's whitelist cap,
/// it is possible, that next day he can contribute
/// @param _beneficiary Ethereum address
/// @return Number of wei the _beneficiary can contribute now.
function howMuchCanXContributeNow(address _beneficiary) view public returns (uint256) {
require(_beneficiary != address(0));
if (!hasStarted() || hasEnded()) {
return 0;
// wei to hard cap
uint256 weiToCap = cap.sub(weiRaised);
// if this is a whitelist limited period
uint8 _saleDay = getSaleDayNow();
if (_saleDay <= whitelistDayCount) {
// address can't contribute if it is not whitelisted
if (!whitelist[_beneficiary]) {
return 0;
// personal cap is the daily whitelist limit minus the stakes the address already has
uint256 weiToPersonalCap = whitelistDayMaxStake[_saleDay].sub(stakes[_beneficiary]);
// calculate for maxGasPrice penalty and sale bonus
uint256 _mul = getStakeMultiplyerNow();
if (_mul != 100) {
weiToPersonalCap = weiToPersonalCap.mul(100).div(_mul);
weiToCap = uint256Min(weiToCap, weiToPersonalCap);
return weiToCap;
/// @notice For a give date how many 24 hour blocks have ellapsed since token sale start
/// @dev _time has to be bigger than the startTime of token sale, otherwise SafeMath's div will throw.
/// Within 24 hours of token sale it will return 1,
/// between 24 and 48 hours it will return 2, etc.
/// @param _time Date in seconds for which we want to know which sale day it is
/// @return Number of 24 hour blocks ellapsing since token sale start starting from 1
function getSaleDay(uint256 _time) view public returns (uint8) {
return uint8(_time.sub(startTime).div(60*60*24).add(1));
/// @notice How many 24 hour blocks have ellapsed since token sale start
/// @return Number of 24 hour blocks ellapsing since token sale start starting from 1
function getSaleDayNow() view public returns (uint8) {
return getSaleDay(now);
/// @notice Minimum between two uint8 numbers
function uint8Min(uint8 a, uint8 b) pure internal returns (uint8) {
return a > b ? b : a;
/// @notice Minimum between two uint256 numbers
function uint256Min(uint256 a, uint256 b) pure internal returns (uint256) {
return a > b ? b : a;
// Test and contribution web app, NO audit is needed
/// @notice How many contributors we have.
/// @return Number of different contributor ethereum addresses
function getContributorsCount() view public returns (uint256) {
return contributorsKeys.length;
/// @notice Get contributor addresses to manage refunds or token claims.
/// @dev If the sale is not yet successful, then it searches in the RefundVault.
/// If the sale is successful, it searches in contributors.
/// @param _pending If true, then returns addresses which didn't get refunded or their tokens distributed to them
/// @param _claimed If true, then returns already refunded or token distributed addresses
/// @return Array of addresses of contributors
function getContributors(bool _pending, bool _claimed) view public returns (address[] contributors) {
uint256 i = 0;
uint256 results = 0;
address[] memory _contributors = new address[](contributorsKeys.length);
for (i = 0; i < contributorsKeys.length; i++) {
if (_pending && stakes[contributorsKeys[i]] > 0 || _claimed && stakes[contributorsKeys[i]] == 0) {
_contributors[results] = contributorsKeys[i];
contributors = new address[](results);
for (i = 0; i < results; i++) {
contributors[i] = _contributors[i];
return contributors;
/// @notice How many HEAL tokens do this contract have
function getHealBalance() view public returns (uint256) {
return ethealController.ethealToken().balanceOf(address(this));
/// @notice Get current date for web3
function getNow() view public returns (uint256) {
return now;
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