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Created November 12, 2020 21:59
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* Viktor's Block CSS
* version: 0.1
* author: @ViktorTabori
* How to install it:
* - go to page [[roam/js]]
* - create a node with: { {[[roam/js]]}}
* - create a clode block pulled under it, and change its type from clojure to javascript
* - allow the running of the javascript on the {{[[roam/js]]}} node
* - reload roam
* - use #block:hide and it adds `hide` class to the block
window.ViktorBlockCSS = window.ViktorBlockCSS && window.ViktorBlockCSS.stop() && false || (function(){
var observer,
started = false,
lookfor = '[data-tag^="block:"]';
// start date change
return {
start: start,
stop: stop,
isStarted: ()=>started,
getObserver: ()=>observer
function start() {
if (started) return;
started = true;
// process current tags
// subscribe to changes
observer = new MutationObserver(mutationsList=>{
mutation.removedNodes.forEach(m=>changeLinks(m, true));
observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });
// log
console.log('looking for dynamic block links');
return true;
function stop() {
if (!started) return;
started = false;
// stop observing
// remove all tags
changeLinks(document.body, true);
// log
console.log('stopped looking for dynamic block links');
return true;
// modify dynamic block links
function changeLinks(dom, removed) {
// looking for nodes
if (!dom || !dom.querySelectorAll) return;
// check dynamic block link aliases
var links = Array.from(dom.querySelectorAll(lookfor));
// get closest roam container
if (!link.closest) return;
var block = link.closest('.roam-block-container') || document.activeElement && document.activeElement.closest('.roam-block-container');
if (!block || !block.classList) return;
// add class(es) to block
var classList = link.textContent.replace(/^#?block:/i,'').split(' ');
if (removed) block.classList.remove(cl);
else block.classList.add(cl);
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