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Created August 14, 2021 12:10
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ZDD operations implementation
-- |ZDD.hs
-- Naive ZDD implementation.
-- Node must have IDs that point to nodes with smaller variables.
-- Copyright (C) 2021 Serguey Zefirov
module ZDD where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Word
data ID = ID Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
id0, id1 :: ID
id0 = ID 0
id1 = ID 1
data ZDDN = Empty | One | Node !Int !ID !ID -- Node var present absent
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data IDP = IDP !ID !ID
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data ZDDS = ZDDS
{ zddsCounter :: !Int
, zddsByID :: !(Map.Map ID ZDDN)
, zddsByNode :: !(Map.Map ZDDN ID)
, zddsByVar :: !(Map.Map Int (Set.Set ID))
, zddsReferredBy :: !(Map.Map ID (Set.Set ID))
, zddsUnionCache
, zddsDiffCache
, zddsDistributeCache
, zddsIntersectCache :: !(Map.Map IDP ID)
deriving (Show)
emptyZDDS :: ZDDS
emptyZDDS = ZDDS
{ zddsCounter = 2
, zddsByID = Map.fromList [(id0, Empty), (id1, One)]
, zddsByNode = Map.fromList [(Empty, id0), (One, id1)]
, zddsByVar = Map.empty
, zddsReferredBy = Map.empty
, zddsUnionCache = Map.empty
, zddsDiffCache = Map.empty
, zddsDistributeCache = Map.empty
, zddsIntersectCache = Map.empty
type ZDDM a = StateT ZDDS IO a
getID :: ZDDN -> ZDDM ID
getID Empty = return id0
getID One = return id1
getID node@(Node var p a)
| p == id0 = return a
| otherwise = do
mbID <- Map.lookup node . zddsByNode <$> get
case mbID of
Just id -> return id
Nothing -> do
zdds <- get
let new = zddsCounter zdds
newID = ID new
when True $ do
let check i = do
when (i /= id0 && i /= id1) $ do
Node v' _ _ <- fetchNode i
when (v' >= var) $ error "variable ordering has been violated"
check p
check a
put $ zdds
{ zddsCounter = new + 1
, zddsByID = Map.insert newID node $ zddsByID zdds
, zddsByNode = Map.insert node newID $ zddsByNode zdds
, zddsByVar = Map.insertWith Set.union var (Set.singleton newID) $
zddsByVar zdds
, zddsReferredBy = Map.insertWith Set.union p (Set.singleton newID) $
Map.insertWith Set.union a (Set.singleton newID) $
zddsReferredBy zdds
return newID
fetchNode :: ID -> ZDDM ZDDN
fetchNode id = do
Map.findWithDefault (error "unable to find node by ID") id . zddsByID <$> get
mkSet :: [Int] -> ZDDM ID
mkSet elems' = loop id1 elems
elems = List.sort elems'
loop id [] = return id
loop id (v:vs) = do
id <- getID (Node v id id0)
loop id vs
cached :: (ZDDS -> Map.Map IDP ID, IDP -> ID -> ZDDS -> ZDDS)
-> ID -> ID -> ZDDM ID -> ZDDM ID
cached (fetch, set) a b compute = do
mbCached <- Map.lookup (IDP a b) . fetch <$> get
case mbCached of
Just result -> return result
_ -> do
r <- compute
modify' $ set (IDP a b) r
return r
displayAllSets' :: (Int -> Int) -> String -> ID -> ZDDM ()
displayAllSets' interpret msg root = do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ msg ++ ": root "++show root++":"
(sets, _) <- enumerate Map.empty root
liftIO $ case sets of
[] -> putStrLn $ " <empty>"
_ -> forM_ sets $ \set -> putStrLn $ " " ++ show set
enumerate visited id
| id == id0 = return ([], visited)
| id == id1 = return ([[]], visited)
| Just sets <- Map.lookup id visited = return (sets, visited)
| otherwise = do
Node var present absent <- fetchNode id
(setsp, visitedp) <- enumerate visited present
(setsa, visiteda) <- enumerate visitedp absent
return (setsa ++ map (interpret var:) setsp, visiteda)
displayAllSets :: String -> ID -> ZDDM ()
displayAllSets = displayAllSets' id
-- |Returns the set of shortest subsets.
shortest :: ID -> ZDDM ID
shortest root = do
(distancesTo1, rootDistance) <- computeDistances (Map.singleton id1 0) root
(_, id) <- walk Map.empty distancesTo1 root rootDistance
return id
walk cache distances root rootd
| root == id1 || root == id0 = return (cache, root)
| Just computed <- Map.lookup root cache = return (cache, computed)
| otherwise = do
Node var p a <- fetchNode root
let pd = getD p
ad = getD a
(cachep, p') <- if pd + 1 == rootd
then walk cache distances p pd
else return (cache, id0)
(cachea, a') <- if a /= id0 && ad == rootd
then walk cache distances a ad
else return (cache, id0)
id <- getID $ Node var p' a'
return (Map.insert root id cachea, id)
getD x = Map.findWithDefault (error $ "cannot get distance "++show x) x distances
computeDistances distances root
| root == id1 = return (distances, 0 :: Int)
| root == id0 = return (distances, maxBound - 1)
| otherwise = do
Node _ p a <- fetchNode root
(dp, pd) <- computeDistances distances p
let pd1 = pd + 1
if a == id0
then return (Map.insert root pd1 dp, pd1)
else do
(da, ad) <- computeDistances dp a
let d = min ad pd1
return (Map.insert root d da, d)
union :: ID -> ID -> ZDDM ID
union a b
| a > b = union b a
| a == b = return a
| a == id0 = return b
| otherwise = cached (fetch, set) a b $ do
if a == id1
then do
Node var present absent <- fetchNode b
p1 <- union present a
a1 <- union absent a
getID $ Node var p1 a1
else do
Node vara pa aa <- fetchNode a
Node varb pb ab <- fetchNode b
case compare vara varb of
EQ -> do
pab <- union pa pb
aab <- union aa ab
getID $ Node vara pab aab
GT -> do
-- we construct pseudonode Node vara id0 b
pab <- union pa id0
aab <- union aa b
getID $ Node vara pab aab
LT -> do
-- here pseudonode is Node varb id0 a
pab <- union id0 pb
aab <- union a ab
getID $ Node varb pab aab
fetch = zddsUnionCache
set idp id zdds = zdds { zddsUnionCache = Map.insert idp id $ zddsUnionCache zdds }
intersection :: ID -> ID -> ZDDM ID
intersection a b
| a > b = intersection b a
| a == b = return a
| a == id0 = return id0
| otherwise = cached (fetch, set) a b $ do
if a == id1
then do
Node _ _ absent <- fetchNode b
intersection absent a
else do
Node vara pa aa <- fetchNode a
Node varb pb ab <- fetchNode b
case compare vara varb of
EQ -> do
pab <- intersection pa pb
aab <- intersection aa ab
getID $ Node vara pab aab
GT -> intersection aa b
LT -> intersection ab a
fetch = zddsIntersectCache
set idp id zdds = zdds { zddsIntersectCache = Map.insert idp id $ zddsIntersectCache zdds }
difference :: ID -> ID -> ZDDM ID
difference a b
| a == b = return id0
| a == id0 = return id0
| b == id0 = return a
| otherwise = cached (fetch, set) a b $ do
case (a == id1, b == id1) of
(True, _) -> do
Node var present absent <- fetchNode b
difference a absent
(_, True) -> do
Node var present absent <- fetchNode a
da <- difference absent b
getID $ Node var present absent
_ -> do
Node vara pa aa <- fetchNode a
Node varb pb ab <- fetchNode b
case compare vara varb of
EQ -> do
pab <- difference pa pb
aab <- difference aa ab
getID $ Node vara pab aab
GT -> do
aab <- difference aa b
getID $ Node vara pa aab
LT -> do
difference a ab
fetch = zddsDiffCache
set idp id zdds = zdds { zddsDiffCache = Map.insert idp id $ zddsDiffCache zdds }
distribute :: ID -> ID -> ZDDM ID
distribute a b
| a == b = return a
| a > b = distribute b a
| a == id0 = return id0
| a == id1 = return b
| otherwise = cached (fetch, set) a b $ do
Node vara pa aa <- fetchNode a
Node varb pb ab <- fetchNode b
(var, pa, aa, pb, ab) <- case compare vara varb of
EQ -> return (vara, pa, aa, pb, ab)
LT -> return (varb, id0, a, pb, ab)
GT -> return (vara, pa, aa, id0, b)
da <- distribute aa ab
x <- distribute pa pb
y <- distribute aa pb
z <- distribute pa ab
xy <- union x y
xyz <- union xy z
xyz'da <- difference xyz da
getID $ Node var xyz'da da
fetch = zddsDistributeCache
set idp id zdds = zdds { zddsDistributeCache = Map.insert idp id $ zddsDistributeCache zdds }
usedSet :: [ID] -> ZDDM (Set.Set ID)
usedSet roots = foldM down Set.empty roots
down visited root
| root == id0 || root == id1 || Set.member root visited = return visited
| otherwise = do
Node _ p a <- fetchNode root
onP <- down (Set.insert root visited) p
down onP a
-- | the operation "(w, wo) <- split var root" will return pair w, wo (with, without) such that
-- union (insert var w) wo === root where insert operation equips all subsets with the additional
-- element.
-- so bear in mind that variable is not present in either of sets.
split :: Bool -> Int -> ID -> ZDDM (ID, ID)
split withVar var root = do
snd <$> walk Map.empty root
walk visited root
| root == id0 || root == id1 = return (visited, (id0, root))
| Just (IDP w wo) <- Map.lookup root visited =
return (visited, (w, wo))
| otherwise = do
Node var' p a <- fetchNode root
case compare var var' of
EQ -> do
w <- if withVar
then getID $ Node var p id0
else return p
return (Map.insert root (IDP w a) visited, (w, a))
GT -> do
return (visited, (id0, root))
LT -> do
(visitedp, (wp, wop)) <- walk visited p
(visiteda, (wa, woa)) <- walk visitedp a
w <- union wp wa
wo <- union wop woa
return (Map.insert root (IDP w wo) visiteda, (w, wo))
t = do
flip evalStateT emptyZDDS $ do
s1 <- mkSet [1, 2]
displayAllSets "s1" s1
s2 <- mkSet [2,3]
displayAllSets "s2" s2
u <- union s1 s2
displayAllSets "u" u
d <- distribute s1 s2
displayAllSets "d" d
ud <- union u d
displayAllSets "union u d" ud
sh <- shortest ud
displayAllSets "shortest in union u d" sh
d1 <- difference u s1
displayAllSets "d1=s2" d1
d2 <- difference u s2
displayAllSets "d2=s1" d2
i1 <- intersection u s1
displayAllSets "as s1" i1
i2 <- intersection u s2
displayAllSets "as s2" i2
(w2, wo2) <- split True 2 u
displayAllSets "w2" w2
displayAllSets "wo2" wo2
--get >>= liftIO . print
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