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Last active June 2, 2024 11:04
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Type State Pattern in OCaml
module Response : sig
type start
type headers
type _ t
type content_type =
| Json
val start : start t
val status : int -> start t -> headers t
val header : string -> string -> headers t -> headers t
val content_type : content_type -> headers t -> headers t
val body : Bytes.t -> headers t -> headers t
val to_string : headers t -> string
end = struct
type start
type headers
type content_type =
| Json
type state = {
code : int;
headers : (string * string) list;
body : Bytes.t option;
type _ t = Start : start t | Headers : state -> headers t
let start = Start
let status code (res : start t) = Headers { code; headers = []; body = None }
let body payload (Headers state) = Headers { state with body = Some payload }
let header k v (Headers state) =
Headers { state with headers = (k, v) :: state.headers }
let content_type ty (Headers state) =
let v = match ty with Json -> "application/json" in
Headers { state with headers = ("Content-Type", v) :: state.headers }
let to_string (Headers { code; headers; body }) =
let headers =
|> (fun (k, v) -> Printf.sprintf "%s: %s" k v)
|> String.concat ";\n"
let str_of_body bytes =
Bytes.(cat bytes (of_string "\n") |> to_string)
let body = Option.fold ~none:"" ~some:str_of_body body in
Printf.sprintf {|HTTP/2 %d
%s|} code headers body
let response =
|> status 200
|> content_type Json
|> header "X-Unexpected" "tada"
|> status 404 (* Fails type check, because only one status line is allowed. *)
|> body Bytes.(of_string {|{"msg":"Hello, world!"}|})
|> to_string
|> print_string)
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