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Last active June 22, 2023 17:46
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Hetzner Cloud terraform coreos install
"ignition": {
"version": "2.0.0",
"config": {}
"storage": {
"systemd": {},
"networkd": {},
"passwd": {
"users": [
"name": "core",
"sshAuthorizedKeys": [
"<your public key>"
#!/usr/bin/env sh
set -e
chmod +x coreos-install
./coreos-install -d /dev/sda -i /root/ignition.json
provider "hcloud" {
token = "<token>"
resource "hcloud_ssh_key" "notebook" {
name = "nschieder@notebook"
public_key = "${file("~/.ssh/")}"
resource "hcloud_server" "master" {
name = "master"
image = "debian-9"
server_type = "cx11"
ssh_keys = ["${}"]
datacenter = "fsn1-dc8"
rescue = "linux64"
connection {
host = "${hcloud_server.master.ipv4_address}"
timeout = "1m"
agent = false
private_key = "${file("~/.ssh/id_ed25519")}"
provisioner "file" {
source = "ignition.json"
destination = "/root/ignition.json"
provisioner "remote-exec" {
script = ""
provisioner "remote-exec" {
connection {
host = "${hcloud_server.master.ipv4_address}"
timeout = "1m"
agent = false
private_key = "${file("~/.ssh/id_ed25519")}"
user = "core"
inline = "sudo hostnamectl set-hostname ${}"
resource "hcloud_server" "node1" {
name = "node1"
image = "debian-9"
server_type = "cx11"
ssh_keys = ["${}"]
datacenter = "fsn1-dc8"
rescue = "linux64"
connection {
host = "${hcloud_server.node1.ipv4_address}"
timeout = "1m"
agent = false
private_key = "${file("~/.ssh/id_ed25519")}"
provisioner "file" {
source = "ignition.json"
destination = "/root/ignition.json"
provisioner "remote-exec" {
script = ""
provisioner "remote-exec" {
connection {
host = "${hcloud_server.node1.ipv4_address}"
timeout = "1m"
agent = false
private_key = "${file("~/.ssh/id_ed25519")}"
user = "core"
inline = "sudo hostnamectl set-hostname ${}"
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@thetechnick my apologies I didn't notice the rescue var being set, all good.

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mootari commented Aug 21, 2019

@thetechnick How do you deal with attached volumes? Afaik the volume ID has to be referenced in the ignition.json, but a volume (or volume attachment) requires the server ID, which will only be available once the hcloud_server is provisioned, during which ignition.json is already consumed.
Also, because of the reboot at the end of the install script no exit code is returned, which causes tf to report an error.

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@mootari Well I created these scripts before there was any Blockstorage support at Hetzner.

Currently I work exclusively with Kubernetes, so the Container Storage Interface takes care of volume attachment and management.

It should be quite straightforward to build something with the Terraform null and template resource, but I have no use for this right now.

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mootari commented Aug 22, 2019

@thetechnick Understood, thanks for offering some context (and thanks for this gist!). My current solution also uses null_resource, although properly tainting an existing server resource and applying changes is still a pain. Once I figure that part out I'll link a gist to it here.

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