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Created October 3, 2014 00:32
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  • Save thethrum/90a0490e593dae7212e3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save thethrum/90a0490e593dae7212e3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
2198 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object">
1558 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of string">
1312 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="array of int">
1278 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object">
952 #<struct Alloc size=120, name="single object of runtime.g">
907 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="array of string">
662 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object">
492 #<struct Alloc size=60, name="single object">
421 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of [1]int">
346 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="array of uint8">
320 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="single object of syscall.SockaddrInet6">
306 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[string][]string">
276 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of net.TCPAddr">
273 #<struct Alloc size=60, name="channel of chan *download.Response">
273 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="single object of download.Request">
262 #<struct Alloc size=50, name="single object">
243 #<struct Alloc size=1000, name="array of uint8">
242 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="single object">
239 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of [1]string">
228 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of big.Int">
157 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of reflect.sliceHeader">
156 #<struct Alloc size=70, name="single object of url.URL">
153 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="single object of bufio.Writer">
151 #<struct Alloc size=80, name="single object">
143 #<struct Alloc size=70, name="single object">
139 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="single object of http.Request">
137 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="array of uint8">
135 #<struct Alloc size=70, name="single object of net.netFD">
135 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of uint8">
128 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="single object of net.TCPConn">
127 #<struct Alloc size=160, name="array of map.bucket[string][]string">
119 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of pkix.AttributeTypeAndValue">
118 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of syscall.SockaddrInet4">
114 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="array of big.Word">
108 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="array of string">
106 #<struct Alloc size=70, name="single object of bytes.Buffer">
100 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="single object">
98 #<struct Alloc size=480, name="single object of x509.Certificate">
95 #<struct Alloc size=60, name="single object of bufio.Reader">
93 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of rsa.PublicKey">
91 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of io.LimitedReader">
86 #<struct Alloc size=60, name="channel of chan struct {}">
81 #<struct Alloc size=140, name="array of big.Word">
78 #<struct Alloc size=80, name="single object of http.conn">
77 #<struct Alloc size=50, name="array of uint8">
76 #<struct Alloc size=90, name="single object of logging.Record">
75 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of tls.block">
72 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="single object of main.ResponseWithCode">
72 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="array of uint8">
72 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of errors.errorString">
72 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="single object of http.response">
71 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of []int">
69 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of []uint8">
69 #<struct Alloc size=1, name="array of pkix.Extension">
68 #<struct Alloc size=580, name="array of map.bucket[string][]string">
65 #<struct Alloc size=70, name="channel of chan error">
63 #<struct Alloc size=800, name="array of uint8">
60 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="array of interface {}">
59 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="array of int">
58 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="array of interface {}">
55 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="array of int">
54 #<struct Alloc size=80, name="single object of resize.Request">
54 #<struct Alloc size=60, name="channel of chan *resize.Response">
54 #<struct Alloc size=400, name="array of uint8">
52 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of bufio.ReadWriter">
50 #<struct Alloc size=80, name="single object of sha256.digest">
50 #<struct Alloc size=70, name="channel of chan http.writeRequest">
50 #<struct Alloc size=70, name="channel of chan http.requestAndChan">
50 #<struct Alloc size=50, name="array of int">
50 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="single object of http.persistConn">
49 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="array of int">
48 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="array of asn1.ObjectIdentifier">
46 #<struct Alloc size=50, name="single object of asn1.RawValue">
46 #<struct Alloc size=50, name="array of pkix.AttributeTypeAndValue">
46 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="single object of download.Response">
45 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of regexp.thread">
44 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="single object of images.Image">
43 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of textproto.Reader">
43 #<struct Alloc size=140, name="array of string">
40 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="single object of *http.Request">
40 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[string][]int">
40 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of http.transportRequest">
39 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of int">
38 #<struct Alloc size=8000, name="single object">
38 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="single object of *http.Transport">
38 #<struct Alloc size=160, name="array of map.bucket[string][]int">
37 #<struct Alloc size=2000, name="array of uint8">
37 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of sync.Mutex">
36 #<struct Alloc size=800, name="single object">
36 #<struct Alloc size=480, name="single object of runtime.m">
35 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="single object of chan struct {}">
35 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="single object of chan http.dialRes">
35 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="single object of *opencv._Ctype_struct__IplImage">
35 #<struct Alloc size=60, name="channel of chan http.dialRes">
35 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of struct { F uintptr; A0 *chan http.dialRes; A1 **http.Transport }">
35 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of [2]interface {}">
35 #<struct Alloc size=1000, name="single object">
35 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of struct { F uintptr; A0 *chan struct {} }">
34 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="array of pkix.AttributeTypeAndValue">
32 #<struct Alloc size=280, name="single object">
32 #<struct Alloc size=2000, name="single object">
31 #<struct Alloc size=900, name="single object">
31 #<struct Alloc size=580, name="single object">
31 #<struct Alloc size=2, name="single object">
31 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="single object of fmt.pp">
30 #<struct Alloc size=400, name="single object">
30 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="array of http.keyValues">
30 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of http.headerSorter">
29 #<struct Alloc size=90, name="single object">
29 #<struct Alloc size=70, name="array of uint8">
29 #<struct Alloc size=140, name="array of pkix.AttributeTypeAndValue">
28 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of pkix.Extension">
27 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="array of interface {}">
27 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="array of uint8">
26 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="array of uint16">
26 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="array of x509.ExtKeyUsage">
25 #<struct Alloc size=90, name="single object of tls.clientHandshakeState">
25 #<struct Alloc size=80, name="single object of tls.serverHelloMsg">
25 #<struct Alloc size=80, name="channel of chan error">
25 #<struct Alloc size=80, name="array of string">
25 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="single object of chan error">
25 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="single object of *tls.Conn">
25 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="single object of *time.Timer">
25 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="array of *http.Request">
25 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of http.noteEOFReader">
25 #<struct Alloc size=2, name="single object of tls.Conn">
25 #<struct Alloc size=120, name="single object">
25 #<struct Alloc size=120, name="single object of tls.clientHelloMsg">
25 #<struct Alloc size=100, name="single object of tls.Config">
24 #<struct Alloc size=60, name="array of uint8">
24 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of [1]interface {}">
23 #<struct Alloc size=90, name="array of uint8">
23 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="single object of resize.Response">
22 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="array of *x509.Certificate">
21 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="array of string">
20 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of x509.CertPool">
19 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="single object of *images._Ctype_struct_CvMat">
19 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="array of *x509.Certificate">
17 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="single object of *http.persistConn">
17 #<struct Alloc size=70, name="channel of chan http.responseAndError">
17 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of http.htmlSig">
17 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of struct { F uintptr; R *http.persistConn }">
16 #<struct Alloc size=90, name="single object of http.Response">
16 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="single object of net.OpError">
16 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="single object of http.bodyEOFSignal">
16 #<struct Alloc size=200, name="array of uint8">
16 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of asn1.BitString">
16 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of string">
15 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="single object of chan bool">
15 #<struct Alloc size=70, name="single object of syntax.Regexp">
14 #<struct Alloc size=80, name="array of uint8">
14 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="single object of os.File">
14 #<struct Alloc size=50, name="array of big.Word">
14 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of os.file">
14 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of sort.StringSlice">
13 #<struct Alloc size=70, name="single object of http.transferWriter">
13 #<struct Alloc size=600, name="array of uint8">
13 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="single object of http.body">
13 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of http.exactSig">
13 #<struct Alloc size=160, name="array of string">
13 #<struct Alloc size=100, name="array of uint8">
12 #<struct Alloc size=40000, name="array of uint8">
12 #<struct Alloc size=240, name="array of big.Word">
12 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of pkix.RDNSequence">
12 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of asn1.RawContent">
12 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of bool">
11 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of http.connectMethod">
11 #<struct Alloc size=20000, name="array of uint8">
11 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of http.redirectHandler">
11 #<struct Alloc size=2, name="array of map.bucket[string][]string">
11 #<struct Alloc size=100, name="single object of regexp.machine">
10 #<struct Alloc size=8000, name="array of uint8">
10 #<struct Alloc size=70, name="array of uint32">
10 #<struct Alloc size=60, name="single object of [6]interface {}">
10 #<struct Alloc size=60, name="channel of chan bool">
10 #<struct Alloc size=60, name="array of uint32">
10 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="single object of net.Dialer">
10 #<struct Alloc size=300, name="single object of x509.certificate">
10 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of struct { F uintptr; A0 *chan bool; A1 *bool; A2 **http.persistConn }">
10 #<struct Alloc size=160, name="single object of map.bucket[string][]string">
10 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of struct { F uintptr; A0 *chan bool }">
10 #<struct Alloc size=1, name="array of regexp.entry">
9 #<struct Alloc size=90, name="single object of syscall.Stat_t">
9 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="single object of color.modelFunc">
9 #<struct Alloc size=70, name="channel of chan time.Time">
9 #<struct Alloc size=50, name="single object of os.fileStat">
9 #<struct Alloc size=4000, name="array of uint8">
9 #<struct Alloc size=10000, name="array of uint8">
8 #<struct Alloc size=70, name="array of string">
8 #<struct Alloc size=4000, name="single object">
8 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="single object of time.Timer">
8 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of struct { F uintptr; A0 **http.Transport; A1 *http.connectMethod; A2 *chan http.dialRes }">
8 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of struct { F uintptr; R *main.MainHandler }">
8 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of int64">
8 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of [1]uint8">
7 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="array of string">
7 #<struct Alloc size=380, name="array of uint8">
7 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of strconv.NumError">
7 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="array of net.IP">
7 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="array of *regexp.thread">
7 #<struct Alloc size=1500, name="array of sync.poolLocal">
6 #<struct Alloc size=60, name="channel of chan *http.persistConn">
6 #<struct Alloc size=50, name="single object of time.ParseError">
6 #<struct Alloc size=50, name="single object of http.maskedSig">
6 #<struct Alloc size=50, name="array of []uint8">
6 #<struct Alloc size=480, name="array of uint8">
6 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="array of big.Word">
6 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of syntax.Prog">
6 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of time.Time">
6 #<struct Alloc size=160, name="array of regexp.entry">
6 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of x509.rsaPublicKey">
6 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="single object of regexp.Regexp">
5 #<struct Alloc size=80, name="channel of chan net.res">
5 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="single object of chan net.res">
5 #<struct Alloc size=580, name="array of uint8">
5 #<struct Alloc size=500, name="array of syntax.Inst">
5 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[string]string">
5 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[string]*unicode.RangeTable">
5 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of struct { F uintptr; A0 *string; A1 *chan net.res }">
5 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of ecdsa.PublicKey">
5 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of images._Ctype_int">
5 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="array of net.netaddr">
4 #<struct Alloc size=60, name="array of pkix.RelativeDistinguishedNameSET">
4 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="array of *regexp.thread">
4 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[string]int">
4 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of elliptic.CurveParams">
4 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="array of pkix.RelativeDistinguishedNameSET">
4 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of [19]uint8">
4 #<struct Alloc size=180, name="array of regexp.entry">
4 #<struct Alloc size=160, name="array of pkix.Extension">
4 #<struct Alloc size=140, name="array of uint8">
4 #<struct Alloc size=100, name="array of string">
4 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of strings.Replacer">
4 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of image.Uniform">
4 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="array of int32">
4 #<struct Alloc size=1, name="single object">
3 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="single object of *net._Ctype_struct_addrinfo">
3 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="array of *x509.Certificate">
3 #<struct Alloc size=70, name="array of pkix.Extension">
3 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="single object of">
3 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="array of int32">
3 #<struct Alloc size=380, name="array of pkix.Extension">
3 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of net._Ctype_struct_addrinfo">
3 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[string]http.muxEntry">
3 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of http.ServeMux">
3 #<struct Alloc size=200, name="single object">
3 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of x509.authKeyId">
3 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of logging.stringFormatter">
3 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of []net.IP">
3 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of struct { F uintptr; R *main.ProxyHandler }">
3 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of struct { F uintptr; A0 *string }">
3 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="array of *http.persistConn">
3 #<struct Alloc size=1, name="array of uint8">
2 #<struct Alloc size=80000, name="array of uint8">
2 #<struct Alloc size=680, name="array of uint8">
2 #<struct Alloc size=680, name="array of map.bucket[string]*unicode.RangeTable">
2 #<struct Alloc size=60, name="single object of [6]string">
2 #<struct Alloc size=500, name="array of uint8">
2 #<struct Alloc size=50, name="single object of log.Logger">
2 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="array of uint32">
2 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="array of pkix.Extension">
2 #<struct Alloc size=380, name="single object">
2 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of net.UDPAddr">
2 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[string]syntax.charGroup">
2 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[string]bool">
2 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[int]string">
2 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of flate.huffmanEncoder">
2 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of http.httpError">
2 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of []x509.distributionPoint">
2 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="array of *regexp.machine">
2 #<struct Alloc size=1900, name="single object of strings.byteStringReplacer">
2 #<struct Alloc size=120, name="single object of strings.byteReplacer">
2 #<struct Alloc size=120, name="single object of base64.Encoding">
2 #<struct Alloc size=120, name="array of string">
2 #<struct Alloc size=120, name="array of pkix.Extension">
2 #<struct Alloc size=100, name="array of regexp.entry">
2 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of x509.basicConstraints">
2 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="array of *regexp.machine">
2 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="single object of map.bucket[string]*unicode.RangeTable">
2 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of x509.distributionPoint">
2 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of map.bucket[string]bool">
2 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of map.bucket[string][]int">
1 #<struct Alloc size=900, name="array of map.bucket[string]string">
1 #<struct Alloc size=90, name="single object of map.bucket[*http.Request]func(">
1 #<struct Alloc size=800, name="array of map.bucket[string]http.muxEntry">
1 #<struct Alloc size=80, name="single object of http.Transport">
1 #<struct Alloc size=80, name="array of pkix.RelativeDistinguishedNameSET">
1 #<struct Alloc size=80, name="array of interface {}">
1 #<struct Alloc size=80, name="array of int32">
1 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="single object of net.UDPConn">
1 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="single object of net.TCPListener">
1 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="single object of main.WebHandler">
1 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="array of *regexp.machine">
1 #<struct Alloc size=8, name="array of *http.persistConn">
1 #<struct Alloc size=680, name="single object">
1 #<struct Alloc size=680, name="array of map.bucket[string]syntax.charGroup">
1 #<struct Alloc size=680, name="array of map.bucket[string]int">
1 #<struct Alloc size=680, name="array of map.bucket[int]string">
1 #<struct Alloc size=6000, name="array of uint8">
1 #<struct Alloc size=60, name="single object of http.Server">
1 #<struct Alloc size=60, name="array of int">
1 #<struct Alloc size=5000, name="single object">
1 #<struct Alloc size=500, name="single object">
1 #<struct Alloc size=50, name="array of func(">
1 #<struct Alloc size=480, name="single object">
1 #<struct Alloc size=480, name="array of map.bucket[*http.Request]func(">
1 #<struct Alloc size=400, name="single object of crc32.Table">
1 #<struct Alloc size=400, name="array of yaml.fieldInfo">
1 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="single object of time.Ticker">
1 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="single object of struct { F uintptr; A0 *string; A1 *string; A2 *utils.MemoryStats; A3 *string; A4 *string; A5 *string; A6 *string }">
1 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="single object of logging.moduleLeveled">
1 #<struct Alloc size=40, name="array of uint16">
1 #<struct Alloc size=3700, name="single object">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of yaml.structInfo">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of url.Error">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of statsd.Client">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of rand.devReader">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of pem.Block">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[tls.alert]string">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[string]yaml.resolveMapItem">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[string]yaml.fieldInfo">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[string]map[string]int">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[string]logging.Level">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[string]float64">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[string][]*multipart.FileHeader">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[string]*regexp.Regexp">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[string]*opencv.Window">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[string]*">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[reflect.Type]*yaml.structInfo">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[int]func(">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[http.connectMethodKey]chan *http.persistConn">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[http.connectMethodKey][]*http.persistConn">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[http.ConnState]string">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[crypto.Hash][]uint8">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[*uint8][]uint8">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of map.hdr[*http.Request]func(">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="single object of main.MainHandler">
1 #<struct Alloc size=30, name="array of asn1.ObjectIdentifier">
1 #<struct Alloc size=280, name="array of syntax.Inst">
1 #<struct Alloc size=280, name="array of map.bucket[tls.alert]string">
1 #<struct Alloc size=280, name="array of map.bucket[http.connectMethodKey][]*http.persistConn">
1 #<struct Alloc size=240, name="array of uint8">
1 #<struct Alloc size=240, name="array of uint16">
1 #<struct Alloc size=240, name="array of map.bucket[string]string">
1 #<struct Alloc size=240, name="array of map.bucket[int]func(">
1 #<struct Alloc size=200000, name="array of uint8">
1 #<struct Alloc size=2000, name="channel of chan *resize.Request">
1 #<struct Alloc size=2000, name="channel of chan *download.Request">
1 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of rand.lockedSource">
1 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of main.ProxyHandler">
1 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of []x509.policyInformation">
1 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of []asn1.ObjectIdentifier">
1 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="single object of [18]uint8">
1 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="array of x509.policyInformation">
1 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="array of">
1 #<struct Alloc size=20, name="array of logging.part">
1 #<struct Alloc size=2, name="array of uint8">
1 #<struct Alloc size=1900, name="single object">
1 #<struct Alloc size=180, name="array of uint8">
1 #<struct Alloc size=180, name="array of string">
1 #<struct Alloc size=180, name="array of logging.part">
1 #<struct Alloc size=1500, name="single object of rand.rngSource">
1 #<struct Alloc size=140, name="single object">
1 #<struct Alloc size=1200, name="single object">
1 #<struct Alloc size=120, name="single object of map.bucket[string]string">
1 #<struct Alloc size=120, name="array of uint8">
1 #<struct Alloc size=120, name="array of map.bucket[string]string">
1 #<struct Alloc size=120, name="array of map.bucket[int]func(">
1 #<struct Alloc size=120, name="array of map.bucket[crypto.Hash][]uint8">
1 #<struct Alloc size=100000, name="array of uint8">
1 #<struct Alloc size=100, name="array of *x509.Certificate">
1 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of utils.MemoryStats">
1 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of struct { F uintptr; R *net.Dialer }">
1 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of rand.Rand">
1 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of logging.Logger">
1 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of logging.LogBackend">
1 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of ioutil.nopCloser">
1 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of [15]uint8">
1 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="single object of [14]uint8">
1 #<struct Alloc size=10, name="array of time.zoneTrans">
1 #<struct Alloc size=1, name="array of map.bucket[string]syntax.charGroup">
1 #<struct Alloc size=1, name="array of map.bucket[string]int">
1 #<struct Alloc size=1, name="array of map.bucket[string]http.muxEntry">
1 #<struct Alloc size=1, name="array of map.bucket[string]*unicode.RangeTable">
1 #<struct Alloc size=1, name="array of map.bucket[http.connectMethodKey]chan *http.persistConn">
1 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="single object of map.bucket[string]int">
1 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="single object of map.bucket[int]string">
1 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of map.bucket[string]yaml.resolveMapItem">
1 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of map.bucket[string]yaml.fieldInfo">
1 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of map.bucket[string]syntax.charGroup">
1 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of map.bucket[string]map[string]int">
1 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of map.bucket[string]logging.Level">
1 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of map.bucket[string]int">
1 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of map.bucket[string]float64">
1 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of map.bucket[string]*unicode.RangeTable">
1 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of map.bucket[string]*regexp.Regexp">
1 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of map.bucket[string]*opencv.Window">
1 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of map.bucket[string]*">
1 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of map.bucket[reflect.Type]*yaml.structInfo">
1 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of map.bucket[int]string">
1 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of map.bucket[http.ConnState]string">
1 #<struct Alloc size=0, name="array of logging.part">
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