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Last active September 4, 2018 20:40
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This is a quick gist for setting up simple Virtual Hosts with MAMP

Setting Up MAMP to have Virtual Hosts.

  • This will work with MAMP 2.1.1 on OSX Mountain Lion, no guarantee otherwise.
  • Virtual Hosts allow you to use readable URLs in your address bar to point to your local web projects instead of having to type "localhost:8888", etc.

Setting Up Mamp Application

  1. Install MAMP
  2. Launch Mamp & click on Preferences
  3. Click the Ports tab and click the Set to default Apache and MySQL ports button.
  • This will set your Apache Port to 80 and your MySQL Port to 3306
  1. Click the Apache tab to setup your Document Root
  • This will be where you are storing your websites. Though you don't necessarily have to put your sites in the folder specified (or the one you specifify) - you'll run into modrewrite issues with .htaccess files if you don't - and you'll have to manually modify apache.
  • In the long run, if you can help it, just set your Document Root to a specific folder, and keep all of your site folders within that directory.
  • I personally have a folder in my home directory called code that I put all my development projects in.
    • The directory location ends up being: /Users/{username}/code, specifically in my case: /Users/watts/code
      • remember this for later!

Modifying Apache to work with Virtual Hosts

  1. Find the MAMP folder in your Applications directory on your Mac. (/Applications/MAMP)
  2. Follow the folders: conf -> apache
  • You can also paste these commands into your Terminal application (found in Applications/Utilities), pressing return after each (this will open that directory in Finder)
    • cd /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache
    • open .
  1. In the apache folder, you'll see the file called httpd.conf
    • First, create a backup of the file called httpd.conf.bak
    • Next, open the original in a text editor
  • Find the line (around line 524) that has: # Virtual hosts

  • The line directly under it should say:

    • # Include /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
    • the line starts with #, meaning it is commented out -> Apache won't read it.
    • remove the '#' from that line to uncomment it so that Apache will now recognize the httpd-vhosts.conf file.
  • save and close that file.

Adding A Virtual Host

  • Before adding a virtual host, make a folder where you want your site code to be in your MAMP Document Root
  • In my case, for making a website called newsite - I would add a folder called newsite inside of /Users/{username}/code/
  1. In the apache folder, you'll see another folder called extra, open it.
  • Inside this folder, there will be a file called httpd-vhosts.conf
  • Create a backup of this file in the same fashion as before.
  • Open the original in your text editor.
  • You'll see a few examples - but they have some content that isn't necessary for a simple setup.
  • This is where you add your sites to be virtual hosts.
  1. Add the code below to the bottom of the file, substituting the necessary information for your own:
<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "/Users/watts/code/newsite"
    ServerName   newsite.local
  • The DocumentRoot is the directory of the website you are adding a Virtual Host for.
  • The ServerName is what you'll be calling for use in the web browser.

Adding A Virtual Host to your Hosts File

  1. Open your Terminal app (you can find it using Spotlight, or in /Applications/Utitilies)
  2. Inside of terminal, type sudo nano /etc/hosts
  • you will have to type your password, don't worry - it's normal for your password not to show :)
  • hit return
  • it will open up a text file in a Terminal-based text editor called Nano.
  • note: if you need a backup of your hosts file - you can find the default contents below
  1. Here is where we'll add the final step - the virtual host!
  2. Add the following code to the bottom of your hosts file, adjusting the name to align with the ServerName that you set in your httpd-vhosts.conf file. newsite.local
::1       newsite.local

Saving the Hosts File

  1. After you've added these lines, use the keys:
  • control+x (they key combination -> this exits Nano)
  • y (the y key -> to say yes, I want to save)
  • return (the return key -> to save the file as the same filename)
  • then type: exit into the terminal to close it.

Last Steps

  1. If all is said and done, all you should need to do now is:
  • Restart Mamp
  • Head to "http://newsite.local/" in your web browser! (or whatever you chose to call your site)


Default Hosts File

-- just in case!

# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry.
## localhost broadcasthost
::1             localhost
fe80::1%lo0 localhost
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