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Created May 25, 2021 14:40
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An attempt at modelling the process behind
@base <http://localhost:1234/> .
@prefix cito: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix fabio: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix frbr: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix part: <> .
@prefix prism: <> .
@prefix pro: <> .
@prefix pso: <> .
@prefix pwo: <> .
@prefix taskex: <> .
@prefix ti: <> .
@prefix tisit: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
# The preprint itself
a fabio:ResearchPaper ;
a fabio:Article ;
prism:doi "10.1101/149617" ;
prism:publicationDate "2017-06-13"^^xsd:date ;
prism:versionIdentifier "1" ;
dcterms:title "Pleistocene climate change and the formation of regional species pools" ;
frbr:realizationOf <pleistocene-climate-change> ;
a fabio:Article ;
prism:doi "10.1101/149617" ;
prism:publicationDate "2018-02-13"^^xsd:date ;
prism:versionIdentifier "2" ;
dcterms:title "Pleistocene climate change and the formation of regional species pools" ;
frbr:realizationOf <pleistocene-climate-change> ;
a fabio:Article ;
prism:doi "10.1101/149617" ;
prism:publicationDate "2018-05-11"^^xsd:date ;
prism:versionIdentifier "3" ;
dcterms:title "Pleistocene climate change and the formation of regional species pools" ;
frbr:realizationOf <pleistocene-climate-change> ;
a fabio:Article ;
prism:doi "10.1101/149617" ;
prism:publicationDate "2018-06-04"^^xsd:date ;
prism:versionIdentifier "4" ;
dcterms:title "Pleistocene climate change and the formation of regional species pools" ;
frbr:realizationOf <pleistocene-climate-change> ;
# The published recommendation of the preprint
a fabio:ReviewArticle ;
prism:doi "10.24072/pci.evolbiol.100053" ;
prism:publicationDate "2020-07-29"^^xsd:date ;
dcterms:title "Recent assembly of European biogeographic species pool" ;
frbr:realizationOf [
a fabio:Review ;
cito:citesAsRecommendedReading <pleistocene-climate-change> ;
cito:reviews <10.1101/149617v3>
] ;
pro:isDocumentContextFor <fabien-condamine> ;
# Round 1
a fabio:Comment ;
dcterms:created "2017-11-28T15:59:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
frbr:realizationOf [
a fabio:Review ;
cito:reviews <10.1101/149617v1>
] ;
a fabio:Comment ;
dcterms:created "2017-11-28T15:59:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
frbr:realizationOf [
a fabio:Review ;
cito:reviews <10.1101/149617v1>
] ;
a fabio:Comment ;
dcterms:created "2017-11-28T15:59:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
frbr:realizationOf [
a fabio:Review ;
cito:reviews <10.1101/149617v1>
] ;
a fabio:Letter ;
frbr:realizationOf [
a fabio:Opinion ;
cito:reviews <10.1101/149617v1> ;
cito:extends <pci-evolbio-79-round-1-review-1> , <pci-evolbio-79-round-1-review-2> , <pci-evolbio-79-round-1-review-3> ;
] ;
pro:isDocumentContextFor <fabien-condamine> ;
a fabio:Letter ;
dcterms:created "2018-02-13"^^xsd:date ;
frbr:realizationOf [
a fabio:Reply ;
cito:repliesTo <pci-evolbio-79-round-1-decision> ;
] ;
# Round 2
a fabio:Comment ;
dcterms:created "2018-02-21T18:43:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
frbr:realizationOf [
a fabio:Review ;
cito:reviews <10.1101/149617v2>
] ;
a fabio:Letter ;
frbr:realizationOf [
a fabio:Opinion ;
cito:reviews <10.1101/149617v2> ;
cito:extends <pci-evolbio-79-round-2-review-1> ;
] ;
pro:isDocumentContextFor <fabien-condamine> ;
a fabio:Letter ;
dcterms:created "2018-05-12"^^xsd:date ;
frbr:realizationOf [
a fabio:Reply ;
cito:repliesTo <pci-evolbio-79-round-2-decision> ;
] ;
# The process that it went through
# Step 1: Submission
a pwo:Step ;
taskex:isExecutedIn <submission-action> ;
pwo:needs <10.1101/149617v1> ;
pwo:produces <submitted-status> ;
pwo:hasNextStep <round-1-review-step> ;
a pwo:Action ;
tisit:atTime [
a ti:TimeInterval ;
ti:hasIntervalDate "2017-06-14"^^xsd:date ;
] ;
part:hasParticipant <10.1101/149617v1> ;
a pso:StatusInTime ;
pso:isStatusHeldBy <10.1101/149617v1> ;
pso:isAcquiredAsConsequenceOf <submission-action> ;
pso:withStatus pso:submitted ;
# Step 2: Review round 1
a pwo:Step ;
taskex:isExecutedIn <round-1-review-action> ;
pwo:needs <10.1101/149617v1> , <submitted-status> ;
pwo:produces <round-1-under-review-status> , <pci-evolbio-79-round-1-review-1> , <pci-evolbio-79-round-1-review-2> , <pci-evolbio-79-round-1-review-3> ;
pwo:hasPreviousStep <submission-step> ;
pwo:hasNextStep <round-1-decision-step> ;
a pwo:Action ;
part:hasParticipant <reviewer-1> , <reviewer-2> , <reviewer-3> , <10.1101/149617v1> ;
a pso:StatusInTime ;
pso:isStatusHeldBy <10.1101/149617v1> ;
pso:withStatus pso:under-review ;
# Step 3: Round 1 decision
a pwo:Step ;
taskex:isExecutedIn <round-1-review-action> ;
pwo:needs <round-1-under-review-status> , <pci-evolbio-79-round-1-review-1> , <pci-evolbio-79-round-1-review-2> , <pci-evolbio-79-round-1-review-3> , <10.1101/149617v1> ;
pwo:produces <round-1-reviewed-status> , <pci-evolbio-79-round-1-decision> ;
pwo:hasPreviousStep <round-1-review-step> ;
pwo:hasNextStep <round-1-reply-step> ;
a pwo:Action ;
part:hasParticipant <> , <pci-evolbio-79-round-1-review-1> , <pci-evolbio-79-round-1-review-2> , <pci-evolbio-79-round-1-review-3> , <10.1101/149617v1> ;
a pso:StatusInTime ;
pso:isStatusHeldBy <10.1101/149617v1> ;
pso:withStatus pso:reviewed ; # note this is different to pso:peer-reviewed
# Step 4: Review round 1 reply
a pwo:Step ;
taskex:isExecutedIn <round-1-reply-action> ;
pwo:needs <round-1-reviewed-status> , <10.1101/149617v2> ;
pwo:produces <round-2-reply-status> , <pci-evolbio-79-round-1-reply> ;
pwo:hasNextStep <round-2-review-step> ;
a pwo:Action ;
tisit:atTime [
a ti:TimeInterval ;
ti:hasIntervalDate "2018-02-13"^^xsd:date ;
] ;
part:hasParticipant <pci-evolbio-79-round-1-reply> , <10.1101/149617v2> ;
a pso:StatusInTime ;
pso:isStatusHeldBy <10.1101/149617v2> ;
pso:isAcquiredAsConsequenceOf <round-1-reply-action> ;
pso:withStatus pso:submitted ;
# Step 4: Review round 2
a pwo:Step ;
taskex:isExecutedIn <round-2-review-action> ;
pwo:needs <round-2-reply-status> , <10.1101/149617v2> , <submitted-status> ;
pwo:produces <round-2-under-review-status> , <pci-evolbio-79-round-2-review-1> ;
pwo:hasPreviousStep <round-1-reply-step> ;
pwo:hasNextStep <round-2-decision-step> ;
a pwo:Action ;
part:hasParticipant <reviewer-1> , <10.1101/149617v2> ;
a pso:StatusInTime ;
pso:isStatusHeldBy <10.1101/149617v2> ;
pso:withStatus pso:under-review ;
# Step 5: Round 2 decision
a pwo:Step ;
taskex:isExecutedIn <round-2-review-action> ;
pwo:needs <round-2-under-review-status> , <pci-evolbio-79-round-2-review-1> , <10.1101/149617v2> ;
pwo:produces <round-2-reviewed-status> , <pci-evolbio-79-round-2-decision> ;
pwo:hasPreviousStep <round-2-review-step> ;
pwo:hasNextStep <round-2-review-step> ;
a pwo:Action ;
part:hasParticipant <> , <pci-evolbio-79-round-2-review-1> , <10.1101/149617v2> ;
a pso:StatusInTime ;
pso:isStatusHeldBy <10.1101/149617v2> ;
pso:withStatus pso:peer-reviewed ;
# People involved
a pro:RoleInTime ;
pro:isHeldBy [
a foaf:Person ;
foaf:givenName "Fabien" ;
foaf:familyName "Condamine" ;
owl:sameAs <> ;
] ;
pro:withRole pro:author ;
a frbr:Person ;
a frbr:Person ;
a frbr:Person ;
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