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Created May 15, 2020 21:48
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Generate a Markdown changelog from commits between recent tags that use the ITK commit prefixes
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print('Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' <>')
output_file = sys.argv[1]
with open(output_file, 'a') as fp:
tags = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'tag', '--sort=taggerdate']).decode('utf-8')
recent_tags = tags.split()[-2:]
previous_tag = recent_tags[0]
current_tag = recent_tags[1]
version = current_tag[1:]
fp.write('## Changes from {0} to {1}\n'.format(previous_tag, current_tag))
subjects = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'log', '--pretty=%s:%h',
'--no-merges', '{0}..{1}'.format(previous_tag, current_tag)]).decode('utf-8')
bug_fixes = []
platform_fixes = []
doc_updates = []
enhancements = []
performance_improvements = []
style_changes = []
for subject in subjects.split('\n'):
prefix = subject.split(':')[0]
commit = subject.split(':')[-1]
if prefix == 'BUG':
description = subject.split(':')[1]
bug_fixes.append((description, commit))
elif prefix == 'COMP':
description = subject.split(':')[1]
platform_fixes.append((description, commit))
elif prefix == 'DOC':
description = subject.split(':')[1]
doc_updates.append((description, commit))
elif prefix == 'ENH':
description = subject.split(':')[1]
enhancements.append((description, commit))
elif prefix == 'PERF':
description = subject.split(':')[1]
performance_improvements.append((description, commit))
elif prefix == 'STYLE':
description = subject.split(':')[1]
style_changes.append((description, commit))
commit_link_prefix = ''
if enhancements:
fp.write('\n### Enhancements\n\n')
for subject, commit in enhancements:
if subject.find('Bump itkwidgets version for development') != -1:
fp.write('- {0}'.format(subject))
fp.write(' ([{0}]({1}{0}))\n'.format(commit, commit_link_prefix))
if performance_improvements:
fp.write('\n### Performance Improvements\n\n')
for subject, commit in performance_improvements:
fp.write('- {0}'.format(subject))
fp.write(' ([{0}]({1}{0}))\n'.format(commit, commit_link_prefix))
if doc_updates:
fp.write('\n### Documentation Updates\n\n')
for subject, commit in doc_updates:
fp.write('- {0}'.format(subject))
fp.write(' ([{0}]({1}{0}))\n'.format(commit, commit_link_prefix))
if platform_fixes:
fp.write('\n### Platform Fixes\n\n')
for subject, commit in platform_fixes:
fp.write('- {0}'.format(subject))
fp.write(' ([{0}]({1}{0}))\n'.format(commit, commit_link_prefix))
if bug_fixes:
fp.write('\n### Bug Fixes\n\n')
for subject, commit in bug_fixes:
fp.write('- {0}'.format(subject))
fp.write(' ([{0}]({1}{0}))\n'.format(commit, commit_link_prefix))
if style_changes:
fp.write('\n### Style Changes\n\n')
for subject, commit in style_changes:
fp.write('- {0}'.format(subject))
fp.write(' ([{0}]({1}{0}))\n'.format(commit, commit_link_prefix))
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