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Created December 20, 2018 05:03
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The guide to unit testing in Swift with Apollo and GraphQL Part 2

How To Mock Apollo within unit tests πŸš€

Now that we have a functioning swift service which returns us name-spaced domain models, we can design a testing strategy for this class. First, we want to consider if mocking GraphQL fully is worth it to you. For example, could just you create a mock object which conforms to ApolloInterface, and write your unit tests from there.

Instead, we are going to mock the Apollo client, and actually execute the Apollo queries with stubbed raw JSON. This is ideal because we actually test how our code interacts with Apollo. Additionally, you can use the JSON and the mocked NetworkTransport object to simulate failed network or parsing states within unit testing, allowing us to gain more test coverage over the World.Store networking object.

This testing strategy is borrowed from the Apollo-iOS test suite, which you can view the source for here .

First, let's look at the mocked NetworkTransport object:

This class provides a mocked networking operation utilizing Dispatch to simulate an asynchronous network process. You can also simulate a network failure.

Next, let's add some mocked components for Apollo. We will start with the cache.

This class allows us to simulate the Apollo cache, and we can actually initialize this object with raw JSON to represent the cache state at the beginning of our unit test. This is useful for testing Apollo's different caching strategies. Here are the caching policies available to you with Apollo, and each caching strategies descriptions.

We could potentially call our service methods with any of the below caching policies, and we may want to make sure that using .fetchIgnoringCacheData actually returns from the network as apposed to the cache.

We won't go over having an initial cache state in this article.

Next, we will add the cache provider class. This object provides us with the ability to configure the mock cache object asynchronously.

In order to actually use this mocked ApolloClient within a test, let's extend XCTestCase for connivence. This will make our mocked client easily accessible within our unit tests.

Now that we have our components to mock the ApolloClient together, we need to create the resources which the server would return normally to Apollo. This data will consist of JSON, with a few added properties.

Fetching raw data from a GraphQL server πŸš› πŸ“¦

At its core, the GraphQL server just returns a JSON payload through POST requests. In order to get this data, let's use the bash command curl to send a post request to the GraphQL server to retrieve the raw JSON.

This yields a JSON string which you can put through a formatter, or just pipe the result of this curl command to jq for json formatting.

Be sure to ensure you have added a __typename key within the GraphQL query. If you forget to add the __typename key, Apollo will fail to parse your JSON data.

From there, we add our server returned JSON payload into the mock GraphQL query enum . The cases of this enum represent the queries we could be making, and this allows us to add more queries for testing in the future.

Actually writing the XCTestCase unit testing class πŸ’―

And now, with all of our required mocked classes and stubbed server JSON, let us write an actual unit test. The first test we write will test a successful network call and parse, this is the application's happy path.

Next, we will write a test to see what happens when we receive a .network error from an Apollo network failure. This will simulate the phone loosing connection mid call, a network timeout, or another networking related error.

From there, we add a unit test to check the .parsing error path. This could happen if GraphQL returns invalid JSON to the device. This path needs to be tested because our service code optionally unwraps GraphQL fragments into our domain model objects.

That covers our CountriesQuery GraphQL operation, next we need to write the same 3 tests for our CountryQuery.

πŸ˜… That was a lot of tests. We now have 6 unit tests, covering our World.Store object's methods and achieving 97.5% coverage. Not 98%, but close!

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